B.o.B Reveals Strange Clouds Release Date

B.o.B isn’t slowing down for 2012 and announced the release date for his sophomore set. Be sure to march to your local retailers on 03-13-12.

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  1. Jamel says:

    Hope it ain’t as commercial as the first

    In other news 50 has just done a deal with Pepsi For Street King

  2. JustMyOpinion says:

    ^ Don’t hold your breath. B.O.B is as commercial as they come.

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  4. whaaaa.bittc says:

    200 000 1 week

  5. Attack The French says:

    I swear BoB didn’t annoy me this much 2 years ago. Even with all the pop songs, he still kinda went in his own direction at least. The problem is that it worked, I think, and Atlantic has tried their hardest to make every rap album since sound exactly like The Adventures of Bobby Ray (see: Lasers, No Mercy, Rolling Papers, and while I realize he’s not a rapper, Bruno Mars’s album targeted the exact same audience). Idk what exactly it is, I just know that I’ve switched to Air Max’s since his fruity-ass Adidas commercials started coming on, and I can’t stand “Strange Clouds” or really anything from EPIC.

  6. Attack The French says:

    And just for the record, because I can see this one coming a mile away: No, I don’t support Odd Future. I’m just not really a fan of hipster rap no matter how it’s packaged, and I find it ironic that BoB and Odd Future both fall so neatly into that category.

  7. MegaMan says:

    Fuck the so-called “real” hip hop fans. I love pop music. I love it more than hip hop.

  8. Smoke screen says:

    Nobody cares about a bob album….

  9. LKBZ says:

    Fuck this nigga, B.o.B is just another Pop artist trying to cover it.

  10. KoldCase says:

    i like b.o.b he can rap

    i feel yall on the pop hate

    but its not to bad

  11. Donn says:

    Ima fan but all the stuff he’s released from this album has sucked and I dnt know why he cant focus and gimme Airplanes, Nothin On You and Magic again.

  12. FUCK YMCMB says:

    clearly this nigga is over….20k first week

  13. firealarm says:

    LOL @ you stupid fuckers thinking B.o.B will flop

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