’11 Underrated Albums: #1 Yelawolf Radioactive

Yelawolf signed at the right place (Shady Records), but his debut album Radioactive, fell at the wrong time. From the backwoods of Gadsden, Alabama, Yela’s All-American charm shines on (“Made In The U.S.A.” and “Let’s Roll”). He successfully goes against the grain with unlikely collabos (“Hard White”, “Throw It Up”) while challenging programming directors everywhere (“Radio”). And oh yeah, he makes songs for bitches too (“Good Girl” and “Hardest Love Song In The World”). Recognize game and pick up Radioactive now.

Previously: # 5 Tech N9ne All 6”s And 7′s | #4 Killer Mike  Pl3dge | #3 Saigon Greatest Story Never Told | #2 DJ Quik The Book Of David

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  1. thatdude says:

    yyyyyyyyuuuuup! I knew i loved RR for a reason – u dudes are smart.

  2. jonnybizness says:

    Did Rosenberg get in your ear Yn

  3. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    RR got it right ! Yelawolf album is nice. Shady Records baby !

  4. Word says:

    How did it fall at the wrong time? Cuz of Drake, Cole, and Wale’s albums?

  5. Jaymalls says:

    this shit was mediocre at best… i guess different strokes for different folks. (PAUSE!)

  6. RN (( Real Nigga )) says:

    RR’s boss made him like the album.

  7. jburg says:

    Shit was crazy dope!!

  8. FLATLINE says:

    First off lol @RapRadar with this bullshit ass top underrated album thing. Yelawolf is ass, period. He will eventually be dropped like Ca$his because just like Ca$his Yelawolf FUCKING SUCKS. FUCK this bullshit ass album with the WORST Em verse in history (except maybe “Touchdown” off of T.I. vs. T.I.P.) And rap radar I am let down and embarrassed of you as a site. We ALL KNOW you are pro shady records but goddamn enough is enough smh… #RapRadarIsShit

  9. M.T says:

    RR got that right. Dismissed this album at first but it was def fire.

  10. FAIL says:


  11. Hip-Hop Fiend says:

    Lmfao… I just said on the last post Radioactive and Blue Side Park was the most disappointed albums. What was so great about this shit. Niggas be sleeping on Shabazz Palaces “Black Up” and Childish Gambino “Camp”. Those were the most underrated albums of 2011.

  12. thatdude says:

    childish gambino “camp” are you serious? shutup

  13. RN (( Real Nigga )) says:

    you guys don’t understand… RR was an unemployed writer until Pauly The Jew came in and funded his blog idea. he has no choice. the rent has got to get paid.

  14. E says:

    Really? No CAMP. C’mon mannnnnn.

  15. Hip-Hop Fiend says:

    ^ Yea Bitch nigga. Just what we need more white rappers acting like they don’t respect. Yelawolf ain’t weak but he didn’t do big numbers because niggas don’t fuck with his music like. I mean when a white rapper flobs in this day an age its saying something. No more new wigger rappers in 2012.

  16. BIG MO says:

    Yea CAMP shouldve been #1. Take that haters.

  17. Dru says:

    @hip hop fiend… Ha! No more wigger rappers. Yea that trend gotta stop.

  18. Word says:

    ….Yall niggas including FREE albums on the year end album list? We talking albums that actually came out. CAMP was digital and free. Likewise,I prolly wouldnt expect Section80 on the Best of list cuz it was a free album but maybe. Or should they count that as a mixtape? Hey, maybe CAMP will end up on the Mixtape list. Who knows.

  19. WINDYCITYG72 says:

    This Album was very very good way better than wale’s album hands down Yela got talent. this is the most underrated album of 2011 . he’s better than mac miller and MGK and alot of other rappers too

  20. The Greatest Story Never Told by Saigon
    Is the most under rated.

  21. BrianEye82 says:

    i thought the album kinda sucked, as well as his verse in the 2011 BET cypher. This guys music is just not doin it for me.

  22. BIG MO says:

    Free or not. Still an album. So it shouldve made the list.

  23. RedClayTN says:

    Been following Yela’s work from about 4-5months before Trunk Muzik 1 dropped, I was hooked.
    But like many fans of Yela I was a little sad when I played Radioactive the first time from start to end, It had been pushed back a few times.
    We had all the teasers from “leaks” or singles. When it came to down it, a album that should have had a late spring/early summer release date got put out in the fall, when big banking artist were dropping albums within a week or two of his first major album, also adding on the fact many new fans & old were wanting and expecting a album full of the same material that had fed them for the past year or longer, myself included.

    Well after my first total shock with the album, by the 3rd time I had played it I was hooked, the album is solid, gives a southern white boy living with the same issues and bullshit as all the people in the lifestyle or situation.

  24. Tucq says:

    This was #1 on the DISAPPOINTING list for me.
    I’m a Yela fan and I wasn’t feelin this album.

  25. Brooklyn says:

    Camp wasn’t free I have my physical copy dumb fuck.

  26. Peekay says:

    sure you didn’t mean to put the under Most Disappointing Albums? I know you and Interscope are tight, but this really wasn’t very good.

  27. Hip-Hop Fiend says:

    @Word What the fuck are you talking about Camp was not free get your facts straight. Camp was Gambino’s first album to be in stores. It dropped Nov. 15 same day as Take Care. But your mainstream niggas was prolly caught into the Drake hype. RR need to reconize real hip-hop.

  28. CB says:

    Am I the only one who thought Camp sucked?

  29. theonewhoknows says:

    some of his songs were lame on here. Radio sounds like an LFO (90s boyband) song forreal. And I like the album cover, but he should’ve used a real photo of himself, not a drawing from when he was 5. Some people have heard Yelawolf’s music, but dont know what he looks like. Prior to Radioactive, I had hopes that Yela would be as big as Eminem one day… now I’m not so sure. I’ll always buy his music and support him since I’m a fan.

  30. Brooklyn says:

    @CB Yes you are the only one who thinks that, so go kill yourself fuck boy.

  31. Yung Silv says:

    album was average and u didn’t speak on the best song “get away” & other standouts “everything i love the most” and “animal”. . . hook on “made in the usa” is unbearable & “good girl” sounds like a lasers track . . .. album was solid but he did a poor job connecting w/ fans

  32. KoldCase says:

    camp was amazing

  33. casper21 says:

    I’m a yella fan, bought my copy of trunk muzik then this first day out, and honestly I think trunk muzik had more replay value in the whip than this record. I was really pumped from hard white and roll on, could’ve been massive nation wide singles jammed down the throats of everyone bumping mainstream radio, but even shady records couldn’t make that happen. But honestly, aside from maybe 2 or 3 joints beyond the singles, I’m disappointed with the album, the boy’s got skills no doubt, but chasing a mainstream audience with most of this album was a mistake, I’m hoping for better material next time around. If I had downloaded this first and listened to it 10-15 times, I wouldn’t have bought it.

  34. Night of the living fred says:

    Sick delivery, story telling, he’s got singles, ALOT, nice production & features. What I liked most was that Homie brought u into his world but with a solid organized ridiculous flow. I bought this the day it came out. Fools hella slept on yelawoof! He got melodic hooks, personal songs, I wore Radioactive out in a week cuz I listened to it so much. Perhaps the image went over peoples heads, pull a Wiz Khalifa and grind even harder now to cement Yo self.

  35. King says:

    i agree…but Book Of David should have been no.1

  36. Dope Boy Fresh says:

    A bunch of Ya’ll clowns are nothing but Racists..
    tryin to act hard and use Ghetto words…when your on Daddy’s computer blogging!!
    Yelawolf is dope. I prefer listening to Yela instead of wale, mac, meek, etc.

  37. Jason Alston says:

    I’m so sick of hip hop that it’s hard for me to wade through all the mess these days to spend money on something I’ll actually like, but I know if you guys gave some love to DJ Quik, you truly know how to wade through the crap and give people good recommendations. Having said that, I’ll trust in your list here and pick up these other 4 albums (I already have Book of David of course). Thanks!

  38. Kemosabi says:

    Just call an L an L homies lol ain’t shit underrated about that shit coincidentally there’s nothing no.1 about it either

  39. R says:

    Reks was the most slept on! This album hot a little too commercial pop bullshit doe Rapradar is sucking someone off

  40. GemmyTheKid says:

    How much did Paul Rosenberg pay you to make Yelawolf number 1 Bdot? SMFH you bum

  41. Father Of Rap says:

    Camp is obivously the most slept on album of the 2011. Yelawolf??? Fuck Outta Here wit that bullshit. Rap Radar can you please keep your ears to the street this year not just co sign that is associated with Jay-Z and Eminem.

  42. Big LG says:

    This album was pretty dissapointing.

  43. donnie_d says:

    its cos of that wack ass cover what is that shit? looks like a cheap as design job

  44. Chi-City says:


  45. Yooo says:

    Let me guess, this was Paul Rosenberg’s decision?

  46. The Awkward Truth says:

    Y’all serious? This album was horrible…i know the site is in Shady’s (via Paul Rosenberg) pocket…but word? It has like 3 albums early and then a bunch of crap pop songs at the end


  47. Put your battles where your rhymes is says:

    These NY cats. Swear they got the next star evey fucking day. This album has top 40 power with like 9 tracks to use on the radio. Not some i trap i rob i slang look at my chain shit

    Its actual music. But ghetto mutherfucking opinions like these haters shouldnt even be using a computer if they was really that hood wit it

    And gtfoh with that shabazz shit. Pro black space music has no place here. Go get you some target money ish

  48. DBird says:

    Hell Yeah RapRadar i was hoping this would be number 1…Don’t care what the rest of yall say the album is dope cover to cover can’t say i’ve gone a day without listening to at least 2 or 3 songs since it came out….can’t say the same for The Carter 4, Take Care or really any of these other albums that sold big numbers…..and that Em verse is dope for whichever one of you said it sucked maybe you should read the lyrics if your not able to pick up on how he killed that shit to the max

  49. ami says:

    huge yela fan, but this album was ass…. his mixtapes were way better

  50. DJ Game says:

    I don’t know. I was a big fan of the Trunk Muzik tape but to me it seems Yelawolf fell off before he could even release a debut. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan but garbage is garbage. Maybe I had high hopes for this lp but not every track was fire. Cole World, Section 80 and that Big Boi album were all hotter in my opinion Nd those are three different types of hip hop acts.

  51. @KingofTeez (twitter) says:

    this shit was garb.. wash your ears out.

  52. reallyreally says:

    Album was fire. over. done with. #stfu with all that bullish bullspit from your anti-Slumerican bully pulpit. if you really wanna kick it with drake so much- easy! just move to canada. easy visa. no biggie. No ID required. drake and beiber said they are all about dat 1/2 way pop, 1/2 way R&B flava. Lol. Beiber fever!

    Holler at Yela someone do’- that Radioactive was FIRE. Not as good as Trunk Muzic? I disagree but I understand…. This EP was a great one. But just wait until the next Yelawolf album.

  53. axen says:

    respects to yela, but seriously where the fuck is hopsin on any of these lists, hes so fucking underrated

  54. Will says:

    Good album to me. And quit with the dumb dogmatic viewpoints & the Rosenburg crap. Opinions are opinions

  55. […] #1 Yelawolf Radioactive | #2 DJ Quik The Book Of David  | #3 Saigon Greatest Story Never Told  | #4 Killer Mike  Pl3dge  | # 5 Tech N9ne All 6”s And 7′s […]

  56. […] #1 Yelawolf Radioactive | #2 DJ Quik The Book Of David  | #3 Saigon Greatest Story Never Told  | #4 Killer Mike  Pl3dge  | # 5 Tech N9ne All 6”s And 7′s […]

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