’11 Worst Singles: #2 YC x Future “Racks”

Yeah it got the people going and even got a name drop from The Throne, but let’s face it: this song is just wack on wack on wack. The melody is infectious, but what thee fuck are these guys talkin’ about?! We dare you rap geniuses to transcribe these trivial lyrics. Ha! The groove got our feet moving but our ears are bleeding. Help! Money over mumble rap.

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  1. TheRealBigHomie says:

    Song is piff brehs, don’t hate.

  2. Miss Dimplez says:

    The genius behind songs like “Racks”, “Tony Montana” and “O Let’s Do It” is no matter how seemingly horrible the craftsmanship of the songs may be, they were still successful records. #MumbleRapWin #StruggleRapBack

  3. FlocKaveLLi says:

    Def wack as shit but catchy. “make me proud” with nicki’s wack ass verse should have an honorable mention on this list tho

  4. dmc says:

    this song is easier to listen to than, “ima boss”…..only by a little tho.
    both songs are terrible btw

  5. get bucks says:

    This song was cool to me…

  6. […] “Work Out“ l #3 Lil Wayne “How To Love” l #2 YC x Future “Racks“ Share […]

  7. LO says:

    This song was poppin.. Im convinced RapRadar just doesnt fuck with Future. He prolly finesed em out some bands or somethin.. Future Go Hard

  8. Fuck Ya Life says:

    RR got one right cuz this shit was wack all around.

  9. DUGEE F BULLER says:

    got a campaign goin so strong..spendin money while talkin on da phone..got a car no keys press start..got a dog dat dont eem bark!…this is CLASSIC!..hahahahaha..i love this song for the fact..none..i REPEAT!..none of that shyt made sense..hahahahahaha

  10. TROLLiver says:

    ^^^ EXACTLY!haha

  11. Matt says:


  12. […] Future “Tony Montana“ | #2 YC x Future “Racks“ | #3 Lil Wayne “How To Love“ | #4 J.Cole “Work Out“ | #5 Kreayshawn “Gucci […]

  13. […] Future “Tony Montana“ | #2 YC x Future “Racks“ | #3 Lil Wayne “How To Love“ | #4 J.Cole “Work Out“ | #5 Kreayshawn “Gucci […]

  14. […] Future “Tony Montana“ | #2 YC x Future “Racks“ | #3 Lil Wayne “How To Love“ | #4 J.Cole “Work Out“ | #5 Kreayshawn “Gucci […]

  15. I know don’t what the hell are they talking about but this song was wack on wack on wack.

  16. b0ren0i says:

    i’m not agree with@rapradar on this one! i danced on it

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