1. waloo says:

    Kid cudis weird -__-

  2. KENAN says:

    i love cudi but who gives a shit about this ?? todays all about that new bitch paris. what a DEBUT!

  3. Jack says:

    Tht shit wack…
    Ain’t it jay?
    What she ordered?
    Fish fillet

  4. Kid cudi is cool,but this cover deserves a C’MON SON!


  5. Kubaa says:

    DOPE LITTLE graphic…..lol
    ..In honor of Steve Jobs Death http://t.co/3OYW6CM Apple giving away iPads 4 next 24hrs only.. I GOT 2 LOL

  6. So Icy Boy! says:

    I like rock muzik like Nickelback,Kid Rock,Green Day,Fall Out Boy,Metallica,n da Jonas Bothas. Kid Cudi isnt a real rock artist. Wayne’z Rebirth wuz a rock classic. swag

  7. Lol Omg says:

    @So Icy Boy! The Jonas Brothers?! They a rock band? You are really an idiot lmao. They are pure trash. The only song I bothered to listen to was the one with Eminem because it was alright. As for the bands you like, half of them are only decent LOL.

  8. Call says:

    ^Every website should come with the working definition of a “Troll” stamped across the top of the screen.

  9. Truth says:

    don’t feed the troll.

  10. Joeycrack says:

    People don’t give credit to cudi enough..he’s very dedicated on what he wants to do and you could only except that..it’s not like was this great rapper that now wants to do music..in my eyes this rock will still be similar to his other albums

  11. [url=http://www.myspace.com/onepercentfree]http://www.myspace.com/onepercentfree[/url] says:

    [WZRD] +9 reps

  12. http://www.woostercollective.com/ says:


  13. ill nigga says:

    please check out the video and support

  14. Kemosabi says:

    Less is more sometimes. I like it I’m sure the album will be a good one

  15. MegaMan says:

    8. Where Did You Sleep Last Night ???


    “Where Did You Sleep Last Night” is the 14th track off of Nirvana’s ‘MTV Unplugged in New York.’
    Kid Cudi is obsessed with Kurt Cobain.

    Lil Wayne was the first black rocker. You should be original next time, Cudi!

  16. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    “The Upper Room” Wonder if he’s going to sample that Mahalia Jackson song.

  17. watever says:

    @MegaMan lilwayne first black rocker? lol u are fucking dumb black people started rock n roll and then white people took it over

  18. MegaMan says:


    Rock & Roll is not Rock. They are two far removed entities!

  19. The Guy says:

    @Lol OMG
    “The only song I bothered to listen to was the one with Eminem”

    What the fuck are you talking kid

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  21. t says:

    so much hate and we havent even heard it yet

    im lookin forward to it tho and ten bucks says its better than rebirth

  22. Sugarshane says:

    Damn this megaman dude is one of those clowns that ruins comment sections. Kid cudi has and always will bore me.

  23. Talley says:

    Can’t wait.
    Brake and Teleport 2 Me are so dope.

  24. Tokyo Tony says:

    Lupe fiasco (goat) common ghostface best to ever do it

  25. ECU says:

    i was lookin forward to that “rocket” song he said was gonna be a single. another artist that cant keep his word

  26. AEMeezy says:

    does anyone really still care about this dork?

  27. leo says:

    Hey man, all we want is repetitive sonics and content about nothing. What do you think you’re doing Cudi? You’re music is endangering my comfort zone, so I’m going to keep being ignorant until I understand what you’re doing.

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