Diggy Announces Album Title & Date

Diggy Simmons album has been in the works for a while now. Last week, he released a quick clip to announce the title,

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  1. Dr. Dre's Ass says:

    No One Cares Anymore

  2. Sarcastic A$$hole says:

    Look forward to this album… NOT!

  3. uhuh says:

    i hope he doesnt end like bow wow when he grow up

  4. Gambino says:

    Diggy is dope. His song with Jeremih is huge right now and the bitches love him. I don’t understand why yall gotta hate.

  5. ChosenOne11 says:

    He ain’t gon flop

  6. cheddar bob, BITCH says:

    no one should care about this unoriginal fool. but i guess because he came from revs nutsack we, the consumer, are forced to swallow it? i feel violated that he’s being shoved down our throat.

    fuck off amaya. i know youre reading this. you wouldnt like to get raped, so why are you raping us with this shit.

  7. The Truth says:

    This will be better than most albums that come out this year. Diggy the future.

  8. really? says:

    this kid has some nerve naming his album unexpected arrival

  9. JustMyOpinion says:

    *yawn* Any-who…….So, when will we get some snow on the east coast?

  10. Black Shady says:

    LMAO this nigga came out with the MADE YOU LOOK freestyle – “OH SHIT HE’S THE BEST SHIT EVER”

    now he announces his album title and date – ” FUCK THAT NIGGA. WHO CARES? HE’S REV’s SON”

    yall fans are unbelievable. im not even looking forward to his shit…but let the nigga live..

  11. ppppp says:

    “A rich black kid talks about a bunch of shit no one cares about”

  12. JT Money says:

    kids will care and they buy. old rap heads always forget about when they were kids too.

    it’s shame he was like 4 years old when a dude like red cafe was trying to get in the game and diggy will be out with an album b4 him lol!

  13. Brooklyn says:

    Damn hating ass niggas sound like bitter rappers that never made it. Yall mad huh! This kid can actully spit, watch him do numbers while your favorite rapper is in a basement studio somewhere with no release date waiting to flop.

  14. Alaska desert says:

    im awaiting the new killer Tyler Creator album thats my only anticipation fuck this nigga and Frank Oceans shit is also anticipated lemmy get a random ass dope mixtape of a cold nigga

  15. More Money says:

    The only chance this kid will pop off is it signs to YMCMB.. aint kids checking for anything outside YM.

  16. JMillionaire says:

    Queens, NY

  17. MJT HOE says:

    he famous for 3 reasons

    1) his poppy

    2) bitches like him

    3) runs house

  18. Kunta Kente says:

    I bet this will be straight fire.

  19. Kemosabi says:

    Lol black shady said it all

  20. Dtown westide says:

    IF this nigga stay loyal and underground he goin 2 gain allot of niggas atention if he make craps songs like copy and paste everyone will take him as a joke and only little girls will listen to him lol.. but i guess that the way if u wanna gain music…. make tracks for lil girls—- if you at his age

  21. Koma says:

    Proof that rapping isn’t genetic. This kid is straight AWFUL.

    Good luck blue ivy carter, better hope daddy tells you to get into medicine or some shit.

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