Common “Cosmic Kev” Freestyles

When has Common turned down the chance to freestyle? Never. And on Cosmic Kev’s show on Power 99, he showed off his improvisational skills.

“Shot Caller”

“Streets Is Watching”

UPDATE: Now with footage.

“Shot Caller”

“Streets Is Watching”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    […] Read the rest of this great post here […]

  2. Anonymous says:

    […] Rap Radar Leave a Comment Cancel Reply […]

  3. Anonymous says:

    […] Original source: Click to read full story. Rap Radar […]

  4. Mj says:

    Nothin special bout this nigga. He just common

  5. Santa says:

    When’s the last time a rapper ACTUALLY freestyled on radio? Common gets mad props for this

  6. The Riddler says:

    He’s really freestyling but he aint sayin nothin.

  7. smh says:

    some ppl are never happy…. “he freestyling but he wasnt saying nothing” what you want him to do drop mind blowing bars and tell a story AND do it ALL OFF THE TOP of his head??? some ppl smh!!
    they the same ones who if he came with a written that was insane would say “yeah but he aint freestyle tho”
    I’ll keep waiting for yall favorite artist to even try to come with an official off the top freestyle…it wont be pretty believe, and then yall might bow in the presence of a true emcee!!

  8. This GAP model is garbage when he is not taking shots at Drizzy his posts dnt get shyt for comments but when he does he gets more publicity nigguh is pushin 40 just give it up we still member Electro Circus fa99ot
    ~~~Peace, Love, & GAP~~~

  9. loch121 says:

    Common is a legend.Period
    Loch Drake Headlines freestyle music video Featured on @ViewHipHopBlog

  10. Anonymous says:

    […] Read the rest of this great post here […]

  11. Joeycrack says:

    Who freestyles in 2012 ? Give me bars niigaa give me metaphors give me witty punchlines..don’t give me this wack off the top shit

  12. Anonymous says:

    […] Original source: Click to read full story. Rap Radar […]

  13. Sarcastic A$$hole says:

    Hahaha Drake fans are standing up for a coward who won’t respond to a diss track from a rapper. But will respond to a twitter diss from tattoo artist… Interesting, keep it up ladies!

  14. e@rl th@ pe@rl says:

    No Blackberry required…and he still had some shit that flew over some fools’ heads. Ha!

  15. James says:

    THIS IS REAL HIP HOP. Where is Drake’s freestyle?? How come that lame has to read off a blackberry???

    This fool actually said “Who freestyles in 2012? Give me wack punchlines and metaphors??? LMAOOO! Is it any wonder hip hop sucks as badly as it does. You got a bunch of Toronto losers who think “freestylin” is reading off a blackberry!! GTFOH!!! You lames aint about that culture and the more you post on this site the more it’s plain to see!

  16. thelight says:

    Real hip hop right here!! #Salute!! Common is one of the GOAT. Your fave could never lolol

  17. Jon says:

    Where is Drake’s freestyle?? How come that lame has to read off a blackberry???

    This fool actually said “Who freestyles in 2012? Give me wack punchlines and metaphors??? LMAOOO! Is it any wonder hip hop sucks as badly as it does. You got a bunch of Toronto losers who think “freestylin” is reading off a blackberry and wack azz punchlines= hip hop!! GTFOH!!! You lames aint about that culture and the more you post on this site the more it’s plain to see!

  18. matrix says:

    lmao at these clown ass niggz talkin bout he aint sayin nothin…LMAO…WTF DO LIL WAYNE AND YA FAV ROZAY BE TALKIN BOUT??? WHOLE BUNCH OF NOTHIN…FUGGG OUTTA HERE…..u niggz got the game fugged up…nigg said who still freestyles…u fuggin lame nobody CAN…thats y it isnt done often…smh its u clown ass fans that have these clown ass rappers thinkin they nice…fugg outta here…COMMON IS THAT NIGGG…CHUUUCH….

  19. Berklee says:

    “what up serena?” slick. dope freestyle. off the dome n not a phone or memorized.

  20. Sincere says:

    Snoop Has The Best Cosmic Kev Off The Top.

  21. DMURR says:

    no blackberry in hand .. that’s all i’m saying

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