The Breakfast Club Interviews Melanie Fiona

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Melanie Fiona broke bread with The Breakfast Club on Power 105.1. She was late to the show, but prompt to discuss being underrated, coming from Toronto and her Grammy nomination.

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  2. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Melanie Fiona is cute as fuck. ‘Fuck with Otis he can take you out of your hell / Say bye to Reebok, say hi to Chanel’.

  3. r&b says:

    Never new she was Indian… Nice voice

  4. Smoove says:

    Guyanese women are the Finest women GT Baby!

  5. love that woman and she cool… Charlemagne could not keep is eyes off her.

  6. HATER says:

    Slow ya roll broke niggas, I bet she got a boyfriend from the Caribbean. Them hoes are loyal. Unless you trying to make her rich like Rihanna. Then she’ll fuck. First set of blacks that stick together got you nigros trippin.

  7. Biittcchh! says:

    I mess with Melanie!

  8. Jay says:

    I love this woman!!! She is the perfect balance of everything you could ever want in a woman!

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