Common Ends Beef With Drake

Right before the big show, Toure got the chance to speak with Common on the red carpet. During their conversation, he says that he’s waving the white flag concerning his beef with Drake. When it’s over, it’s over.


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  1. Los says:

    You like the fuckin’ finish line, we can’t wait to run into you…So I can apoligize. Lmfaooo

  2. Shade says:

    Lol @ Common…Drake already ended it….

  3. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    I bet you money Drake baked some chocolate chip cookies & brownies and hand made a “im sorry” card and mailed it off to Common calling off the beef.

  4. Chill says:

    He didn’t “wave the white flag”. Yall make it seem like he admitted defeat. He said it’s over. Mainly cause drake’s too scared to battle. And btw he owned the interviewer.

  5. So Icy GURL says:

    lmao at the interviewer.. he’s high as a motherfucka

  6. The Game says:

    The GAP model finally relized he can’t see drake this Nigguh bipolar
    ~~peace love and gap ~~

  7. Kemosabi says:

    The fuck is wrong with Toure?

  8. Word says:

    Yall need to find a different choice of words. I thought Common would say “Im done sending shots. Drake, if you hear this, its over. Lets move on past this” But he said “The whole thing is over. Thank God WE could move past this” So that lets me know Drake is already aware of the situation. The whole “wave the white flag” thing makes it seem like Common gave up. Thats not fair at all because he really didnt.

    Either way, expect a collab from these two somewhere down the line. Thats the process. Shots fired, Twitter spats, Minor beef, Kiss and make up, Collab together to show fans we werent bullshitting, move on. Modern day rap beef.

  9. Collar Cali says:

    Toure has always annoyed me…
    He’s the ONLY interviewer who almost got his @$$ beat by Bow Wow on a BET special. SMDH.
    As far as the Grammy wining rapper Common? What beef?
    They in 2 different places. They were just kidding around. Now with that said… The BATTLE is going to be at Next Grammy Awards when both Commons “Dreamer/Believer” & Drakes “Take Care” album is up for the same best Hip Hop album award. I love them both… But I know who would win out of the 2. But Kanye is dropping something new & maybe even Jay & the Throne so we shall see.

  10. biggiesmalls says:

    drake to scared to battle? Common going out on someone for making soft songs was retarded from the start.

  11. Watever says:

    @biggiesmalls if it was so retarded then why did drake take offense. It obviously struck a nerve. And yes drake is scared, otherwise he would have kept it hip hop and responded directly. Toure was right when he called drake “the R&B guy” cause he defiantly not hip hop.

  12. Donn says:

    Apologizeeee (Jesse Jackson South Park Voice)

  13. True says:

    @watever who are you to define hiphop? GTFOH! Yall act like you own the culture, yet yall aint never held a mic to go as far as even making a demo. Common went at Drake for sales as well as the fact that he smashed Serena, why else will Common outta no where come at Drake? Lets not forget this “tough” guy from Chicago who loves to battle also loves to model for GAP? Remember Peace love and GAP? Haha Yall just hate Drake but the kid is nice at what he does, both singing and rapping. Common hella nice on the mic too but he needs to stop hatin on the kid.

  14. Peekay says:

    Phew, I can sleep at night now.

  15. Watever says:

    He’s not hip hop cause he doesnt make hip hop music. It’s that simple. He makes pop/R&B and he has every right too. But call it was it is. And just because you criticize something doesn’t mean it’s “hating”. That’s why these so-called artists get away with releasing bs music cause “fans” accept anything. singing using a computer doesnt take any talent. again if what common said in “sweet” didn’t have some truth in it, drake(and his fans) wouldn’t have caught offense before common even said it was directed at drake.

  16. NYC says:

    its over cuz Drake can’t reply.

  17. Drake ended this shit 2months ago lol,Beef is retarded and drake knows that.Why u think ge never responded with a song,dumbass rap fans.

  18. See(sic) says:

    Thank god the camera didnt pan down to show Toure’s hard-on.

  19. SinatraAtTheOpera says:

    Lol… Dreams Money Can Buy.

  20. mac DIESEL says:




  21. joe nasty says:

    haha Toure sounds like Nardwuar, is he high??

  22. JAY-Z says:



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  23. Sarcastic A$$hole says:

    Is really apple and oranges when dissecting the outcome of this. Battling IS part of the MC culture, is when we see how good you are regardless of how many awards and numbers you sell.

    @Donn Shut the fuck with your YM dickriding ass! Most likely your sad that wannabe hip hop gaga nicki went home empty last night!

  24. Joeycrack says:

    I hope drake never stops sending subliminals to this fuckboy of a rapper…ofcourse your gonna en it your album stopped at 50,000

  25. Alex The Great MC says:

    I’m sorry but Drake can’t mess with Common, I know Common has somewhat of a “soft” background but Drake has much less credibility. Youtube Drake and see him on cribs and Degrassi or whatever that lame ass show was.

    And for that other dude on here arguing, Drake is NOT hip-hop, he’s pop/R&B. And for the record, I do rap.

    Seriously guys admit it, Drake is using a smart tactic but he knows he would’ve lost. Common is old school, its a sport for him. Drake can’t beef, wtf he gonna do? Sing a lullyby and put your ass to sleep? Gtfoh

  26. Donn says:

    @Sarcastic .. Nicki’s performance was awful. Bon Iver was a better choice. Nicki is making a mockery of music

  27. Geez says:

    Roflmao. Common knew how stupid he was for that.

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  29. HK says:

    Chill says:
    Monday, February 13 2012 at 9:11 AM EST
    He didn’t “wave the white flag”. Yall make it seem like he admitted defeat. He said it’s over. Mainly cause drake’s too scared to battle. And btw he owned the interviewer.

    + I’m mot mad at him for gettin’ those Gap checks…it is what it is. He had deals w/Microsoft, Lincoln, Coors, etc. #hustle

  30. Loaded says:


    common old ass STILL talking about Drizzy?

    go home and take your bills hobo

  31. BrownHornet704 says:

    @Loaded – he was asked a question and answered and you managed to twist that into some of the same “wave the white flag” BS that Toure is on, SMH. I know your feelings hurt but get over it, battling (not Beef’n) is what MCs do and calling dude ‘old’ is about as weak as ‘Drizzy’s’ response, so “Take Care” mf.

  32. The King says:

    “Drake, here’s how they gon’ come at you, with silly rap feuds trying to distract you” – Shawn “Corey” Carter

  33. LOLdrakestans says:

    ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:
    Monday, February 13 2012 at 9:07 AM EST

    I bet you money Drake baked some chocolate chip cookies & brownies and hand made a “im sorry” card and mailed it off to Common calling off the beef.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOL. that’s probably exactly how it went down. Drake is a good artist but nobody believes hes going to ever throw a punch or a stone at anyone. Him and his circle isn’t built like that. Common is a legend and I think it was stupid to go at someone who he is lyrically better than. Plus he has so much going on why waste anymore time with Drizzy.

  34. […] that they buried the hatchet, Aubrey and Lonnie were spotted court side having a few laughs during tonight’s […]

  35. […] that they buried the hatchet, Aubrey and Lonnie were spotted court side having a few laughs during tonight’s […]

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