1. Niyemortal says:

    this is going to be interesting

  2. antho says:

    LINderella Man!!!!

  3. Ben_Dover says:

    lol muthafuckas couldnt even pick a new york rapper….smfh

  4. Korso says:


    you mean this is going to be LINteresting…

  5. black mamba snake yellow mamba nada says:

    ok .. but that yellow mamba ..racist as fuck

  6. Awesome says:


  7. KoldCase says:

    “awwww Linn, awwww linnn,”

    if you think about it the hook could sound like that

  8. Kemosabi says:

    Fuck Jermey Lin just dumbied us in T.O

  9. OGTRILL says:

    manggg y a black brotha always gotta put down a yellow man …..smh

  10. Props to Lin man. He doing his thing right now. He’s playing LINcredible

  11. Black Shady says:

    This kid is going hard………

  12. cinderella man for real cause he ballin….thats a double entendre lol


  13. Able Danger says:

    Knicks fans haven’t been this excited since…….. ah sorry I’m only 29 years old so I don’t really know when the last time was.

  14. killzone says:

    Unleashed Jet Lin

  15. GOOOMBA says:

    Took the words outta my mouth.. double entendre forsure..

  16. lll says:

    @Ben_Dover….They picked this song for the beat, it fits perfectly with the concept.

  17. Kemosabi says:

    I would love to know what’s going on inside Melo head right now.

  18. Eric Stratton says:

    She said MSG. lol

  19. Brahsef says:

    ^He’s geeked he finally has a point guard so he doesnt have to bring up the rock and stagnate the offense

  20. Hogdock says:

    Mayweather can eat a $#%@ because it doesnt matter what Lins background is at this point. He is putting NY back on the map and thats all that counts. Period

  21. seat's taken says:

    u think u can jus slip ur lil tagline in “how ’bout them knicks?” when u hop on the wagon!! keep it 100 rapradar!! lol

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