Peter Rosenberg Says Nicki’s A Sellout

Well, at least somebody said it. After hearing Nicki Minaj’s new record “Starships“, Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg called the track “one of the most sellout songs in hip-hop history”. Hard to argue with that. Nicki’s been on a hardcore decline since that fake Lil’ Kim poster.

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  1. MBurrows says:

    I AGREE 100000%

  2. STINKMEANER says:

    nicki aint have any lyrics since monster, when kanye wrote her lyrics.

  3. MBurrows says:


  4. @tshiamofs says:

    She just wants money, she realised niggers dont buy music and she is going for the whites. I dont blame her but I dont like any of her new shit at all.

  5. loch121 says:

    She’s trying to go pop cuz pop is selling.I never thought she was that dope.i thought she looked and sounded better at first.She could have least stayed hip hop until album 3.Too soon too soon and she can’t like this new music,but she’s getting paid.Glad the word sell out still exists thought ppl forgot there was a term called selling out
    Redman and Loch smoking out.Collab coming soon

  6. Anonymous says:

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  7. Anonymous says:

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  8. Brad Summers says:

    Why is everybody so offended that she made a pop record? Young Money ALWAYS said nicki is a pop star who happens to rap. Nicki has always had the goal Of being a pop star. Hip hop acts like its feelings are hurt now that she is taking off even further. If making catchy songs and millions of dollars and making more fans means selling out then good for her. Everybody needs to stop bitching acting like nicki Hurt them personally. No I’m not a giant nicki fan, I like her raps and I don’t buy her music. Rosenberg is a dick for sayIng anything. Grow up hip hop and stop crying.

  9. The Mothership says:

    Ps nobody here is targeting the Japanese market so fuck off out of your mothers basement and kill yourself

  10. TROLLing says:


  11. She is a successful artist though….I wanna see y’all guys call JAY-Z a sell out,Oh that’s right y’all niggas SCARED lol

  12. MBurrows says:

    Kim got this on repeat lmao

  13. CK says:

    Her career is resumed to Monster, she can thank kanye. Who can disagree? And her camp be dissing the Throne.. Jokes on Jokes on Jokes..

  14. missedgyc says:

    U guys wait till the GRAMMY’s to realize that she’s super overrated…


  15. .... says:

    shes in a different point of her life…she cant go back anymore…shes successful..!!!
    her pop fans buy her albums not her hiphop fans..

  16. Realshit says:

    Haha exactly so jay-z a sellout? He’s put albums out that weren’t that great but got him some money in his pocket, haha this just gives nicki more attention and shell sell more, damn, she’s doin a great job

  17. .... says:

    she went on tour with britner spears…shes on a different lane now..let it go..move on

  18. Humphrey-Mozart says:

    Hahahahahah @ The Mothership

    I knew somebody was gonna snap eventually off that “Japanese market” nigga

  19. sincere says:

    @young skate god umm when did Jay sellout ? not one album #shutupyousoundstupid

    nicki IS a successful artist but she needs to realize she can be versatile without alienating the fan base that got her there in the first place. im not saying she didnt work hella hard to get there and she has the right to make diverse crossover records, but dont starve the community that made those pop listeners ask who you are. #thehood gave her her first numbers, not the burbs

  20. traw says:

    no one said anything when wayne did rebirth, smh just looking for someone to bring down. hip hop is just one big soap opera and yall are all puppets.why cant you just be happy for her, lame ass virgin nerds

  21. loch121 says:

    @youngskategod and @realshit Some ppl do call Jay a sell out,but i don’t because Jay never goes to far left into the pop sound.Jay always keeps that hip hop edge and his worse songs are still more lyrically advanced than 99% of rappers ever born.Nikki isn’t anywhere near Jay’s skill level and the shit sh’e doing is wack.That pop bullshit is not our culture.Hip hop has a history and a culture.Jay would never make no trash like starship at his most mainstream attempt.Nikki is making lady gaga muisc not hip hop.I’m happy she’s rich,but she’s burning herself out and spreading herself too thin.Bottomline that shit is waaaaaack.Nikki needs to go back to her NY Roots
    Redman and Loch smoking out.Collab coming soon

  22. loch121 says:

    @traw nobody said shit about rebirth cuz nobody heard it I know.prom Queen and Fire and the Em song was all I heard.I thought that was a horrible idea from the jump.

  23. sincere says:

    cosign @loch121
    Exactly , Wayne can sell his ass off all he wants but the critics pan you after those first week sales come in what does that say about the replay value of your music. you can bump watch the throe years from now and feel the magic and pretty much anybpody can namee the tracklist . cant say that for carter4

  24. Able Danger says:

    Jean Grae >

  25. Tucq says:

    nicki still has time to decide the direction she wants to head in……. she can listen to these critiques or not……… the music so far isnt like what she had before. its further pop and further “weird hip hop” records……. what i liked in her music the 1st time i havent heard in these new songs, but maybe she’ll bust out with something.

  26. Money man says:

    I hope she doesn’t turn back, make money bitch opportunity knocks once in a lifetime.. Now you headlining super bawl, NBA, Grammies and shit! Then why switch to hip hop? To please trolls online.. Nahh

  27. NotoriousRambo. says:


  28. Money33 says:

    This game is all about Money, Fame and Power. Nicki was a headline at the Super Bawl with Madonna, Grammy s, Britney Tour, NBA.. and shit. Why give a fuck. If i was her i will also say fuck these hip hop trolls, and get money. Same with LIl Wayne, make that money.. im black and i know the challenges of trying to make it out of the hood.

  29. PAP says:

    lmaoo I agree but this nigga is workin for the most sell-out hip hop station in NYC tho

  30. Word says:

    @Uh-Oh Ummm, did you say 2010? So they made that list a year ago. A lot changes in a year buddy. Hard to believe, I know.

    But yeah, Nicki DEFINITLEY throwing her core fanbase out the window.

  31. FlocKaveLLi says:

    YESS!!! Finally a sure sign that her 15 minutes are finally coming to an end. Peter Rosenberg is the new king.

  32. Your Life Is a Lie says:

    There’s a difference between making commercial-friendly hip hop (i.e. – Lupe Fiasco – The Show Goes On) which ends up high on the charts and sell million and making straight pop music like Flo Rida. OR if you’re truly in the elite class of hip hop you can make a record like Niggas In Paris and carve out a separate lane all together and get the best of both worlds…money and respect.

    But what did ya’ll expect from someone who said she’s really an actress and performer more than an artist. That alone should of disqualified her from any real hip hop discussion from the jump

  33. DannyyDC says:

    So she’s a sellout because she’s been doing a few pop songs ? That makes no sense at all she’s a MUSICAL ARTIST which means she isn’t going to stick to one genre of music … That may work for Jay, Kanye & Em but she’s a female she has to show that she’s capable of more than just rap … If anyone knew anything she sang before she started to rap so this isn’t something unexpected … All she’s doing is broadening her fan base … Just because its a couple of songs doesn’t mean this is all she’s going to be doing from now on … I like the track I like what she’s trying to accomplish with her vocals and I respect her for not giving a f**k about what haters think about what she’s doing …

  34. oj da Cornball says:

    Wait, you idiots. Why you complaining? THIS IS WHAT WE WANT, HER OUR OF HIP HOP.


  35. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    She’s a walking embarrassment. Talentless piece of trash.

  36. FlocKaveLLi says:

    haha you dumb niggas can keep defending Nicki then bitch about the lack of “real hip hop”. pick a side faggots! nicki isnt hip hop and cant rap a lick. talentless hack ass bitch.

  37. oj da Cornball says:

    and for those making excuses, “she in a different place” blah
    Chic only drop one album and switch. most people who went this route (though never a Katy Perry song, except Flo Rida) after a couple actually hip hop album.

  38. Toya says:

    Thank God someone finally said this. It seems like the main point in her game plan is be seen, not heard because with all her get-ups, she’s definitely seen; but her music… pretty bad. But I admit to being bias. I find he voice rather annoying so I automatically tune out the moment she opens her mouth.

  39. Collar Cali says:

    LOL.. Oj Da Cornball… true though…
    Uggh… I just dont care anymore…

  40. Collar Cali says:

    She’ll probably drop a lyrical heater & all is forgiven by the urban media.
    At least I hope for her sake… if not we’re just watching the titanic sink.

  41. M.T says:

    LOL Nicki has been making songs like “starships”since she got big. She’s a pop artist who may have a couple of good raps once in a while (like on “Monsters”). Did yall listen to Pink Friday? It is what it is.

  42. Black Shady says:


  43. all says:

    hahahahahahahahaah pop queen xhe is confused and will soon self distroy sooooooooooooooooooooooooon

  44. still best rite now!! says:

    to say she’s been on decline since that “fake Kim poster” couldnt be any further from the truth…

    she was a NOBODY when we 1st saw that pic ( i thought it was just sum video hoe) neway..she turned into a pop star., hits, a platinum record, Ellen etc. unfortunately she’s a classic victim of a sophomore chasing 1st album massive success. Instead of creating something new

  45. Chan says:

    Yeah shes the female Weezy alright. This sounds like a Wiz Khalifa track. SMFH at bullshit rap music today.

  46. Chan says:

    The track really isn’t too bad for a pop track. This just isn’t hip hop.

  47. OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG! says:

    What’s wrong with you people…. in the words of Jay-z “Men Lie, Women Lie, but numbers Don’t.”
    anyone check out the music C BREEZY is putting out? Electronic/ Dance is the new Hip Hop PERIOD!
    in five years Rick Ross will be Elevator Music…. Old ASSES trying to be young… SMH

  48. Kunta Kente says:

    So I guess we can consider Drake the FEMALE WEEZY now.

  49. sway-z says:

    Honestly, when was she considered a lyrical great in the first place?

    The best song she’s ever recorded was that freestyle over Warning, and who knows if she really wrote that or not. And Monster? That was about the hardest she came since she was mainstream, and that shit was borderline, so stop acting like she Nas or some shit, Pop is a great place for her, they can keep her…

  50. mothAfuckinPrince says:

    I don’t think she will shyne for long as a pop star .

  51. RoeLuv says:

    When did Rosenberg become the gatekeeper of Hip Hop? I missed that email

  52. Former Bad Boy Employee says:

    Nicki Minaj understand that pop music sells. She knew she was selling out on hip-hop the moment she signed her name on that Young Money contract.

  53. Alicia Keys stole B. Dot phone in 2003 says:

    She will sell 1 Million copies first week. She is flatterd that people call her a pop star. Pop music got her a concert in central park on Good Morning America. She did the Super Bowel, VMA’s, BET Awards, Grammmys. She about to do All star halftime show.

  54. LuxuryRap says:

    How did iTunes even categorize Starships as hip hop??

  55. OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG! says:

    Hip Hop hasn’t changed up since Biggie and Pac, it’s about time! ya Old ass hatein “Hip Hop” fans need to find a retirement home in Florida . She’s smart. Who makes music for the “love” of hip hop when Hip Hop ain’t got no love?
    Get that chk Nicki!

  56. Alicia Keys stole B. Dot phone in 2003 says:

    @Old Rappers J. Cole make music for the love of it and still sells records.

  57. Does Sex Hurt? says:

    How do you know that the rest of her album ain’t hip hop.

  58. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG!…You sound like a damn fool. Go listen to Drake and pretend you’re cool or sumthin.

  59. OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG! says:

    J Cole Can’t think of touching Nicki numbers!… Spend some time on Bigchampagne and follow the numbers… The white folks who once supported hip hop are bouncing! J Cole will be lucky to go Gold. Nicki is plat before hittin itunes.

  60. Converse says:

    About time? She been selling out???

  61. OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG! says:


  62. Bobbi Christina says:

    So she sings on songs, dresses in ridculous outfits, goes on tour with Britney Spears and all of sudden you say she selling out. OH YEA I GUESS YOU GUY ARE RIGHT.

  63. room2roam says:

    LMAO @ Nicki’s been on a decline… when? where? LoL… when are you slow mufukas gone realize that nicki does not need you or me as a fan. she’s replaced u mufukas with ppl that actually buy records…LoL…gtfoh.. im sure nicki couldnt give 2 shyts about what u think about her style or her music… bet if she put out a new single today ALL of you will listen and then morph into bytch mode thats all that counts…

  64. tr says:

    Thank you Peter Rosenberg.

  65. Mario says:

    Rosenberg has really been goin Off lately

  66. OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG! says:

    room2roam BONG!!!!!! they hatein and she gettin international money… LMAO… they better realize this shit dun changed! hold on to that old shit if you want and be dead broke…

  67. Kanye West College Dropout Mascot says:

    Why are you people sooooo mean to someone who has a virgina. No I’m talking about Drake, I mean Nicki Minaj.

  68. Chris Brown Beats Woman & Then Wins Grammys says:

    @old rappers BONG What has changed? You keep saying shit changed. What the fuck are you talking about.

  69. The Truth says:


  70. ironic says:

    can’t wait for the new jean grae project….super excited to peep that

  71. Does Sex Hurt? says:

    @Ironic GOOD ONE! Ha

  72. Cj mill says:

    Dude above me what the f’ck are you talking about? David Guetta is like the biggest dude in electronic music and he is doing Big Sean numbers. That type of music moves singles, singles don’t make any money it might give you a few shows if you are consistent, ver consistent with the hits like Guetta but it ain’t moving no album.

    Nicki on the other hand moved like 1.7 million with a straight hiphop album.
    Those electronic tunes are for the sell outs doing what’s hot at the moment.
    All of them are Gaga and Guetta copies, the only one moving units are actually Gaga.
    But all the pop stars get 1 of those joints on their album, Rihanna, Breezy etc but they are f’cking RnB/pop not hiphop. And they will only do ONE joint on a full album. So from now on Minaj should put herself in the same bracket as them.

  73. Trill says:

    funny that RapRadar staff suddenly stops dickriding Minaj once YN(or Peter Rosenberg) says something. fucking faulty ass motherfuckers.

    As for Nicki being a sellout, WE’VE ALL BEEN SAYING THAT! (Plus she’s always been garbage tbh)

  74. jake says:

    @traw evvvveryone said something when rebirth came out lol nobody likes young money except frat fags and middle school kids thats why they insult hip hop so much making music for a bunch of idiots that wouldn’t know lyrics if they were slapped in the face with them.

  75. JT says:

    I guess Rosenberg never heard the David Guetta track? Either way, Nicki’s just trying to appeal to her fanbase, which really isn’t the RR c-section, is it?

  76. CK1 says:

    the best part about this is people who believe they are giving educated opinions yet they can’y spell NICKI right even though it is spelt correctly right on top of the page. just think if someone was trying to give an opinion on jay-z and kept calling him jae hahah common people i know probably not everyone on this forum graduated h.s. but its pretty basic shit.

  77. Ricky Retardo says:

    the main problem is the labels that are given to music that doesn’t represent the genre. itunes listed Starship as a hip hop record when its clearly a dance pop record. but in her defense considering the artist she is she never complained about being labeled a hip hop artist and by her reaching the masses she has it elevates hip hop as a community. in the same breath it sabotages the essence of hip hop as a musical genre because on the business side you now put this type of sound in a format for hip hop acts.

    Kendrick Lamar will never sound like B.O.B or Wiz Khalifa but does that mean he is sticking to his roots and not selling out? or will his sound be as commercially appealing to the masses as a Super Bass or Strange Clouds? nobody knows for sure. will the consumers support authentic hip hop such as K-DOT or Smoke DZA or even J Cole (who proved it can happen)?

    Maybe. but there has to be an alternative genre for records like Starship or even Drake’s Take care with Rihanna. it can’t be categorized in the hip hop section with the Ima Boss type records. it just doesn’t make sense. would you put Amy Winehouse and Adele in the same category? I would, their sound is not that different. I consider both blues but the world calls Adele POP (whatever that means) and Amy R&B.

    To conclude i wouldn’t blame the artist for what label is presented but if they don’t clarify it then it blurs our culture with “Theirs” and thats not Hip Hop!

  78. Irony says:

    hey CK1, you realize you misspelled the word “spelled”? This is irony.

    PS- I’ll forgive the simple typos, but I’m pretty sure you also meant “come on” instead of “common”. Just stop criticizing other people’s spelling on a rap website and we can let this one go.

  79. Jj says:

    Yes! I actually like Peter Rosenberg now!

  80. NewDae says:

    White folks the only ones buying hip-hop albums. Next time you at a concert see whose in the front screaming to get they hands touched. White. Young. Male.

    They love this shzt. She’s gonna keep getting paid whether hip-hop gets tired of her or not. She’s got a squad backing her all the way on both sides of the aisle. Pop and HipHop stars.

  81. OLD rappers (and OLD HIP HOP FANS) are dead BONG! says:

    David Guetta doing big Sean Numbers?????? better reboot your Bigchampagne account. That nigga moved 1.5 million albums and 20million singles… And he’s just a DJ. Like I said Numbers don’t lie…
    Big Up Nicki. Get that paper.

  82. hip hop is dead says:

    read my name

  83. 8UWIN says:


  84. the great zeee says:

    with that being said. they are still going to play it.

  85. swisha says:

    I noticed that whenever a rapper goes out of his/her lane, it’s a big problem.

  86. Miracle Man says:

    Its all well and good saying “she’s sold out” or “this is pop, not hip hop” but how have so few of you mentioned that EVEN as a pop song, this is just a god awful song all the way though. Its all over the place, lyrics are terrible, I dont mind the odd club song, like I was feeling Good Feeling in all honesty, but this is just bad music, and the less said about Stupid Hoe the better

  87. @crownme_te says:

    shes been degrading to the hiphop culture every since she signed that contract without those ymcm charaters…they are all characters over there the only one making money off actually being theyself is drake tho he too sometimes get his character on with that lil tough act he got going but nicki has def sold all the way out….OH WELL GOOD NEWS FOR ME….NOW ME ON THE OTHER HAND IS A FEMALE ON SOME REAL HIP HOP SHIT FUCK THE NOISE TRUST ME YOU WONT BE DISSAPOINTED <<<this is def what hip hop been MISSIN!!!!!!

  88. MR.M. says:

    ive always said she was over rated…

  89. NotoriousRambo. says:


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