Drake GQ Photoshoot

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Cameras of the Gentlemen’s Quarterly invite us on the set for Aubrey’s photoshoot and how his upcoming April cover came into fruition. Issue hits newsstands on March 20.


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  1. uhuh says:

    it’s like they speaking a different language. the fuck

  2. umbo says:

    lol he has soo much makeup on. looks like a girl

  3. Gambino says:

    this nigga doesn’t go and drink by himself

  4. Gambino says:

    if he does he should make a track called “Hate Drinking Alone”

  5. Your mother's "friend" says:

    Pause but Drake is far from stylish, i guess they needed someone popular for the cover still smh

  6. Splash says:

    Smh.. Dude’s got more make-up on than Nicki Minaj in Allure magazine..

  7. .... says:

    didnt you hear him..someone who dresses casual but wears suits..
    and he does dress causual nigga always has on a plain shirt

  8. Devo says:

    GQ taking a major L with this cover

  9. dll32 says:

    damn, he’s full of makeup.

  10. MMFlee says:

    Drake looks like Jon B…

  11. lmao says:

    Ugly fuckin Face

  12. […] the photoshoot for his April cover issue of GQ, Aubrey loosens up his tie and recites a new verse. Half a mil to […]

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