New Video: Ryan Leslie “5 Minute Freshen Up”
March 21, 2012 @ 8:35 AM EDT

For the fourth installment of his visual album, R.Les gets flashy and classy while
For the fourth installment of his visual album, R.Les gets flashy and classy while
have been waiting on this since he released the clip on how the beat was made.
This dude is very underrated… R. Les is that dude!..
Love this guy! Super talented.
Same here. The song and the video is dope. Good job. RL.
He’s proof that you don’t people to do your stuff your you. He does it himself.
He said “I got wallstreet money, your just an occupant”. LMAO This loser has had one hit in 7 years. Cassie. Me and U was like 2004-2005, Stop. Yo You suck at song writing. Listen to some RKelly cds. Nobody buys R&b electro. Black women like flutes and recognizable instruments. And you aint pop enough for white girls.