Nas On 106 & Park

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With his hood up, the Don swung by 106 yesterday. He spoke on Trayvon Martin, performing with Jay at Carnegie Hall, getting back to the big screen and remembering Heavy D. Life Is Good coming soon.

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  1. Crew Love says:

    They Flyest

  2. mac DIESAL's Assistant ( mac DIESAL BACK !! ) says:

    this interview was hard to watch

  3. JHP says:

    lmao Nas was high during this shxt, he had to be

  4. Obama says:

    Wake up people… When the mainstream media takes something like the Trayvon Martin tragedy and runs with it, you HAVE TO realize that there’s an alternative agenda. It’s NOT about race… It’s about control…

  5. Joe Isuzu says:

    They ask the DUMBEST FUCKING QUESTIONS I swear!!!

  6. mr.alfred says:

    ahaha nas stays faded .. man even when hes high as shit he drops 15x more knowledge than lil b or soulja

  7. shujaa green says:

    what?? don’t get me wrong i love meek mill but he isn’t lyrical at all …and why would that even mention tyga as lyrical ?? hello why cant they mention wale , kendrick lamar, mac miller are the best doing it right now

  8. hector says:

    no mames pinche Nas esta mas Drogado que la chingADA en esta entrevista

  9. […] Day continues. On the day of his release, he returned to 106 earlier to plug his album, Life Is Good and spoke on its concept. After the jump, its […]

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