1. lyricallyinclined88 says:


  2. Ashamed black man says:

    would have been better without big sean in my opinion.

  3. JD says:

    ^^ stfu nd stop hatin. big sean went it

  4. fuk waka says:

    dope as fuk! but still listening to Theraflu on repeat!!!!!!

  5. @tshiamofs says:

    Pretty late aint it? Songs dropped hours ago

  6. NoSoup4Yu says:

    Roof gone… George Jefferson. HAHAHA – pushaT

  7. fucku says:

    only faggots say swerve

  8. nas says:


  9. Carolli.... says:

    LMFAOOO shits waaack no replay value!!!!!!!

  10. matrix says:

    haters is up early sheeesh… joint is tough…

  11. Mike Boogie says:

    I like how everyone except Kanye bit 2 Chainz style…. And Kanye’s verse just HAD to be different, not in a good way but just different!!!

    Ebay review:
    C- music, Would not buy again. Seller is not even trying!

    P.S. RapRadar, thank you for getting the stick outta your ass about comments. That’s what makes the site fun and worth giving you those label advertising dollars!!!!

  12. Google Me. says:

    Explain to me how its wack??

  13. darkcaesar says:

    superb instrumental. sub par emcees.

  14. kresh says:

    Drop it to the floor, make that ass shake
    Whoa, make the ground move, that’s an ass quake
    Built a house up on that ass, that’s an ass state
    Roll my weed on it, that’s an ass tray
    Say Ye, say Ye, don’t we do this every day-day?
    I work them long nights, long nights to get a pay day
    Finally got paid, now I need shade and a vacay
    And niggas still hating, so much hate I need an AK
    Now we out in Paris, yeah I’m Perriering
    White girls politicing that’s that Sarah Palin
    Gettin’ high, Californicating
    I give her that D, cause that’s where I was born and raised in

    God damn, Big Sean is so wack.

  15. rednasil says:

    I don’t know about this one, I was waiting for this to drop. But I for sure was expecting something harder than this.

  16. RUTHLESS says:

    Kanye west part straight up sucked, no need for the beat to have changed up

  17. calamitycal says:

    The song was weak because nobody except 2 Chains really rapped, and 2 Chains isnt a dope lyricist. Big Sean has been garabage, Kanye sounds like he takes weeks to write his raps, and Pusha T still rapping that tired drug dealer flow. I like rap music, not the hiphop stuff, there is a huge difference. People who arent great lyrics say theyre hiphop because they dont have great rap skills. I’ve yet to see a rapper awe me with lyricism.

  18. CaliSteppin says:

    Fuck y’all this joint is tough!

  19. AFRICANBOY says:

    Def Jam makin sure 2 chainz stays hot! He ain’t a lyricist but he did have the hottest verse, to me it’s Meek Mills that brought back that flow and Pusha sounds more like Meek wich is disappointing, Big Sean is annoying and Kanye verse hurts my ears but people will eat this up, rest of they album better be better than this and not just trying to ride that Niggas in Paris wave!

  20. Your mother's "friend" says:

    Yup Big sean ruined it, but i guess Kanye thinks he owes him since he wrote graduation for him

  21. SADODG says:

    U niggas saying 2 chainz did the best should kill yourself.. This man said my money tall, Michael Jordan.. Gotta be one of the weakest punchlines I’ve ever heard. Honestly YE and Sean didn’t try which is kind of disappointing

  22. Jimmy says:

    Hater Are Going To Hate. Real Niggas Can Only Relate. DOPE TRACK. Retreat Haters.

  23. DMVinyourchick says:

    This shit bangs although I will agree this isn’t one of Sean’s best verses or Ye,s for that matter but you lying if u sayin this joint ain’t catchy “swerve my nigga swerve”. And above all Sean is definantly a talented artist get that hatin mess outta here

  24. respect says:

    big sean is terrible, kanye sucks now

  25. Greg says:

    For those that are breaking down lyrics, complaining that its wack, crying and moaning so early in the morning…where’s your song, where’s your verse, where’s your label clearance to even put out a track? Barring lyrics, because I wont critique anything created in another individuals mind unless it makes no sense at all, everything from the beat, to the samples, to the break, to the sequence of verses/delivery was pretty stellar and very well done in my opinion. Looking forward to this album from the rap industry tangent known as G.O.O.D. Music. Good job.

  26. M.T says:

    big sean was wack, 2chainz was below average. kanye west and pusha t did ok. beat is banging tho. Overall this song was a disappointment. next!

  27. D!A!E! says:

    Two Ye Songs in one WEEK!?….G.O.O.D. Friday

  28. Greg says:

    It’s really interesting that when Kanye and the like drop a track it has to be the end all be all of rap/hip-hop. Like people want it to be the Apex, gilded, emblazoned in diamonds and carried to their ears by cherubs…and then they go listen to Trap shit and Dj Khaled singles

  29. psshhh says:

    that scarface sample is tough

  30. eyyyouknow says:

    this song triples in quality without big sean

  31. Get Real says:

    OMG w/ the HATE. This song has something for every kind of hip-hop fan. 2 Chainz did own this shit tho. Like he heard the beat and knew who was gonna be on the record w/ him and just said, “Fuck errrrybody, this is my song!!!” So catch up to 2 Chainz’s campaign. #HA

  32. Grim Genius says:

    there’s a lot of bitching going on, on this site smh, it’s either you like the song or you don’t

  33. adrian says:

    the song is ok to me but damn! we can’t expect lyrics of a certain standard anymore?? that’s some elitist/farenheit 451 shit str8 up. i’m not a fan of the superhaters either but a nigga should be able to give abbreviated constructive criticism without being chastised cuz he dont like EVERYTHING. i used to enjoy the comments. now it’s like high school in this mothafucka. the average college student got dumber as schools made more money; the average rap fan gets dumber as rap makes more money. i bet somebody’s gonna brag about how they’re a ‘cool’ rap fan cuz they don’t listen to lyrics or read long paragraphs like these smh. FTR i liked the energy on theraflu better. it’s been a good music week. something for us all

  34. M.T says:

    anytime niggas aint feeling what other people’s feeling and give criticism, they’re branded as a hater. smh

  35. ultrakid says:

    @Greg, i co-sign that comment my dude, i see what you saying, just because its Kanye people EXPECT it to be the super epic Jesus walk / POWER type of record. its like damn kanye likes to have to fun too, any REAL kanye fan knows he is very versatile he dont just make one type of music , he experiments with different sounds, and styles, thats what makes him KANYE. I swear these backpacking hip hop fans…..annoying

  36. Black Shady says:

    I’ll stick to Theraflu.
    this shit here sounds meh…

  37. P Bateman says:

    the Scarface sample is killin shit!!!

  38. Everyone is a critic and not a fan anymore… Shits sad… Listen to the music and stfu

  39. TheCool says:

    The beat switch up under Kanyes verse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anything else.

    And I’m surprised with 2 Chainz. He held his own.

    I just hope the whole album is all cars/money shit. But with Big Sean on it, chances are, it will be smh.

  40. Niyemortal says:

    Not really feeling it to be honest, 2Chainz was pretty good here though.

  41. Salvador Dali says:

    That Scarface part of the beat was ill. Thats the hottest part of the song to me.

  42. queensgetthemoney says:

    you guys are to picky i think this is a hot song

  43. Protest says:

    i wont be listening again. no hate, just real shit.

  44. Steve daddy says:

    kanyes verse saved the song

  45. Word says:

    Cosign @MT

    Big Sean isnt really WACK but damn! His features have been garbage. That Slight Work verse was wack to. I dunno why he talks and raps like that sometimes. So corny. And the thing is, he has GREAT songs on his album and great lyrics that would make you like, is this even the same nigga? Hmmm. All of that aside, the song is cool.

  46. the brain trust says:

    Everyone is a critic and not a fan anymore… Shits sad… Listen to the music and stfu

    This might be the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard. Why can’t we be both?

    In reality, YOU want everyone to be brain dead dick riders, applauding every sub par song that gets released.

    We are the consumers. We are the target audience. So naturally, we have a right to inspect and critique what is offered to us.

    As for the song, I think the beat is crazy (apart from the unnecessary switch up during Ye’s verse).

    Every verse was a bit of a let down though. How many times will Pusha use that ‘Head turns. Exorcist’ line? SMH

  47. BiggaBooBoogieChild says:

    Big Sean is the wackest rapper in the game right now.

  48. youngyela says:

    Is that an excerpt soundtrack from Scarface when Ye rappin?!

  49. Grim Genius says:

    finally listened to this song & i give it a 3/5, the beat is ok, sample is perfect, hook is catchy cant stop saying it, kanye west & 2 chainz really stood out on this shit, you will deadass forget that big sean & pusha was on this shit lol, hopefully something better comes along NEXT FRIDAY

  50. mac DIESEL says:



  51. the void says:

    banger. niggas mad cause they want a pop song. fags

  52. the void says:

    word @ youngyela. its sounds like the intro to scarface.

  53. oddfuturesucks says:

    2 chains was wack as fuck.. my chain the color of akon.. my money tall.. michael jordan.. u niggas are impressed by that? smfh.. not the greatest track but its not as bad as some of u are making it out to be..

  54. oakland73rd says:

    this shit slap in the whip ahaha

  55. Shooga says:

    Damn where’s Cyhi? Is he still G.O.O.D. ?

  56. BxWavy says:

    two chainz workin hard!!!!

  57. Fuck Swag says:

    2 Chainz verse was weak with his elementary lyrics. Don’t give that nigga props for what he don’t deserve.

    1. calamitycal says:

      I know what you’re saying. I wasnt really giving him props, just my assessment was that none of the verses were of any decency, and 2 Chains held the favor of the poor rapping display. I’m huge on not giving undue credit, so I know what you mean.

  58. Scrilla says:

    Trash. Oh look another song with 2 chainz what do people see in him?

  59. Chi Town says:

    all the hater gon hate cuz GOOD Music is one of the best labels. They are WAY BETTER THAN YMCMB.
    the only group that might be better is Shady or MMG. Getting Out Our Dreams.
    Pusha T Had the best verse but they all went in.

  60. Paul Anaconda says:

    2 Chainz Should’ve Been Replaced By A$AP Rocky, Lyrically He’s No Different But His Delivery IMO Is A Lot Better Than 2 Chainz.


  61. Freddy Long says:

    Honestly, it was straight and nice. Nothing monumental and it served it purpose as a song.

  62. swag says:

    why nigggas hatin on dis song ? dis shit goes harder den my dick in da morninggggggggg

  63. pienman says:

    its was aight…. i wish they all would have came harder, but maybe the song jus has to grow on me

  64. Style-LIN on you says:

    Pusha T’s verse>>>>>>

  65. smilez says:

    Kanye My favorite rapper again

  66. @donricoesq says:

    BigSean sounds proper on his own tracks yet when he is with anyone else it shows how average he is….he got Titty2Chainz murdering him on this

    As for Theraflu…tell Peta line is a straight skank in to a club like a dont give a fuck

  67. mr.zee says:

    i bet none of you buy music..

  68. […] 5 PostsNew Music: Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T & 2 Chainz “Mercy”Posted by: AmayaNew Music: Kanye West Ft. DJ Khaled & DJ […]

  69. Santa says:

    This song goes STUPID hard

  70. omag5 says:

    “your mothers friend” kanye wrote and produced every track on that album…learn something about music before hate, unlike 2chains he’s famous and been famous for a reason

  71. huh says:

    pusha plateau’d a looooong time ago, i was rooting for son for years thinking he would become one of the next greats, but now all his verses and flows be sounding Exactly the same. GOOD music was not a good look for him, he a cold lyricist but kanye’s sound is a warm sound, the neptunes knew how to serve pusha them cold beats. Plus, what he doing signing under another artist?????? fuckin industry failure 101 he didnt learn nothing after all these years in the game. You cheapen your image you already established by being someone elses lil bitch

  72. ACE says:

    @huh same can be said for mr flipmode squad Busta rhymes, this fool is a vet in the game who for years and years could’nt get back no recognition until he got a CHRIS BROWN feature?? the song was hot, but failure for busta,. OH! and then the 42 year old dude signs to YM

  73. […] Chainz appeared on 106 earlier to plug his featured-track”Mercy” and working with Mr. West. 2 Chainz also brought out the man himself, who doesn’t say […]

  74. […] plugging his featured-track “Mercy” on 106 earlier today, 2 Chainz brought out Kanye and discussed their collaboration. No […]

  75. […] International University’s 2012 Uproar concert, Big Sean recited his opening-verse off “Mercy” for the first time. Here’s the playback courtesy of ashleyoutrageous. Share […]

  76. […] to discuss his upcoming Summer Jam main stage debut, “I Don’t Like RMX“, “Mercy“, and the rollout plans for his next […]

  77. […] a Cruel Summer for G.O.O.D. Music. And before the album drops August 7, their first single “Mercy” has already moved 1,059,000 units. Cop it here. […]

  78. […] a Cruel Summer for G.O.O.D. Music. And before the album drops August 7, their first single “Mercy” has moved 1,059,000 units. Cop it here. Swerve. -Rap […]

  79. […] World 2. Kanye West, Jay Z, Big Sean – Clique 3. Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz – Mercy 4. Kanye West, Pusha T, Ghostface Killah – New God Flow 5. Raekwon, Pusha T, Common, 2 Chainz, […]

  80. […] World 2. Kanye West, Jay Z, Big Sean – Clique 3. Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz – Mercy 4. Kanye West, Pusha T, Ghostface Killah – New God Flow 5. Raekwon, Pusha T, Common, 2 Chainz, […]

  81. […] The World 2. Kanye West, Jay Z, Big Sean – Clique 3. Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz – Mercy 4. Kanye West, Pusha T, Ghostface Killah – New God Flow 5. Raekwon, Pusha T, Common, 2 Chainz, […]

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