Rocawear Partners With NY Yankees

It was announced today, Rocawear has partnered with the New York Yankees. As part of the sponsorship deal, the clothing brand will be branded in the stadium and promoted this season.

“Rocawear announced today a sponsorship with 27 time World Series Champions, the New York Yankees. For the 2012 season, Rocawear will have branded signage in Yankee stadium and integrated promotions throughout the season. Jameel Spencer, EVP Marketing, men’s division, Iconix Brand Group, Inc., commented, “Jay-Z has been a long-time fan of the Yankees, regularly attends games and has even included his favorite team in song lyrics, so this was a natural partnership. Rocawear, along with Jay-Z are very excited to be working with the Yankees for the 2012 season. We feel another championship in ’12!”

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  1. hiptothe says:

    this what winners do

  2. sumit says:

    Hov Pulled an Ace!!!


    let me know wat u think about my freestyle. thnx

    imma diss Mac diesel on the next one!

  4. the One says:

    He can’t be stopped!! Keeps pulling rabbits out of his ass….

  5. TheChosenOne says:

    *sidebar: Nas lost. What happened to the Esco clothing line again? Ha!

  6. JustMyOpinion says:


    Why you rapping in the woods dude?

  7. hxxvaz says:


  8. JustMyOpinion says:

    “I made the Yankee hat more famous than the Yankees can.” Major look for Jay-z.

  9. Black Shady says:

    Jay keeps on winning. theres no stopping him lol

  10. Supreme says:

    Baby Money !!!

    Niggas playin checkers with Chess playing Hov

  11. Makile says:

    The Man has mastered Music



    A true inspiration only way he could have a set back is if Bey left him and that will never happen they are passionate about one another

  12. Kemosabi says:

    He done everything. However BlueJays all day!

  13. cru says:

    i hope he has room for christ in his cool

  14. lilrizq says:

    Mogul life… he stay making moves that no ever thinks about. now look at this video i edited for my homie.

  15. the void says:

    only time anybody is going to wear rocawear. hov got bailed out with that one.


    That’s actually Queens, New york… i just wanted to get that scary woods feel lmao

  17. Nathanial Hörnblowér says:

    Not to be out done, Dame Dash announced the Trenton Thunder’s batboys will be wearing “CEO” T-shirts and fresh Pro-Keds.

  18. RealHipHopBack says:

    Mets Bitch

  19. dt says:

    are y’all some teenagers? Jay z made a living by constantly telling you he’s the greatest rapper. his albums were pretty average before kanye’s influence. Good businessman maybe but thats just money making money

  20. […] original here: Rap Radar :: Rocawear Partners With NY Yankees AKPC_IDS += "47060,"; AKPC_IDS += […]

  21. lll says:

    This was expected, we only were waiting when it was going to happen.

  22. the brain trust says:

    Lol Cru, get your story book Christ the fuck outta here!

    ‘You can find the Christ where the lepers and the lames at’.

    As for Jay, his business sense has always been top notch. Musically though? Ehhh.

    I have a feeling American Gangster will be his last dope album.

  23. dublment says:

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  24. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    “You are now lookin at one smart black boy”. This is a Boss Move by Jay-Z. I hate the Yankess. Shout out to the Red Sox.

  25. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:


  26. Collar Cali says:


  27. JMillionaire says:


  28. JADatsyuk says:

    they go hand in hand. Jay-Z and the Yankees, Rocawear pulled an Ace on this one. Perfect way to get the brand back.

  29. Dee says:

    i rock hoes yall roc fellas

  30. belize says:

    Big would be proud

  31. J says:

    In other news, red sox are happy to announce they have partnered with FuBu. Suckassssssss!

  32. ACE says:

    @the brain trust, true indeed that his last hip hop ‘classic” was American Gangster, but i feel that if he comes with another concept type album he could have another worthy hip hop record on his hands, hopefully he doesnt go off too far on the pop end—>like BP3.

  33. DoinTooMuch says:

    @the void I was thinkin the same thing. Who the fuck still wears rocawear? Anyways, congrats to him.

  34. James Baker says:

    When will you internet and good for nothing realize that this is another fluke. All that means is that ROCAFELLA is advertising at the stadium. Stop comparing great music (NAS) to bullshitt fluff business scams in JAY-Z. Most artist focus on art; while hoes and wannabes fluff shit up. When was the last time you heard about any moves Mr. Gates or Mr. Buffet were making. Real G’s and money makers move in silence. Get off the NET and grow the fuck up!!

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