The Weeknd Announces U.S. Tour Dates

It’s been a long time coming but The Weeknd will finally be touring this upcoming Spring in the US. The tour begins on April 15th at this year’s Coachella festival in Cali. Take a look after the cut to see if he’s coming to your city.


04-15 Indio, CA – Coachella
04-22 Indio, CA – Coachella
04-25 Brooklyn, NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg
04-26 Washington, DC – 9:30 Club
04-27 Boston, MA – Royale
04-28 New York, NY – Bowery Ballroom
04-29 Philadelphia, PA – TLA
05-03 Chicago, IL – Lincoln Hall
05-06 Los Angeles, CA – Fonda Theatre
05-08 San Francisco, CA – The Fillmore
06-02 Barcelona, Spain – Primavera Sound Festival
06-09 Porto, Portugal – Optimus Primavera Sound
08-03 Chicago, IL – Lollapalooza

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  1. Gambino says:

    So basically California or New York? Cool.

  2. .... says:

    yes the cities that dont hate…that respect dope r n b music…no negativity in those cities

  3. Steve says:

    you’re forgetting Miami on May 1st…

  4. itsMe says:

    this is going to be dope

  5. theBroKing says:

    while youre in europe you might aswell come to ireland

  6. mrokplaya says:

    may 1st in miami where?

  7. Steve says:


    Revolution Live in Fort Lauderdale

  8. the One says:

    T dot stand up !

  9. firealarm says:

    normally wouldn’t go to an R&B show but Weeknd is a genius so I’ll definitely be hitting this up!

  10. Hip-Hop Fiend says:

    Frank Ocean >>>> The Weeknd

  11. nas says:


  12. Drake says:

    How You Gonna Have A Cup Full Of Texas And Not Visit Texas??

  13. Marv says:

    I gotta go see him in NYc follow me DooDoo_Brown1

  14. mrokplaya says:

    @steve on sale 1st in the morning… you going?

  15. jillbo says:

    stop posting good musicians on here… this isnt the place for decent musicians.

  16. Atrack says:

    The Weeknd>>>>>>>>>> Frank Ocean

  17. Section 80 says:

    Why is there always a need to say who’s better ? The Weeknd & Frank Ocean >>>
    They are both great in their own way

  18. Stephen says:

    @mrokplaya naw he comes to Atlanta May 2nd and I stay there so that’s where I’m goin lol

  19. Real Deal says:

    Might go see him both times in Chicago. Not sure if I’m going to Lolla or not

  20. […] of The Weeknd, he announced his US tour dates yesterday. sr_adspace_id = 6009507; sr_adspace_width = 300; sr_adspace_height = 250; […]

  21. forrealdoe says:

    200+ a ticket

  22. BerkleeD.O. says:


  23. Bumps says:

    For those going to the NY or DC shows, please reminder to beat the shit out of those white hipster who think because they listen to black people via music gives them the right to say the n word. And you know their ass will be in attendance. They always are.

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