Lil Wayne Speaks On Devol Album

If you stayed up late last night, MTV premiered their new show Hip-Hop POV. Lil Wayne was a guest and during his interview with host Amanda Seales revealed that he’s working on a new album called Devol. (That’s ‘loved’ spelled backwards). Huh? (That’s ‘huh’ spelled forward).


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  1. True says:

    Didn’t he use that word play in his verse on Fab’s Soul Tape? What was the song again? Thats not love? Anyways I’m looking forward to seeing what its about, I’m not giving up on Wayne just yet.

  2. True says:

    B.Dot won’t show your post no love unless you’re 360, the throne or that one chick…Brianna or something. Ha!

  3. Trappin' says:

    Amanda looks like she smells good all the time.

  4. urrrr says:

    so y do people like lil fag wayne???

  5. Cole World says:

    Eminem said “Love is evol, spell it backwords i’ll show ya” in Space Bound…

    Looks like Wayne added a D and stole the concept

  6. True says:

    @urrrr you just checked out his post. If you didn’t like him, I sure don’t like that fag lil b, I didn’t bother checking out the post about him doing w/e.

  7. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    That boy Wack Weezy releasing more atrocious music.

  8. the brain trust says:

    Lol Wayne BEEN washed up.

    Shame though. Carter II is one of my favourite albums.

  9. Nahh says:

    No ceilings was the last quality music we got from him. 3 years ago..smh

  10. Yeah says:

    ^ everyone above me is a dumb fuck

  11. Jpilk says:

    Something had to of happened to him in jail….

  12. Trillionaire says:

    Lol..I don’t know what to think about this guy anymore…He just a big question mark ??????

  13. lll says:

    @Cole World…lol, word.
    I’m sure this is Eminem inspired

  14. YOU CAN'T KILL ME says:

    True says:
    Thursday, April 12 2012 at 9:25 AM EST

    B.Dot won’t show your post no love unless you’re 360, the throne or that one chick…Brianna or something. Ha!



  15. ztunechi- says:

    @Cole World..u dumb fuck wayne spat a ‘devol’ verse back around 2009,in a track called ‘thats not love’… a dick.

  16. theBroKing says:

    @cole world

    youre really such of an em stan that you think he was the first to recognize love is evol spelled backwards? they should have an IQ limit to comment on this site

  17. phraynkh says:

    N e one saying he got the idea from em is fuckin its a simple word flip ppl been using for years christpher titus the comedian even had a standup special called “love is evol”

  18. Black Shady says:

    “all material i did while i was locked up”

    now look all his groupies be like : OMG ITS GONNA BE THE BEST SHIT EVER

    wayne is garbage

  19. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @Yeah. Dont get mad at me cause that your favorite rapper is garbage.

  20. Word says:

    Loved? I’m expecting some more “How to love” type jams I guess. Auto tune. Corny lyrics. Recycled flows and lines. You know, everything a Lil Wayne project stands for these days. That being said, I expect 900k in sales and a few pop hits. Post Jail Weezy. I’m still living in That carter 2 era tho.

  21. COLD DEΛTH says:



  22. 7z5Say&what! says:

    @Cole World ahaha.. actually its Eminem who was inspired by Lil Wayne. He used that line on Fab’s feature back when Em was in rehab.

  23. M.T says:

    Tha Carter II & Tha Carter III>Anything else wayne puts out

  24. Soothsayer says:

    Just start rocking your upside-down crucifix already, dude.

  25. […] kicked things off  with an interview and performance from 2 Chainz, a chat with Lil Wayne and a behind the scenes look at Akon’s new video. Until next […]

  26. mac DIESEL says:




  27. ATG says:

    Damn u guys dissin Cole World kind of harsh in these comments. now he’s a dumb fuck? because he hasn’t heard that Wayne song? Now he’s a stan because he’s more familiar with Em’s music than Wayne’s? If anybody is the dumbass it’s ztunechi and theBroKing.

    On the Wayne album Devol, I second what Soothsayer said.

  28. DJ Semtex's Prosthetic says:

    huh, thats huh spelled backwords

    you never cease to amaze us


  29. SMP12 says:

    i guess its true.. we will never have real rappers like 2 PAC and Biggie… PAC went to jail and came out the same thug we all knew… Wayne goes to jail and wrote a whole bunch of fagot songs
    what a dam shame!!!

  30. Derek says:

    Funny you say he said it in 2009 on a track but that is when eminem came out with Recovery so again prolly eminem inspired. Because we all know Wayne begged eminem to do a track with him

  31. Devol says:

    Damn so this is the supposedly best RAPPER alive? Lmao what a fag, if you little kids still support this shit then that means you’re just a fag like this little Weiner.

  32. Manny says:

    just hate in here. Even if he releases a good album, it wouldn’t satisfy your ears cuz is wayne and not judging the album by itself… damn!

  33. Devol says:


    Nah I think Recovery was released ’10 but I do think he still jacked the shit because Em made that line popular and the track with that line was like a love song too and it was fucking pop as hell. Fucking rappers nowadays going the pop route smh.

  34. Devol says:


    Ride hard bruh.

  35. The Realist says:

    LOL @ all you fags HATIN!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    U got MIlls?
    U sold MILLS?
    U HUSSle made something of ya life and kickin back ?

    oh you answered NO to all those ? hhmm

    Think that means you should STFU 😛

    Served bitch hussle hard, real see real yall niggas look realllll FAKE!

    Hate on me, it just makes u look like a bitch 🙂 Real niggah talk im out!

  36. hxxvaz says:

    Man get this love bullshit off this site! it’s all about rap over here

  37. Homieloccdogg says:

    I tolded you all that he is a DEVOL worshipper….hahahhahahaha

  38. demo says:


    didn’t make a comment in a long time…bt “tolded” ?

    and for weezy..the dude knows how 2 make a buzz 2 sell his album

    most of his fans are teens and his music is directed to them

    and face it..teens are takin’ control of the album selling market not hardcore hiphop fans

  39. L'Aiguille says:

    “huh” spelled backwards lol

  40. YunG based god says:

    should expect this ablum to drop fall 2025

  41. lovefomusic says:

    Wayne is so hated by the real hip hop heads! Damn the industry fucks real music up! They corrupt art, its crime against humanity haha damn

  42. Everybody that think wayne wack, go suck ah dick! Yall niggas wudnt kno good music if it bit ya in ur azz!!! Boy I wish i cud meet all yall so i can beat yall azz! #RealShit

  43. […] last night. They kicked things off  with an interview and performance from 2 Chainz, a chat with Lil Wayne and another behind the scenes look at Akon’s new […]

  44. Pimp Squad Raw says:

    Illuminati conspiracy theorists will just LOVE this.

    @ SMP12

    Kiddo Pac went into jail as more of a political activist thug and came out as a triple og mafia boss.

  45. Koma says:

    Dude got out of jail, started wearing glitter pants and shit.

    Dumb shit think he’s a trend setter. Hey weezy, Pharell was wearing skinny jeans and skateboarding damn near 10 years ago. At least he ain’t gay about it.

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