1. baous says:

    Knew all that was just bs.

  2. JDot says:

    Hav looks like he needs a drink…

  3. tc says:

    Na, they just didn’t wanna miss out on the tickets especially with Knicks ticket prices lol

  4. Master P's Theatre says:

    I guess Hav said sorry after he sobered up. Henny keeps dudes wildin’ out.

  5. Dell says:

    worst..publicity stunt…ever…..


  7. RAPRAYDUR says:


  8. Bhe says:

    Photo op they probably still beefing

  9. fastflipper says:

    hav look like ving rhames

  10. JustMyOpinion says:

    Drop a gem on ’em:

  11. Ben Dover says:

    Kiss and make up?

  12. mobb escape says:

    MOBB Deep is an act everything they say is not really real Most Hip hop is like this..

    SO escape the Mobb don’t join it…

  13. fall back says:

    damn stand up when you a take a picture. oh they are bahahaha.

  14. KJ says:

    hell ya thats how homies should do it. fuck haters

  15. Marv says:

    Sober Havoc n Prodigy , after Havoc’s drunk rant online they kissed n made up #SMH follow me on twitter @DooDoo_Brown1

  16. the void says:

    drop a gem on em. nice! fag or not, prodigy is one of the illest.

  17. Jason says:

    We dont believe you. You need more people

  18. JDot says:

    Hav looks like he just woke up from a bender thinking, “I hope I did not say anything crazy on twitter”..

  19. BiggMar says:

    haha Hav lookin’ shooker than mofucka! give that man a drink, no henny please!

  20. […] Rap Radar /* /* ← Video: Sweet Brown – “I Got Bronchitis” No […]

  21. Black Shady says:

    worst pub stunt EVER for real!!! so corny and THIRSTY for publicity

  22. quese says:

    this says publicity stunt all over it

  23. Anon DCPL says:

    Havoc looks old as fuck kinda like YN lol

  24. lilrizq says:

    I hope these dudes stay together. we need vets to mentor and collab with the young artist. now look at this music video i edited for my friend.

  25. Birdham says:

    And Rozay &Heat game last night huh?!

    Is this really Ross Radar here?

  26. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Yes ! Knicks won and the Sixers lost lastnight. I want to see Knicks vs Heat in the first round. Mobb Deep is a talented group. That messed up that this situation is happening.

  27. Pimp Squad Raw says:

    All I see is an alcoholic standing next to the first homosexual in hip-hop. Havoc’s next beats suck, he can’t produce for shit. H.N.I.C makes Weezy look like an rapper. MOBB SLEEP retire!

  28. Pimp Squad Raw says:

    and I ain’t “sleeping” on em. I actually checked for Black Cocaine. Even with the God MC Nas they couldn’t make me dig a joint. It’s still Infamous all day tho QB!

  29. madeugag says:

    their best dayz are behind them because they made good music these days u don’t have to make good music just have the right promotion team behind u..thats why nicki is so popural..

  30. BeatKnox says:

    idk i just cant take prodigy seriously with those faces he’s making

  31. Real Talk says:

    All right fellas.. Yall have our attention.. Where is the music?..

  32. HAQ says:

    LOL WTF is goin’ on yo?

  33. YOU CAN'T KILL ME says:



  34. […] to the Hot 97 building today and appeared on Angie Martinez‘ afternoon drive. Here’s what you missed during the brief […]

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