1. biggiesmalls says:

    Is this some kind of joke?

  2. gammaboi says:

    No wonder people hate on this nigga Obama, too busy being a celeb president. Bring the troops back, ya cunt!

  3. LooksLikeWealth says:

    Obama has 2 much swag to be presidential.Too cool for skool 4 me.

  4. Really though says:

    lol Joke? Celeb? Stop feeding into what people are telling you. Do you even understand the significance of what the message was here, no matter how it was delivered?

  5. John says:

    Hey gammaboi, did you forget what obama was even talking about? or did your blind hatred prevent you from seeing that this was used to bring attention to the work that hes doing in the white house…

  6. John says:

    ^^^ aww you beat me to it

  7. Tiiz says:

    Barackness Monster

  8. WA says:

    http:// worldlyapparel .blogspot. com

  9. MegaMan says:

    Bush, Obama, and Romney at the end of the day nothing has changed. They are all puppets on a string. More government, less freedom!

  10. True says:

    No doubt Obama is a likeable guy, but are really willing to vote from someone because of their personality not because of their policies.

  11. JD says:

    jimmy fallon is not funny at all

  12. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t know it was possible but the baddest band in all the land just went next level! This is about student loans, that’s it. Investing in students is an easy call and if you can’t respect that your whole perspective is wack.

  13. RZ says:

    Meh, I vote Romney. I liked things better when a white man runs the nation! 🙂

  14. man says:

    I swear Obama is just like a used car salesman

  15. dll32 says:

    You just gotta love him +1

  16. Devastation Inc. says:

    If I was Obama I would let the Master Race
    have it back. They fucked it up in the first place.
    Republicans won’t take his phone calls, they
    call him a liar during his State of the Union
    Speech. They won’t vote on his Judges. Black
    people say he’s not Black enough. And he deals
    with all this being the Jackie Robinson of Presidents.

  17. Mr. G says:

    This was some funny shit! Glad to see our president do these types of things, although the message he is giving is very imporatant, lets not get it twisted he is just another puppet with a string! And all the shady, crook congress men and women on both sides of the spectrum will always have their way! We all know the potust dont have no power!

  18. Kemosabi says:

    Devastation Inc. That’s mad true

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