Canibus Speaks On Battle

Just days after his disaster with Dizaster, Canibus took to his tumblr to issue an apology. No word if it was pre-written on a notepad, but here’s his explanation. Full battle above.
The day of the battle my memory and mental state wasn’t 100% due to these circumstances. I knew this so I brought my copybook to practice the 30 plus pages of infinite rhymes that I had structured for Dizaster. The stitches in the back of my head were hurting me and my shoulder was killing me but The Ripper doesn’t need medication, he controls pain with his mind. At the event I was very confident with the likes of Supernatural behind me and the guy who’s strong stomach was showing- But to protect him from any abduction I won’t reveal his name- Lets just call him Subject 10. The crowd showed me energy as well and as I delivered my first round I could see in Dizaster’s eyes he was intimidated by the mind with the infinite rhyme. Eventually the traumatic effect I suffered days before caught up to me and I could no longer be as sharp as I needed to be. The fans paid money, as did the KOTD staff, so even though there was nothing left in my mental tank, I reached for what is now the infamous notepad and decided to read my infinite rhymes. Needless to say, the results were underwhelming and it didn’t look right, but now, realizing the actions that preceded the event I’m sure you all understand.
Firstly, I want to apologize first to ‘Subject 10’ whose vehicle I abandoned when the agents were approaching me. Secondly, I’d like to apologize to Supernat because I made him come support me and stand behind me for that embarrassment. Thirdly, I’d like to apologize to all The Rippers in attendance who I let down. Finally, I’d like to apologize to Dizaster and the entire KOTD staff. I tried my best and stood there like the solider I am but there was nothing I can do. As I said in the event, I could only do what I can do. For everyone who seems to be making a mockery out of my just- Remember this; dinosaurs once ruled the planet, Rome was once a powerhouse, The Blazers drafted Greg Oden, and every dog has its day. Doubt me and you will be defeated.
UPDATE: Canibus’ manager, M-Eighty tells HHDX the apology was fugazi. He says:
To sum up, it is unfortunate that Canibus lost the battle but the fact of the matter is Bis is not not built for that type of forum anymore. We all know Bis is a lyrical monster and his entire catalogue of tracks and albums is proof of that. Vendetta: Battle Royale was the first time since as far back as I can remember that Canibus has availed himself to an actual “battle” of this magnitude and guess what…he lost to a guy who is considered the ‘KOTD Champion’ and only writes battle raps specifically for this arena at an event held in his hometown. Obviously the odds were against us.”
UPDATE 2: The man himself speaks: (Yea, it’s him) Ha!
Canibus HERE,
Just got my stitches out. Will be going to therapy once a week for my AC injury. First time I’ve had a separated shoulder but I am expecting a full recovery in time. Also continuing work on the Rip The Jacker 2 DVD. Will continue to keep you all updated as things happen. Don’t really know what to say concerning all these blogs, parodies, and fake accounts posting apologies about god knows what but I am moving forward for my Rippers and Hip Hop as best as I can. Thank You for your good wishes and encouragement. Sometimes people need laughter and entertainment at the expense of others embarrassment but Hip Hop means so much to me I don’t care. Diz is the champ. Please be kind to one another and don’t forget we are all family in this Hip Hop Community whether we know it or not.
This is fake. Clearly. C’mon…
fuck canibitch
LMAO. I got to the second line. BS!!!
“…to practice the 30 pages of infinite rhymes”
and DEAD @ Big Homie;
“No word if it was pre-written on a notepad…
“You can take yo apology and shove it up yo ass, punk muthafucka!!!” – Scared Straight ’99
Damn son…..remember fantastic 4???
Is this really real? Like really REALLY real?
That’s real as fuck when you think about it. What do you want him to do make excuses? He knows it wasn’t a good look and apologized to the staff the fans his opponent and even realer then that he apologized to the Nigga in the video holding him down like he should. Props to him
Biggest failure in hip-hop since Wale picked up the mic.
Damn this dude Canibus has fallen off so hard it’s not even funny. He has forever ruined the myth that a freestyle battle could actually be a freestyle by bringing a actual notepad and reading from it. I don’t know what worse, him reading from it or apologizing for needing to practice the 30 plus pages of infinite rhymes.
Canibus should just call it quits. He went from being one of the biggest battle rappers and intricate lyricist to a sad parody of himself. Real or fake, he fucked up major that battle.
Canda people are corny.
Canibus and charles hamilton….cut from the same cloth…with out a doubt
i figured this just had to be some parody account….
Fake! Im calling it right now.
can canibus even grow a beard?
“to a sad parody of himself”
…….. that’s the most fitting description of Canibus I’ve heard, it really is sad to see someone dig their own grave over n over n over…..time to just kick back n lay it
“infinite rhymes” my ass…maybe you should’a read them infinite times n then maybe you wouldn’t have embarrassed yaself to the infinite power!
@ Big Homie
I called it TWO days ago, give me my props (
Why he sound like he apologizing to a girl for busting to early
this is fake you dip shits the guy without the shirt was canibus brother HE WOULD NOT REFER TO HIM AS “THE GUY WITH THE STRONG STOMACH” orange hat classic pak just released a video addressing the video & he’s pissed Diz dissed him during the battle. WHY WOULD BUS NEED TO PROTECT HIS IDENTITY. retards
BTW::: KOTD IS FROM CANADA !!! A lot of dope MC’s up there !!!
Respect to Canibus for the apology. But an ENCORE is Mandatory if he wants to be a winner again.
This nigga is CRAZY.
“For everyone who seems to be making a mockery out of my just- Remember this; dinosaurs once ruled the planet, Rome was once a powerhouse, The Blazers drafted Greg Oden, and every dog has its day. Doubt me and you will be defeated.”
Fuck outta here. This nigga is a joke.
Canibus will always be one of the best to ever have done it. He was respected and feared by his peers when hip hop was a blood sport. Yes he is not the same but I respect him more than most in the game right now. 90% of the “artists” that rapradar gives shine to couldn’t carry his jock strap. They would be decimated by Canibus in his prime.
Who? Mills, Ross, Gucci, Flocka, Wale, Drake, Tyga, Jeezy…??
[…] RR […]
Cannibus did TWO rounds…
Third round he said he can’t do this any more.. declared Dizaster the winner… then said that people paid to hear him spit so that’s when he pulled out the note pad to say the rest of his rhymes…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i wish i could have used size 72 font to write HAHAHAHAH jesus christ…
Dude has gone off the deep end.. Remnants of a once great lyricist just clinging on by the skin of his teeth. Its a shame.
“Damn Shame what they did to that dog.”
I’m Gonna Get You Sucka!
Young Notepad
Can-I-Bus’s bullshit the other night was ridiculous at best, and damaging to hip hop at worst. And from the looks of this letter, he’s delusionally arrogant and quite possibly on something.
Having said that, this was a real ass apology. He directed it to all the right people, and apologizing to the guy that had his back is one of the most respectable things I’ve seen in a while, in music or otherwise. Reading the letter, it looks like he wrote it with those people in mind, instead of some boardroom-drafted statement to the public.
The footage from the other night, however, was crazy. That shit was one of the most incredible self-destructions we’ll ever bear witness to. Humiliaring, insulting and tragic, all at the same time. I hope he understands the size of his loss here, and doesn’t embarrass himself further. This statement has made me respect him just a little bit more than I did, so just salvage whatever grace is left and fade away. Honestly, I kinda hope this is the last time I comment on a Can-I-Bus post, for his own sake. He’s never gonna live this down.
[…] Canibus Issues An Apology » rapradar […]
Haha what a faggot.Canibus LOST! EPIC FAIL
Yes sir apology accepted
Did this nigga say the Blazers drafted Greg Oden, hell he might as well said the Blazers drafted Sam Bowie, the Chargers drafted Ryan Leaf, the Packers drafted Tony Mandarich, and the Pistons drafted Mateen Cleaves too, he is the funniest nigga ever, doubt me and you will be defeated, BWAhahahaha, fuck outta here!!!
He took drake’s “blackberry freestyle” to a prehistoric level smh
Lmao..Canibus? smh dawg…you still a lyrical genius …note pad or not..but you really playing yourself God
The day of the battle my memory and mental state wasn’t 100% due to these circumstances. I knew this so I brought my copybook to practice the 30 plus pages of infinite rhymes that I had structured for Dizaster. The stitches in the back of my head were hurting me and my shoulder was killing me but The Ripper doesn’t need medication, he controls pain with his mind. At the event I was very confident with the likes of Supernatural behind me and the guy who’s strong stomach was showing- But to protect him from any abduction I won’t reveal his name- Lets just call him Subject 10. The crowd showed me energy as well and as I delivered my first round I could see in Dizaster’s eyes he was intimidated by the mind with the infinite rhyme. Eventually the traumatic effect I suffered days before caught up to me and I could no longer be as sharp as I needed to be. The fans paid money, as did the KOTD staff, so even though there was nothing left in my mental tank, I reached for what is now the infamous notepad and decided to read my infinite rhymes. Needless to say, the results were underwhelming and it didn’t look right, but now, realizing the actions that preceded the event I’m sure you all understand.
Firstly, I want to apologize first to ‘Subject 10’ whose vehicle I abandoned when the agents were approaching me. Secondly, I’d like to apologize to Supernat because I made him come support me and stand behind me for that embarrassment. Thirdly, I’d like to apologize to all The Rippers in attendance who I let down. Finally, I’d like to apologize to Dizaster and the entire KOTD staff. I tried my best and stood there like the solider I am but there was nothing I can do. As I said in the event, I could only do what I can do. For everyone who seems to be making a mockery out of my just- Remember this; dinosaurs once ruled the planet, Rome was once a powerhouse, The Blazers drafted Greg Oden, and every dog has its day. Doubt me and you will be defeated.
Lol I remember someone on here saying he was gonna use a medical excuse
The sad part is that I cant even tell if this is real or fake, cause I would expect that weirdo to say some shit like this.
Canibus is a creepy ass nigga, lol, I always knew he was weird but now he’s like that guy who would make me leave my neighborhood just to keep him away from my kids
Dizaster is wack.
there’s too many errors in the statement above for me to think it’s a legitimate apology, and if it is, not accepted. we don’t care about “subject 10.” he wasn’t battling.
“Bath salts is a helluva drug!” – Canibus
so basically canibus manager saying bis is old n washed up. dizaster is not the kotd champion so yeah you can forget that argument, although he is the best at what he does, for real bis? canibus cant memorize 3 verses? and hes supposed to be on some infinite rhyme shit foh <<<<<<<<<Check out my dude Mr.Right..True School
Yo all y’all nigga is funny with these comments…even big homie with the “no word if it was pre written on a notepad” .
I dont know this statement is true…but if it is…canibus you are already in a hole….stop digging man. Just comeback when your memory and health is up to par.
“30 plus pages of infinite rhymes i had for dizaster…”
“Obviously the odds were against us.”
So, what, he took out the notepad to try and gain some credibility? What the fuck?
I feel so bad for Canibus. He’s definitely a legend, but this isn’t his shit anymore. Make songs, man. Don’t battle rap. We all know Eminem murdered your whole career, but you could have recovered. Still a great, though, but this just was sad to watch.
hey yo mac DIESEL, i hate your opinion. not on this, on everything. because you put that fucking gay shit at the end of every fucking comment you make, stop being a pussy. hope you read this before someone erases it. you lil bitch!
that diz fool is annoy’n and boring.
“Praise Jesus”…… Huh?!?!?
Theres no way apology was fake. He types the same way… You can tell they use the same damn way of typing. Fuck that. Dude is mad he lost lol
Canibus ( Joke of Decade)
I have one word for bis….
Now shut the fuck up.
“That boy is lyrically a beast. He’s a beast. He’s proven that over and over, repeatedly. He was a contender with [LL Cool J], somebody that’s considered one of the greats.”
Let G.Rap tell it…
It was not a freestyle battle, dizaster was spitin written rhymes too. It was corny for bis to pull out a note pad and as a huge fan i wish he would have prepared for the battle. Still bis is the most lyrical ever. For those who talk mad shit but never heard canibus or are not smart enough to understand his songs and therefore witness the truth, he was in the middle of writing a ten thousand bar rhyme when he ( perhaps foolishly ) took the battle. Check out MIC CLUB, RIP THE JACKER, FOR WHOM THE BEAT TOLLS, MELATONIN MAGIK and C OF TRANQUILITY if you want to hear the most lyrical mc alive. Fuck all the haters.
technically anyone that says they are mad at him because he brought out a notebook in free style is an idiot, free style means “free of style”, the vast majority of people dont understand this, you can do whatever you want in a free style, technically it doesn’t even need to rhyme, what people are thinking of when they say “free style” is “off the dome” so don’t be mad at a guy who was on medication came out of his way and sacrificed his ego to be there for the fans
Emenim has never murdered
Canibus.Overall,everything that Canibus does,and has done as far as Hip-hop ,is untouchable.The more time you break,and the more that life takes you through,the more of that artists book can be read,listened to,and understood.I am an artist myself,actually,without tooting my own horn I feel like I’m under bis,without sounding like bis,but respecting him and everyone else else I grew up 2.Nas,Jay,Wu,G Rap,and a whole lot more.Just because a person is smart doesn’t mean they have common sense,and vice versa.These rappers,more than 90% talk about females and drugs…shooting and a bunch a bullshit.Or laughing at themselves before somebody else puts them on the radar.Canibus speaks truth,along with storyline that you can imagine what’s going on as spit, sometimes rewinding certain periods of songs to try to take in all said where you fully understand. ..the parabilistic abstracts.Wish I wansnt almost 40 I’d keep on my mission to be where I should have been instead of doing dumb shit that stopped my chances…as far as I know.Canibus,like you once told me,keep doing ya Thang on the Frontline.
The 1 and only KMOTION.
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