New Music: K’La x Nas “Blame”

You might not know Def Jam’s R&B artist, K’La yet but today we get to hear her new single which features a new verse from Nasir. This ain’t bad at all.

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  1. Gambino says:

    She was on a track from Roscoe Dash’s JUICE

  2. Real Deal says:

    Takeover line *shots fired*

  3. Audio Pirate says:

    K’la, sweet sound ’bout ta b unleashed on all ya.
    ff @solidsplint.

  4. N0T0RI0USRAMB0. says:

    NICE DSL’s 🙂

  5. Drake's Eyebrows says:

    “This ain’t bad at all” – ain’t good neither

  6. sKIDAROC says:

    Real Deal Jay fired an Ether line Venus vs Mars.

  7. Looniee says:

    this ish garbage… sorry

    Chris Brown Says “EVERYbody Worried About Rihanna Face, Nobody Ever Stopped to Ask Me How My Hand Felt” .. Wow really??

  8. Keep grindin baby..def has talent

  9. RUTHLESS says:

    This is nice, especially with that boom bap drumline and nice hook

  10. @SelectahSnipa says:

    Record’s not bad at all. Looking forward to more music from her…

  11. Boom says:

    She’s so damn fine…her music is awesome. She can rap her ass off too.

  12. ObjectiveOberserver says:

    Wow. She’s gorgeous. Breathtaking.

  13. […] RR Tagged: blame, Download, kla, MP3, NAS, […]

  14. Jinx says:


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