1. jadrianww says:

    idiots upset about frank ocean but the woman-beating douchebag has the number 1 album

  2. Real Talk. says:

    I’m surprised yall saluting him…considering he ain’t on Def Jam and yall favorite Def Jam artists so much it’s ridiculous.. Btw, What about Self Made 2? How’d it do? Ha!

  3. Truu says:

    Congrats to Breezy, Fortune is a dope album. Mirage is my shit!

  4. Your Life Is A Lie says:

    50% drop from his last album first week numbers

  5. kayandgee says:

    @real talk self made nearly touched 100,000 which is pretty good for a compilation in this day and time, also an improvent from the first one. well done breezy nonetheless

  6. Lumme says:

    good look for chris brown.. but what about this statement he had just made??
    Chris Brown Says “EVERYbody Worried About Rihanna Face, Nobody Ever Stopped to Ask Me How My Hand Felt” http://goo.gl/FbZHN .. Wow really??

  7. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    66% DROP for MMG. Congrats to Chris “Beat’em Down” Brown

  8. Drake's Eyebrows says:

    his next album 70k idiot ! stop doing stupid shit . acting tough on twitter ha and cat fights .grow up motherfucker

  9. Money101 says:

    No matter what you think About him and his personal Life ( which we shouldnt give A fuck anyway about there personal lifes) dude is A beast in the game and his grind and talent.. I respect anybody that keeps pushing forward no matter what shit happenes .. besides the money that numbers bring.. fuck numbers !!! jay was wrong they do lie @ kayandgee did you see khaled and ross people buying stacks of self made cd’s in best buy in that one video how many of ross people did that cats people buy there own shit just to have bragging rights on the numbers… Sales is bullshit anymore..

  10. Vlade Divac says:

    Flop flop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is.

  11. Money101 says:

    That’s why A lot music sucks anymore people are more worried about first week sales and there image other than the quality of music they put out ..

  12. Mag says:

    Not gonna call it a flop(only the third urban artist to have first week sales reach six digits i n 2012) but disappointing for Breezy. Stop doing dumb shit.

  13. @Artise1 says:

    I don’t care about 1st week numbers. Most Of them are fabricated anyway. Example: How can Justin Bieber (112million) , the dude with the largest fan base right now sell 521,000 1st Week and Lil’ Wayne(85 million) sell 950,000 GTFOH…..

  14. YMCMDIKES says:

    Frank Ocean is gonna come on top when e drops it physically on the 17th

  15. BlackAnastasia says:

    @VladeDivac:Isn’t that a Willie D verse from Going Out Like A Soldier”Album?

  16. WORD says:


  17. Real Talk. says:

    @kayandgee A compilation should do even more when you think about it, I mean it consists of 6 different artists with their individual fans base. and that should collectively add up to more numbers. They failed. Nearly 100k isn’t the same as 100k.

  18. Mag says:

    Frank Ocean is projected to sell 110k-125k DIGITAL ONLY. Whoa!!

  19. JEEZY #1 says:



  20. ... says:

    Frank ocean has no radio no video just word of mouth
    And its gonna do breezy numbers?

  21. @Artise1 says:

    Frank Ocean will outsell Breezy after physical copies are added to the digital release.

  22. The Guy says:

    Who cares about his pop shit?

  23. […] 2005 self-titled debut, Chris Brown. His previous no. 1 albums include F.A.M.E. (2001) and Fortune (2012). […]

  24. […] 2005 self-titled debut, Chris Brown. His previous no. 1 albums include F.A.M.E. (2001) and Fortune (2012). […]

  25. […] 2005 self-titled debut, Chris Brown. His previous no. 1 albums include F.A.M.E. (2001) and Fortune (2012). […]

  26. […] 2005 self-titled debut, Chris Brown. His previous no. 1 albums include F.A.M.E. (2001) and Fortune (2012). […]

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