1. crysis says:

    to funny nailed it. ROFL WTF is wayne wearing. LOL

  2. chuck taylor says:

    This guy has never been funny.smh

  3. wahrheitsgetreu says:


  4. william says:

    His show proved he can only get so far doing impressions of other people.

  5. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    This is wack ! I know he was on that Nick Cannon MTV show he was mad funny on there but when Affion had his own TV show on FOX dude was str8 trash. I think Chappelle’s Show set the bar so high that you wont see anything like ever again.

  6. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @william. His TV Show was more offensive then FUNNY.

  7. IM730 says:

    What all ^ you said is the reason he’s even doin this. Everything else failed but his first Jay video shit actually spread so hes prolly goin back to that.

    How you get a buzz from spoofing someone then let it fade out then come back and try and do the same shit. get some new material dude.

  8. 3 Times says:

    BREAKING: Fuck the old system. The game is changing, we getting money off the net now, no costs, no bullshit, just cakin off your own hustle. Email me if you want in: [email protected]

  9. deez says:

    i feel sorry for this dude, he had a t.v. show and was buzzing real hard at one point, now this dude has to go back to making internet videos, im sure he could have been of use to some kind of t.v show…

  10. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:


    thought they had a song together….

    Thankfully i saw Affion Crockett………thankfully.

  11. Foolio says:

    man… this isn’t funny

    Fan Pissed That Upon Meeting Rapper 2 Chainz; He Was in Fact Only Wearing 1 Chain http://goo.gl/wlYoq …funniest thing i read all day

  12. WestCoast says:

    Fuck lil gayne
    WTF gayne wear !!!!!!!

  13. Jager says:

    pretty funny lol
    You guys just talk shit, eat a dick.

  14. Itz Yourz says:

    Smh,lol….he ah fool

  15. NickeyNegrito says:

    I thought it was funny. I love when he clowns Drake thou, should remix this…lmao

  16. calamitycal says:

    What are you commentors talking about? He has a career in comedy plus, he sounds exactly like Jay-Z; the lyric, bar arrangement and “ugh”‘s. I think the song was tight and entertaining.

  17. chuck taylor says:

    dude isnt even funny

  18. Rob says:

    can this dude get a new act already? we have seen this already. Russel, Drake, Jay, wayne. do something that we have not seen

  19. dsunn says:

    quality video. funny as hell. true as hell. who’s hating? only suckas

  20. Mag says:

    His Wayne impersonation sucks tho. Doing it right after his excellent Hov impersonation makes it worse.

  21. frank ocean was Mr cee favourite client says:

    since the tight clothes era kicked in these faggots have been comin out closet with confidence ….. sometimes the way lilwayne dresses its like if hes promotin that gay shit secretly …..

  22. MR.M says:

    HAHAAHA HE FUKIN NAILED IT DEAD ON!! props…hataz hate cuz its their favorite “rappers”…
    fuk lil wayne and tha young money bitches, also anybody who love them
    as for jay…”I rock hoes, yall rock fellas”

  23. jsch231288 says:

    A comedy album about dissing rappers? Wtf. True shit what he said about Wayne though he does need to get off that skater boy swag lol

  24. Mr HennySTR8 says:

    Cannot believe how funny this guy is. The fact that he can actually rap, and take the piss outta these guys in a way even they would lol at, thats talent maaan!

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