New Video: Hopsin “Ill Mind Of Hopsin 5”
July 18, 2012 @ 9:28 AM EDT

From the four corners of his bedroom, Hopsin gets some things off his chest in his new video. Although his flow is reminiscent of Eminem’s early years, lyrically, his mind is on par.
Best video/song by Hopsin thus far. He just boosted his way into my Top 3….. FUCK! Dude’s amazing, and so true…
Hop is seriously fucking amazing.
Hopsin is the future along with kendrick tbh.
THAT WAS CRAZYYY YO! Hopsin copped a dump on errybody in the rap game lol
I was tired of this flow when Em stopped using it 8 years ago. Trying really hard to get past the fact that there isn’t an original flow in his ‘ill mind’, because it seems like there’s some real substance here. Also, who is choosing his beats? It sounds like a soundclick page from 2005. If the flows or beats become more original/creative, I’ll get on board, because the kid seems talented. I mean shit, I got on board with drake and mac miller, I can at least give this guy a chance.
This Hopsin dude seems like a black Marshall?…Only difference in lyric content/ delivery, is the N word.
Actually, he shoulda rapped over an Em beat.
Just sayin..
Dude is nice though. Might even grab a few tracks from this man after hearing this track.
^saw a couple of his recent videos; he produces his own beats but he does them on fruity loops though. Regardless he’s still a dope lyricist imo; easily one of the top who came out on XXL Freshman this year.
Got damn, I’m speechless, this guy is on a whole ‘nother level, just when I think he can’t spit anything else to amaze me he does.
@Brentmackinnon He is making the beats on his own, very talented kid.
Hopsin never disappoints, one of the few in this Rap game concerned about giving a good message to the youth of today, while being dope and a good rhymer at the same time, Knock Madness is gonna be album of the year, mark my words
No disrespect. This dude obviously has skills. To me it just sounds too much like Em in his prime..
It’s cool though, the game does need some revitalization.
Content and message was positive…
I’ll have to listen to some more of his material
This nigga Hopsin is a beast. All 4 of the “Ill Mind…” tracks are dope.
@brentmackinnon STFU you sound so stupid right now. Who cares if the flow isn’t new? Or the beat isn’t what you like? STFU and listen to the LYRICS. instead of the beat..ya dumb fuck.
why the fuck act like black slim shady
He… doesnt sound like slim shady at all in this song….
Maybe others but definitely not this one… no idea what yall ate hearing
Go listen to the slim shady lp them listen tp this. Sounds noooothing alike
The only thing ive ever heard hopsin sound like slim shady on is some of his choruses. Thays it. Yes you can tell hes influenced by eminem, but they are nothing alike.
Hopsin is biting EMs style so much.He needs to find his own style.And stop with the eye contacts,you dont scare anybody you just look like a damn fool.
Every time someone hears a rapper using multisyllables they automatically call it “Slim Shady” flow. Only rapper saying referring to himself as the “new” Slim Shady is Earl Sweatshirt. News flash, Kool G Rap’s been flipping that for years then Big L, Pun, Em and Pharaoh Monch was doing it too. Hopsin was impressive on this record and he’s speaking the absolute truth.
[…] on the e-streets for a while but never got a chance to check out his material. I saw this video on Rap Radar
Spitting some real shit on there.
So Em was Nicki?
THis kid is behind the times? Contacts and blacklight posters? Flow and style is dated.
That was arguably the realest bars I’ve ever heard on a track
Hopsin killing shit!! wait til his album!
Holy… Holy fucking shit. I need new pants
fucking dope
shut up about his eye contacts. As long as he doesn’t wear chains or gold teeth. Sluts always want a romeo but don’t deserve them, haha the truth stings.
i dont realy fuck wit hopsin at all.. but im not gonna lie ,he had some real solid points on this track
Holy fuck this is sick
I guess I’ve been sleepin on Hopsin
This shit was dope. He was right about alot things in this track. I might have to check more of his stuff.
First off dead the comparisons. Like someone said above he’s influenced by Em. And just cause he’s using multi’s shouldn’t automatically put im with that comparison.
Now moving on to the track. This shit is dope as f. Hop killed it. The subject matter is on point. And for the dumbass up there saying it’s “dated” fuck outta here idiot. The shit he’s talking about is exactly current. Its the state at where a lotta this shit is. He’s in a room speaking to three different individuals with problems that are associated with society and young adults at this exact moment. Yall needa stop looking for something to criticize.
No matter what, Hop killed it, and had a dope message.
why isnt this a top 5 post?
Every single track he gets better. Hopsin, Kendrick, Gambino and Yelawolf > all other up and coming emcees
I dont get everyone saying he sounds like eminem in his prime.
Wouldn’t that mean hopsin is a fuckin amazing rapper?
Yes. Thats what it means.
Sounding like the best rapper (eminem) makes you at least a very good rapper.
These are BARS and he SLAYED EVERYONE.
Respect hopsin. ALL DAY
Sounding like eminem is NOT EASY its not like you type he sounds like EMINEM” every day.
Because its hard to rap that good, with that much flow.
And why isin this in top 5
He talked about you guys now your mad..
Your just not posting it because its against your ideals. YOU PUSSYS.
This is sure better than all the current top 5. so you look stupid not haveing it there. this site is about good music not a gay phone call or nas’s gay party
Hopsin actually made me start liking him with this track, I still hate how he has beef with OF and so many rappers smh
agree with every1 else. this not being in the top 5 just shows how rapradar has fallen off. *hops on to a new rap blog* see what i did there?
seriously the dopest track i think ive heard all year, shit gave me goosebumps
Hopsin is one of the realist rappers right now!
I though cRapRadar was scared to post this video, I’m glad that I was wrong. Seriously nowadays this site is full of shit posts! Everyday I come here and see these wack ass clown rappers, now I can see a little hope that the future of Hip-Hop got something bright… Hopsin.
@wannarap I agree.
What other rap blogs are cool?
If anyone knows a better one ill switch.
Straight up lol
i dont see the big deal about hopsin at all
Lol, i’d love to see Em use this flow again. His nasaly/rappity rap rap shit lately kinda gets old.
His verse on the Yelawolf album was crazy underwhelming.
So is the new rule that anyone that has a sarcastic/humorous rap style that they are trying to be like em? Overall he doesn’t sound like his its just the way he gets things across that does. Plus from what I’ve seen Hopsin songs are serious with some humor in them. Whereas em’s old stuff was just humorous and his new stuff is serious.
@Cruel Thing It doesn’t seem like he’s not beefing with them to me. That would imply that he doesn’t like them personally, when it sounds like he just has a problem with their messages and talent.
Alright RR
You posted it on top 5. You gained respect.
Stay real RR
My boy Hopsin getting that RR Top 5 shine!! Click on my name, I’m friends with Hopsin and got a couple photos with him. I’ma make a track with him early next year, so add me to be the first to hear it!
He dose sound like em. And his beats are super eminsh..
But i see no problem with that. Its like as a rapper look at Eminems success..
Its not like Eminem is putting out stuff like this anymore, so why not let hop do it. hop is a huge em fan and alot of his rapping background comes from Eminem, but i think thats more a good thing than a bad one. Not many people can flow multis like that and tell a story with substance. Its Not 95% of bullshit talking about bitches, weed, money, cars and the club and that’s something the rap game needs again.
hopsin just struck gold with this angry rap song (ill mind 5) so now he will see what people want, just as em did. he got out with silly stuff, got angry and blew up. But hop lacks a fucked up backround so it will be interesting to see how the 2 rappers storys and songs develop.. Thing wish hop is hes slow releseing songs. like snail ass slow.. so next year when we get another single i wonder what direction he will take and how..
One thing is for sure, hopsin is here to stay in 2012/13
Top 5 son!!!
who r all u stans trolls????? this shit is hot stink 99 degree trassssh
the beat is uncompelling dated shit and he ABSOLUTELY bites Em’s flow its not even a question.
The only reason anyone thinks he sounds like Em is cuz you prolly jus listen to mainstream music and think Em is the only rapper that spits multi syllable rhymes. And when THE FUCK have yu heard Em telling people not to drink, smoke or waste their lives? Wake up. Hop is better then your favorite rapper.
Fuckin dope
That vid did 2 mill in 2 days and still pushin!
this songs better than anything posted the last week. the fact that this isn’t being championed on hip hop sites shows that this site aint hip hop. its pop
@#1 Stoner You wouldn’t understand. You are the problem. So called “#1 Stoner”.
[…] moments with his dear friend in the sixth installment of his “Ill Mind of Hopsin” series. His new album, Knock Madness, coming November […]
[…] moments with his dear friend in the sixth installment of his “Ill Mind of Hopsin” series. His new album, Knock Madness, coming November […]
[…] moments with his dear friend in the sixth installment of his “Ill Mind of Hopsin” series. His new album, Knock Madness, coming November […]
[…] moments with his dear friend in the sixth installment of his “Ill Mind of Hopsin” series. His new album, Knock Madness, coming November […]