1. bob bobby says:

    where have i seen this before? oh yeah, fabolous

    real original, thats why nobody knows who the fuck you are mr.shoulder lean

  2. Uhhh... says:

    @bob bobby Actually the first tape came out before Fab’s tape did, so STFU and stop hatin. Dro still that nigga.

  3. bob bobby says:

    lol @ young dro personally responding to me on a blog

    listen up nigger, (only a nigger would be dumb enough to think dro is still that nigga, or ever was) know your role, and shut your mouth

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:


  8. dee says:

    bob you were loud and wrong

    dont you feel stupid??

  9. bob bobby says:

    yo will somebody please tell this nigger young dro to get off my jock

    how can I feel stupid when im surrounded by coons without iq’s the size of a peanut?

  10. Sol D.R. says:

    Talk about ignorance…

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