Serena Williams Gets Walk On At Olympics

After defeating Maria Sharapova for the gold at the 2012 Olympic Games, Serena Williams celebrated with a dance that would make her Compton hood proud. Get your bounce on girl.

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  1. JustMyOpinion says:

    SO disrespectful. This is the Opympics, way to show professionalism.

    B2K crip walking like that’s what’s up – Fat Joe

  2. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Hahahaha. USA USA USA !

  3. Commenting Carl says:

    Now that’s funny as hell, crip walking at the Olympics… WC is somewhere smiling,,, imagine Prince William and Kate going to the Buckingham Palace doing that.

  4. Dr. Dre's Ass says:


  5. Rozay says:

    But you cant spell ignorant and calling yourself someones ass, now go run along and play human frogger on the freeway.

  6. Your Friendly Neighborhood Dopeman says:

    It looks like a girls dance anyways. Gangsters do this?

  7. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    smh@”Ignorint”. Martin Payne voice: I blame the public school system.

  8. Donn says:

    That’s wat I’m talkin bout. Black ppl are killin the Olympics this year!! Fuck the haters, don’t change who u are for no white folks

  9. bumpy johnson says:

    @donn exactly

  10. Rozay says:

    Venus is looking like she’s saying to herself how many times do I have to fake cheer for this bitch I’m the oldest was supposed to be Batman and Serena was Robin.

  11. really23 says:

    @ Dr. Dre’s Ass

    Spell check is your friend…

    @ Just My Opinion

    Same goes for you plus you’re opinion sucks.

  12. Real talk says:

    Dude above me played himself, spell check is your friend too son, it’s your not you’re. I agree though, she did her thing don’t hate

  13. NicoSWEBaby says:

    Good thing it wasn’t Paralympics, LOL

  14. Luminous Story says:

    Straight up nigga move. Smh.

  15. London says:

    hah GOLD motherfuckers

  16. How Wonderful... says:

    @ Donn and @ Bumpy Johnson, crip walking at the olympics is nigga shit. and if you guys feel that way about not changing then you both have a nigga mentality. I dont know how how you guys are, but if you’re both above twenty five then you are pathetic.

  17. Dr. Dre's Ass says:

    Because correcting someones spelling always wins the fight .

  18. haha says:

    somebody please make a gif of this! haha

  19. hazz says:

    I love when bloggers act like they have class FOH
    Serena is accomplished and a leader in her field y’all need to worry about fronting for your bosses and co workers on Monday.

  20. hazz says:

    People spend so much time worrying about what people think aka the white man that they never get to figure out who they really are.

    If you look down on Serena for this after all she has done in her short life time you are the one with a Nga mentality

  21. Brahsef says:

    She just won a gold medal and is stoked. Pro tennis needs more personality anyway if it ever wants more fans than people who make 100k a year.

    The only sport that has a private jet rental company as a major sponser.

  22. Brahsef says:

    And crip walkin on the same court where wimbledon is played is some boss ass shit

  23. mshann718 says:

    To the guy that posted this video; FYI Compton is a blood neighborhood.

  24. How Wonderful... says:

    @ hazz..thats the problem how do you accomplish so much and still regress and reinforce and perpetuate something derived from GANG CULTURE. THE SAME GANG CULTURE THAT KILLED ONE OF HER SISTERS A FEW YEARS BACK!!! I dont get it!!! Thats why Black athletes dont really go that far, they always try to bring the hood to corporate america or a professional sports arena. It doesnt mix and never will. As a black man, i love what Serena and Venus have accomplished, but perpetuating gang culture at the olympics or anywhere isnt cool.

  25. Brahsef says:

    @How Wonderful

    The crip walk is beyond gang culture, it’s become a part of pop culture in America. She was just having fun and you’re taking this far too seriously.

  26. How Wonderful... says:

    @ Brahsef
    You’re buggin, go to a blood neighborhood anywhere in America and start crip walkin, then let me now if its really part of pop culture. Its pop culture when your doing it in the mirror in the safety of your own home…its not pop culture in the wrong neighborhood son.

  27. Huil Lu Kim says:

    Can’t take the ghetto out of her.

  28. TravSays says:

    This is really no worse than Ryan Lochte putting his grill back in to take a photo after he won a gold medal ….didn’t hear Anyone calling him ghetto so leave Serena alone

  29. hazz says:

    @How Wonderful can it be possible that in the spur of the moment of excitement she did a little jig was she thinking about her sisters death? Or was it just a reaction…. haven’t you ever won something and blurted out nonsense or bust a quick move? This is a isolated incident nothing to hang our heads about.

    As for athletes and corporate america they [and we] are just another commodity it’s about money and nothing more. Corporate america has sold gang culture to the world the NBA was transformed from milk toast to Hip Hop because it sold tickets.

    Athletes as a whole don’t go that far unless they posses other talents that’s the nature of their industry.

  30. hazz says:

    @TravSays Real Talk

  31. ListenUp says:

    All you holier than thou hypocrites kill me with this fakery. She was excited and dancing with joy at her accomplishment. If you consider this a promo for Gang-activity you are just pretentious. She knows that there are people who will understand the sentiment behind the walk and who is to even say this won’t inspire some gang-affiliated kids to take interest in the sport? My point is, this does not warrant all the extra criticisms on here, go feed a homeless child if you care that much or STFU.

  32. hazz says:

    All i know is Oprah better not call her and ruin her day over this.

  33. who cares what she do she won gold you dudes need to just stop it …GET YA WALK ON SERENA.

  34. L'Aiguille says:

    Now can we have a bootyshake on the podium ?

    Mac Miller interview : “My mom and Wiz’ mom are like best friends, it’s funny. They hang out like all the time and get high together.”

  35. R says:

    Serena ass yall wondeing what it smells like well like horse shit lmao

  36. The Rise says:

    Its just a celebration people, calm down. she didn’t throw up a gang sign. let her have the moment

  37. tucq says:

    MFs need 2 quit hatin!

    I’m from L.A. and that’s some straight Boss shit, 2 quote @Brahself.

    Serena is from the hood, and that chick just got the GOLD. She was just havin fun, and at the same time, showin where and what she comes from. If anything, it should show hood people everywhere what u can achieve.

  38. JB says:

    Venus looks like 2 chainz

  39. D.Scott says:

    One of the greatest ever. Let her live

  40. Godfather says:

    OK, first off, there is no justification for trying to perpetuate a life that you took no part in. Was she a CRIP? Probably not, but she comes from a neighborhood where unless she is just completely stupid(which she isn’t), she knows what the ramifications of doing something like this could bring. It may not be real to alot of you folk, and ya’ll may want to sing her praises for “keeping it real” or whatever, but nah, this was definitely a lapse in judgement on her part in terms of what this dance signifies regardless of how “pop” it may have gotten in some folks eyes.
    That being said, this does not mean she should be demonized, but it is what it is. I will say this much, I have seen some of these beach volleyball players with rediculous asses out there, and I guarantee if they started droppin it like it was hot out there cuz they won a medal, something would be said about it. SO there is no reason to try and jump on anyones case for stating the fact that some things just aren’t necessary or appropriate in certain settings. This being one of them. If you just signed a multimillion dollar contract with someone in a corporate venture, you wouldn’t start stackin signs in front of the people you just agreed to it with, and shoutin out your neighborhood in the office! Its not a question of whether or not you should do this in front of “white people”, its a question of whether or not this is to be done in front of anyone at all.

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  42. Nickey Negrito says:

    It really wasn’t that serious to me. I enjoyed it. People are to concern about WHITE FOLK OPINIONS ON OUR CULTURE. That’s really the sickest part of it. Constantly fearing them(Whites). You know how many times Snoop did that in front of a crowd of white folk, and doing it on stage with Bloods in peaceful harmony. The only dumb shit about Gangs is killing another person over Colors. They could be the most organize people in the world if it wasn’t for the senseless violence.

  43. Nickey Negrito says:

    ……and she walked for approximately 3 seconds.

  44. How Wondeful... says:

    @ Godfather

    Thank You kind sir. You are one hundred percent correct. Im still bugging of that “its pop culture” nonsense. Crip Walking is no different from throwing up gang signs. Like I said Crip walking in a blood neighborhood will get get you seriously and/or fatally injured. Some people dont know how serious gang culture is.

  45. Itz Yourz says:

    Smh,Lol.. ask Tommie Smith and John Carlos, what it do…when keeping it real goes wrong. And they were just representing black people…black nationalism…with a raised fist. The IOC stripped them of there gold and bronze medals. They don’t play that type of shit. You suppose to be a good loser and a humble winner (lmao, if you remember kindergarten). Look how they carried on when usain one four years ago in Beijing of how he acted. It s all about sportsmanship. Was it the wrong place to c walk at? Yeah. Should it be skin off her back for doing it? No. What I want to know is why was she bashful when they ask her what was that specific dance she did after her win ( media and there stupid as sarcastic questions). You did it so own it.

  46. […] Williams, peace to her gettin’ the gold. You know she got […]

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