New Music: Aaliyah x Drake “Enough Said”
August 5, 2012 @ 5:49 PM EDT

Enough can’t be said about Drake’s love for Aaliyah. In fact, rumor has it that he will be overseeing her posthumous album. But until we get confirmation, here’s a new track produced by 40.
Ohhh.. My god.
OVOXO never disappoints. New classic!!!
this is so cool to me
not bad at all
I love Aaliyah<3 This is amazing.
cant wait for drake to get out that ymcmb contract he will be the best top 1
He said he doesnt like releasing mixtapes, guess we’ll be getting this new project next year.
Straighttttt Kiltttttttttttt, so hottttttttttt!
It’s “Enough Said” *
fire. Aaliyah>>>>>insert any female name here
Hmm! Back on the Thank Me Later flow! I can fxck with this! He shoulda dumbed down the cursing though, need to keep it clean just because the image Aaliyah kept.
Drake & Aaliyah – Everything Said Download
Yuck. This is not good. The music is just cheesy. it’s just not her.
Timbaland was right, it should’ve been him and Missy involved cause they kew her true sound.
Drake just dreaming. This ain’t no difference than 2Pac remixes with every rapper.
Far as Aaliyah being better than other female, right. Chic was an average with average vocal range. her “charm” is what seem to attract people, and now death means she has incredible talent. lol
Straight bullshit… Lol! Aaliyah wouldn’t have done done some trash like this… This wasn’t even her style! I know Timbo is tight right now… Hahahaha! Typical 40 beat with an atmospheric pad n “get light” drum pattern he uses all the time with some corny pitched TOMs! #SMH
Lyrics here >
Ain’t the worst i’ve every heard, def not the best… I kind of feel like it is true to Aaliyah sexy,free,chill style. Respect to 40 on the production, captured the emotion.
whoever that was up top that said he needs to dumb down his cursing because of aaliyahs image must either be young or doesn’t realize that all aaliyahs albums had parental advisory stickers on shit tho
Pointless..uses allayiah for a lowblow one verse half a stunt record..smh
Man did I want to hate on this!! Can’t stop this man… Keep killing them!! Concert today in T dot!! Nice day to release the track!! I see ya 40!!
can’t really bang with this
Like this one a lot.
I like the song, and i think Drake went in. His only Flaw was cursing on a song with an angel like Aaliyah. But Drake went hard(and i’m no Drake fan at all) on Chris Breezy. I guess they going to keep the feud fueling huh? Well hip hop is always a little boring with out a little beef attach to it. Drake did the “TAKEOVER” and came with facts, where as Chris tried the “ETHER” approach and make insults on Drakes looks. lol
A rapper/singer beefing with a singer WTF!
production is on point. song has nice vibe. Aaliyah’s vocals were alright. Drake killed his verse. Overall good song
@Vurbz, it’s just because Aaliyah is RIP that Drake could have did without the cursing. I never heard Aalyah curse on her album. The sticker was mainly for sexual content and adult entertainment. Drake could have chilled or killed the profanity.
I add a muthafucka so u ignorant niggaz can hear me~ Lauryn Hill
“Drake did the “TAKEOVER” and came with facts, where as Chris tried the “ETHER” approach and make insults on Drakes looks. lol”
wtf are u talking about?
Drake is just a fancier of Hip-Hop and R&B. He used to watch BET on Canadian cable as a little boy.
Didn’t Aaliyah die ten years ago? Kind of cheesy for a fabricated rapper to be on this song.
its not even bad……………..
BTW: What the fuck happened to that hookah song? Drake is too much of a pussy to release it and call out anyone on Rap Radar? The queer reads blog comments but can’t handle what people type about him.
Waitin for that real fire…
Timbos gonna be Maaaaaaaaad…
I’m not tryin to rock the boat but Timbo and Missy should definitely be involved if there’s an album in the works. Not the Canadian Nelly.
Yesss. Drake iz one of da greatest rappas eva. I wanna fly out to Toronto for the OVO fest so bad. swag
if aaliyah was alive she wouldn’t be a fag hag with drake
Drake : If ur readin dis,juss know dat So Icy Boi! from ATL supportz u. Plz notice me! swag
Is he rappin or just readin fast?
Just blessing your page and paying homage to the Aaliyah. We miss you babygirl. This song alright. @therealdutchiz on twitter. Yeah its really me RIP Miss Melodie shaka
@M.T Damn fam it’s obvious. Do your musical research my dude, mattafact i’m gonna help you.
Remember when Chris dissed Drake on that remix with Game, Kanye and whomever else was on their_________(M.T enters yeah i do)
Well Chris said some crazy stuff about his eyebrows. Insults is what Nas did to jay
Well Drake just said “150, 000 1st week……….” Facts is what Jay gave Nas
It’s a battle. Now leave me alone attention seeker.
@Nickey Negrito
Chris Brown is goofy like Drake but he’s less of a pussy. Drake had a chance to man up in jail but he dropped the ball.
Weak ass 40 Thank me later hammy down beat this shit sound like every other drake song
Timbo and Missy probably heated as fuck.
R.I.P. Aaliyah. Where’d they get the vocals?
Any1 who think this shit is legit didnt fuck with Alliyah in the 90’s
bunch of fuckin 12 year olds
@Gayke…..lmao i feel you. I didn’t know Drake went to jail though?
song is ok, but as said in some previous comments, missy and timbo should, without a doubt, be involved in any post death projects of aaliyah’s. it’s just out of respect. plus drake tries way too hard to be somebody he’s not. we don’t believe you. you need more people.
Haters gonny hate! Lovers gonna love!
Its a Good Song, why should Drake Change Up HIs Formula when it has got him This Far? #Idiots
neeeds more drake!!!
Breezy did below 150 right?
Drake is a ugly big eyebrowed pale skinned Jewish motherfucker! He’s jealous of Chris Brown. Chris was in the music industry earlier, made music with Lil Wayne earlier and dated Rihanna earlier….
Drake paid all that tour money for an Aaliyah feature. He finally did it!!!
[…] I’m so glad Drake appreciates Aaliyah as much as he does. Just spotted this at RapRadar and here’s what they had to say Enough can’t be said about Drake’s love for Aaliyah. In […]
Missy & Timb only had like 2 songs on her last album. She was moving on from them! I believe Statik was going to be that dude she would go to for her sound. & didn’t drake use or sample her vocals with jeezy on his 1st album?
it was dope! i luv hearing baby girl again… its missing something tho..!
its like, its like i can’t put my finger on it!
“@M.T Damn fam it’s obvious. Do your musical research my dude, mattafact i’m gonna help you.
Remember when Chris dissed Drake on that remix with Game, Kanye and whomever else was on their_________(M.T enters yeah i do)
Well Chris said some crazy stuff about his eyebrows. Insults is what Nas did to jay
Well Drake just said “150, 000 1st week……….” Facts is what Jay gave Nas
It’s a battle. Now leave me alone attention seeker.”
lol this nigga just called me an attention seeker. the only reason I said “wtf u talking about” is because its silly to even compare Takeover and Ether to the Drake and Chris Brown disses. But on that note u should go listen to Ether if u think it was just dissing Jay-z looks. There were plenty of “facts” on that shit too. fuck outta here.
Drizzy with that Ether to Brownie lmao
Not a good song at all… Where Timbaland when u need him?
Missys a lesbo, timbos dreday and drakes a necromancer. aaliyahs dead. let her rest in peace. drakes verse was tight regardless
this is hott??? what?? it doesn’t matter what Drake drops you mf gonna say its hott lolsmh im not saying its wack but its definitely not hott
@ CB>Drake
Ummm, dumb fuck, what does drake have to be jealous about?
The fact that drakes fucking the love of chris browns life rhianna, or the fact that he fucked his chin up in a brawl, or the fact that his albums FIRST WEEK sales are more than double Chris’s ENTIRE sales.
These drake haters are so in denial… dig a hole..bury urself. Numbers n facts dont lie.
Any real hip hop lover will be outraged by this timbo and miss should be the ones involed in this project drake is a FAKE a actor!!! Always have been always will and ymcmb is a joke
This is a outrage timbo and missy should be involved as any real. Music lover will know drake is a FAKE a actor always has been always will be
All the cursing aint needed
This is a mess any real music lover will know timbo and missy should be involved with this project .. drake is a FAKE a actor always has been and always will be I’m sure he has a team of writers
For the record, I’m 21. My sister (who is now 29) used to have all of her albums and I pretty much was forced to listen to Aaliyah’s music when in the car with her which wasn’t a bad thing because I enjoyed her music, in fact probably even know more about Aaliyah’s background than you, I was well in tune with her.
And second, PLEASE find me an Aaliyah album with a parental advisory sticker on it that’s NOT photoshopped on there. T_T Aaliyah used ZERO profane lyrics in her music, the worst it may have gotten is getting sexual, but it was no cursing. I’ve even read a couple comments on here where people are complaining about the cursing also, so you tell me what’s right!
This is disrespectful to my city. Fuck Drake, we’re gonna do you worse than we did Yung Berg
Good song. But please let the dead rip.
Mac Miller Intw ; And another thing is my mom and Wiz’ mom are like best friends, it’s funny. They hang out like all the time and get high together,”
sound good to me
I agree missy should have help make this song its just dont sound right to me and im a drake fan
@ ppl saying Timbo n Missy should b envolved … now i’ll start by saying i mite b rong and have no facts but,these past years i dont remember Timbo or Missy showing any interest in doing anything Aaliyah related … they’v spent thier time pushing the Nelly furtados, Yazmine Sullivans and even trying to turn Cassie into the new Aaliyah (Cassies “unofficial Girl” song was 10times more Aaliyah than this)… n now that sum1 is showing interest and moving forward with a Aaliyah project now they wana stand up and wave their hands from the back of the classroom along with the irritating stident (Drake) who brings the teachers cookies, sits in the front and cares ??!.
back 2the song, 4me it doesnt work … like Tony Yayo mocked Fat Joe “TAKE OF THAT GRILL, ITS NOT A PHANTOM ITS A HEMI (300C).
U cant put a Rolls Royce grill (Aaliyah) on a 300 hemi C (Drake n 40) and convince ppl its a Rolls Royce (Aaliyah).
needs less drake more aaliyah… what a voice
Drake should switch up his formula cuz its an Aaliyah song, not drake… That’s the problem with a lot of these posthumous albums, the artist in charge is always tryin to make the dead artist fit they’re sound instead of the other way around… Good song, bad look IMO.. Put missy and tim somewhere in the project. That’s like if drake die and 40 don’t have nothin to do with the posthumous album…
This shit not cool …. Fuck that shit … Fuck whoever supported releasing this song …
Nice. Drake could have done 2 verses though… but I’m guessing this was more about Aaliyah.
FAKE. FAKE. FAKE. i know dude is a serious aaliyah fan, but “lets pretend we actually recorded a song together for the fans” shit is corny, and money hungry -ish
Could use a bit more cowbell? But in all seriousness, I miss Aaliyah. She was a beautiful spirit with an angelic voice. This is great record. My only concern, if Drake is going to reach out to Timbaland and Missy for this upcoming album? If he bypasses these two, I’ve lost all respect. Grant it, if he purchased her masters, I understand it isn’t owed to Missy and Tim, but they were a collective from the beginning. It’s only right.
@ Detroit , I think you need to worry about where your next meal is coming from living in that hole you call a city….. Can you even afford to rob someone? Ha!
missy and timbo are pretty shitty these days, only god knows how bad they would have made this sound. oh yeah, and drake should change up his style? missy and timbo worked with aaliyah over a decade ago but you’re still saying that nothing should change with her sound. idiots. stfu and appreciate music for once.
^^^ so tupacs new album should have a lex Luger beat?!?!?! So Elvis should sing over linkin park songs?!?!? Biggie feat chief kief?!?!? Drake should change his sound abit cuz its not his album or sound he’s promoting. Its Aaliyah’s!!… posthumous means that persons album after they’re death,so whos to say that she would use that sound???….if snoop dies Tomarrow, dr Dre should be on the project regardless of whether he makes goods beats right now or not. Doesn’t mean they have to have full control, but again, be apart of the project?!?! Mos def!!!
Was sketical before I clicked but nicccce !!!
Look at that biggie duets album… Fuckin garbage!!!! Tryin to use a new sound like that’s something he woulda done. We love Aaliyah and biggie cuz of the music they made when they were alive. Why would u want to experiment with something different when obviously people want to here the artis they fell in love with when they were alive not hear them singing and rapping over shit they hear on the radio every effin day….. Shits crazy lol now Chris brown gonna do a temptations project and have them singin over “look at me now” beats.. Gtfoh!!!!
Its a nice track. Her singing style fits the music.
Drake & 40 definitely captured the emotion without going over the top.
Download here if you need it:
@Carlito I just had to say something. First time I heard the song, I wasn’t so sure, but I see what 40 was doing. Nobody rocks to Timbaland & Missy no more. I’m sure they will be somewhere on her album though.
To get @ what really caught my attention was the line “plus drake tries way too hard to be somebody he’s not. we don’t believe you. you need more people”
I gotta disagree with you. Who are you to pull that Jay-Z line, you talk about Drake trying to hard to be somebody, but you’re biting Jay? And news flash, Jay rocks to Drake. Lastly, WHO is Drake trying to be in this song? And how many of us know Drake or any of these artist we speak on personally? Don’t worry.. I’ll wait…
And before you judge, Please believe I remember Aaliyah’s death like it happened 30 seconds ago. She died on my grandmother’s birthday.. My grandmother passed away this year too… They both still feel like dreams.. but that’s not what this is about.
I can understand your dislike for Drake, but you’re telling me that Timbaland’s “Techno” sound he makes now and Missy… last Missy song I heard was on J. Cole’s album.. and DMX… did you forget the struggles he’s been through in life. My point is they aren’t the same as they were when Aaliyah passed.. hell maybe she has something to do with the reason why they aren’t the same. I would understand.
Like it or not, Drake is what is relevant today. I like the song, and the emotion caught from the flow brings clarity. I just can’t listen to her voice to much… Makes me sad.. reminds me of my Grandmother livin. Her & Aaliyah living life. Both gone too soon, but it’s never the right time.
I just pray that once I meet my loved ones again who have left before me, I’ll be lucky one day to meet her as well. She was my first and last premonition ..
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She would have never wanted to associate with a geek like Drake.. No swag at all compared to Aaliyah. RIP. Stop riding coattails of the deceased fan base
Sounds like he stole Cole’s flow to me
[…] OVO Fest last weekend, Drake speaks to Much Music on his performance, Aaliyah’s single “Enough Said” and her posthumous album helmed by himself and […]
[…] OVO Fest, Drake spoke with MuchMusic about his performance, the brand new Aaliyah’s single “Enough Said” and her posthumous album commanded by himself and “40″. Drizzy went on to share that he'll […]
co-sign everything @Nickey Negrito said. You may be the only other rap fan (or at least publicly) to state the fact that Jay spit truth/facts and Nas just insulted, so how are they going to give Nas that win? Only thing that beef provided us was a return of Nas, so Nas should thank Jay for bringing him back from the dead, and look at him now, Life is Good, right homie? #DefJamWinning
In terms of this song, love everything about it, except that Drake verse should’ve been reserved for a Rick Ross or DJ Khaled record, where he could hide behind his bodyguards b/c he don’t want it with Chris. He ain’t about that life!
[…] at his OVO Fest last weekend, Drake speaks to Much Music on his performance, Aaliyah’s single “Enough Said” and her posthumous album helmed by himself and […]
[…] at his OVO Fest last weekend, Drake spoke to Much Music on his performance, Aaliyah’s single “Enough Said” and her posthumous album helmed mostly by himself and […]
[…] OVO Fest, Drake spoke with MuchMusic about his performance, the brand new Aaliyah single “Enough Said,” and her posthumous album commanded by himself and “40.″ Drizzy went on to share that […]
[…] with Revolt, Timbo explains why Aaliyah’s posthumous vocals particularly used in Drake and Chris Brown‘s singles did not work. He also mentions his desire to reunite with […]