New Video: Beanie Sigel x State Property “The Reunion”

Beanie’s new album is almost here and before it drops he reunites the Chain Gang in this new video. Damn, there are some fine ladies in this one too. This Time, August 28th.

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  1. How Wonderful... says:

    Stop reaching Beanie, You had so many opportunities to elevate yourself. dude is tooooo old to be getting locked up. Who’s really checking for that alBUM….Yea…al BUM.

  2. Fiore Scott says:

    i used to bang state prop extra hard…but i don’t even know what’s going on with these lyrics. freeway delivered…sort of. but overall, nothing new and nothing impressive. they could have done a bit more with the sly stone sample too. …nipples…

  3. mitch says:

    the girls>>>>>>>>

  4. mitch says:

    or should i say.. the strippers>>>>>>>

  5. OmegaSun says:

    anybody play sleeping dogs yet

  6. Your Friendly Neighborhood Dopeman says:

    “Good job, good effort” Ok track, video reminded me of the good ol days when SP was on top.

    @OmegaSun, not yet, getting my copy today. From what I’ve heard/seen so far it’s dope and the reviews have been positive.

  7. really23 says:

    THese dudes will be robbin banks in 5,4,3,2,1… Oot Oot U Got It The Glamorous Life

  8. yeah says:

    I’ma just say it, that was great. If Beans bossed up like this more often he’d take Rick Ross’s spot.

  9. Musikal says:

    Damn their some bad bitches in this video.

  10. Ya Boy G says:

    lol.this. was. horrible. but thank god for p crack n free. video was like lets pay strippers to not strip in front of a white screen…n oh yeah not show em stripping ?

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