1. Dat bullshit says:

    Damn can I get my video up on rap radar since birdmans uttering downsyndrom phrases and making videos for it….and y’all post it like it’s hot….put some black hippy up and quit helping fuck hip hop up…real rap

  2. L'Aiguille says:

    Damn Jae Millz in High School U was the maaan homie…

    [VIDEO] Kendrick Lamar : The album, Dr Dre, Generation Y, Los Angeles riots and more http://leblacketlaplume.com/2012/09/04/video-kendrick-lamar-interview

  3. yaysayer says:

    this video has been on mtv2 for like 2 months now… -_-

  4. onenutned says:

    shit look like it was shot with a iphone or some’n.

  5. Mr.James says:

    Did Jae Millz always sound like that?

  6. Black Shady says:

    They still have budgets for Mystikal…..??? LOL….why? sadly his career is over

  7. 74x74 says:

    I watched this video on mtv and marveled at how terrible it was. I guess no crew can stay hot forever. YMCMB had a great great run… no shame in that.

  8. realwickwickwack says:

    why the gotta ruin a mystikal track …i wish birdman would stay away from him !

  9. PEEP says:

    mystikal is still ill.

  10. Lostprodigy says:

    Birdman let the boy shine every one of this dudes singles you dropping a wack ass hook last time I checked your own shit was flopping harder than a fish out of water let that man do him you doing the must just open the budget and collect them checks cause you obviously raping “the black prince of the south” so wop bop ah blu bop bitch watch out!!!!!

  11. ess says:

    sorry, but mystikal killed this shit……..

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