1. I use to love her says:

    Another artist Baby and Slim’s gonna shove down the throats of the yutes! Damn shame what happened to this game.

  2. YMCMB_#1STUNNA says:


  3. Bob says:

    Agree, not feeling dude.

  4. wizsucks says:


  5. mac DIESEL says:




  6. yaysayer says:

    haha very funny Mr. Kutcher!

  7. Genesis says:

    It’s aight…. He’s got something….. Don’t know if that something is enough though….. Only time will tell….

  8. Kaino says:

    this dude garbage.. smh

    Fan Suing Lil Wayne for Wasting 20 Minutes of His Life Downloading Dedication 4 Mixtape – http://www.facebook.com/DYBAsshole/posts/461461207227521 <<man this was too funny

  9. SpaceGhostBlacc says:

    I’m feeling this tbh

  10. Evil says:

    Oh god,what a fucked up voice.Almost as bad as lil wayne! this guy will fit right in at Cash money.
    YMCMB=Yall Make Childrens Music,Bitch

  11. Anon DCPL says:


    *inser facepalm gif.*

  12. A$VP J-MAC says:

    Yea stop hating this is a New artist you dont know who he is but judging him on the Label he signed too..I BET ANY OF YOU WOULD SIGN TO CASH MONEY IN A MINUTE. This was a decent track so calm down

  13. Midsize Jerm says:

    Why can’t white rappers just act/sound white? Not the worst bars I ever heard, but nothing stands out, and that flow/voice is played out. Originality? Not on Cash Money….at least not anymore.


  14. the void says:

    its kid from malcolm in the middle.

  15. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    LMAO@”YMCMB=Yall Make Childrens Music,Bitch”.

  16. kayandgee says:

    he aint bad, hes actually not bad at all, i read the comments first and thought it would be bad, not bad yo

  17. Real Talk. says:

    Lmao yall are some haters! Had this shit been by Kanye, everybody would be dickriding. It’s become a “cool” thing to hate YMCMB funny how they’re the ones selling records. This shit is far from wack. Very decent to say the least. emphasis on very

  18. Black Shady says:

    This is the weakest of the new “white rapper” wave. he’s really not that good.

  19. Santa says:

    Franky Muniz is rapping now?

  20. Doug Heffernan says:

    YMCMB are the charlotte bobcats of hiphop

    Always picking up scrubs thinking they gonna take the label far smh.

    Drake and Nicki were the only ones with potential and crossover appeal

  21. Man Yall hating.. This was more than decent. I think it would be doper if he had a different flow for every beat. My Only Knock. And I actually think his voice is a good thing. Its kind of drake ish yet unique at the same time. Pluss he white. I actually think they gone push this dude.

    I dont understand all the hating. You gone hate anybody thats on Cash money. Really:? thats stupid.

    Click the Name Fool

  22. Hate Me says:

    Coss this blog only gets read by haters and internet gangsters, that´s why all the hate. Still don´t think he´s really good.

  23. Brown Shady says:


  24. monta ellis says:

    i wish this was just an instrumental

  25. WestCoast says:

    YMCM bunch of gays

  26. M.T says:

    this dude aint bad….He can acutally spit. hes like a better version of Cory Gunz.

  27. MOREMONEY says:

    dude sounds like a diluted combined mixture of wayne and drake .

  28. YOYO says:

    B. Dot, how much does it cost to get a media campaign like the one Caskey got? Rap Radar must be part of the Complex Music machine. I see you niggas. Dead serious. How much that cost though? Niggas want in.

  29. Jack Bahlzak says:


  30. Mike smiff says:

    Give himn at least one single..

  31. KillThem says:

    Diddy got MGK.
    Em got Yela.
    Baby got Caskey.

    I’m sure now that Kanye, Ross and 50 will announce that they have a new white rapper in their labels.

  32. trakagents says:

    i actullay like his flow and i think he has alot of potential,w the right production and songs he could take off I had a chance to hear his other thru his manager and hes some different shit.

  33. really23 says:

    These niggas get money tho!!!

  34. BlackDivine says:

    let them get money,music is still wake tho!

  35. Only Real Talk says:

    Damn everyone gettin white rappers

    50 signing Mac Miller
    Ross signing Asher Roth
    Kanye signing Childish Gambino

  36. real-talk says:

    Stop Hatin cause he with YMCM yo…… This was far from trash.

  37. OBAKENG says:

    i aint gona front ds dude can spit dam lets see wat he has instore for us!

  38. Brutally Honest says:

    I usually don’t comment, but since there are so many haters on here its crazy. Dude can obviously spit and he can switch up his flow. Looking to see more from him. Stop dick riding niggas just because they have a name and hating on young boys making progress. SMH……..

  39. DJ Black House says:

    lol it wasn’t as bad as some of yall made it out to be. Dude was aight, nothing special. YMCMB can get him right though.

  40. Temtations Cross Path says:

    Hes Pretty Dope If U Watch His Other Videos This Is Jus The Signing Song He Did For Birdman Damn You People Needa Get On The Move “No Compliants” Album By Caskey

  41. Temtations Cross Path says:

    Yung Money Is Trash Cash Money Actually Has Skill On Their Label Unlike Wayne And Birdman Twist Nicki Drake All Them Is Young Money Cash Money Is Birdmans Independent Label With Wayne As Co President Under Cash Money But This Kid Has Talent For Sure

  42. the void says:

    lol @ kanye signing childish gambino. that nerd is so white. haha.

  43. nyomi says:

    we hate when someone gets sign, but think there cool for trying.. this kid works hard.. and now a days.. when is rap ever something really original?? stop with race.. stop with age.. we all want to hate on “rappers” so hard these days.. show support.. and if u dont like it.. MOVE ON!

  44. ocm says:

    lol why does every white boy that gets signed by anyone of any stature (a big CEO or a quote un quote “vet”) always have a funny voice (aside from Bubba Sparx)? It started with Eminem, he then in turn signed Yela Wolf years later, then Tech signs Ritz and now Baby found himself a white boy rapper with a funny voice to add to his roster

  45. Yung Bmore says:

    Even playing devil’s advocate , knowing dude , this shit is cool. He has way better shit but this is just to pay homage to his tha past of his label and hey , you never know , soon or later down the line , someone might pay homage to his single . #NoComplaints and HomeGrown were classics in Sanford / Lake Mary / Orlando area . S/o KPE .
    – Yung Bmore

  46. Jlm88 says:

    if you want to get his sick fucking mixtape go to datpiff.com and search “no complaints” then lets hear you say he is shit… because to me he is the next big thing. he only been in this shit for a year so give some credit.

  47. Mair says:


  48. […] any rate, after doing a little research I’m beginning to believe that Caskey might be a fit for YMCMB but he’s definitely not my speed. I admit, I was a lil’ excited after hearing […]

  49. Drichmen27 says:

    Lmao i see alot off hate from broke people talking crap about caskey i promise you dude has more money then any of yall and this man has actually been out a long time people are just now wanting to give him his clout cause they heard his new stuff with yelawolf when caskey has been had bangers out there and another thing yall are talking about his skin color wow but i bet yall the same people that kiss jack harlows ass tho right and eminems and mgks come on now at least caskey aint a rat like 69 and aint no fake like half these so called artist out here heck im glad yelawolf and him are doing songs together hell maybe the industry will finally put lyrical rappers on and stop putting bullshit people on that make a sound and noise in there song and for some reason the shit is a hit like get out of here for real i bet caskey would eat yall alive under the table in a rap battle

  50. Drichmen27 says:

    And dont dear hate on mac miller cause he was a fucking icon better then all these lil pumps and 69 rats everybody listens to and kisses there asses all because of a sound they make in they song sorry all are legends are dead and if you ask me everybody from mac miller all the way to xxxtentacion and Nipsey Hussle are better legends then the old legends that everybody listened to i mean the older generations rap artist said gay ass shit in they songs and yall worshipped the ground they walked on but yet let somebody say what biggie said in his song talking about old girl looked so good he would suck her dads dick let somebody say that shit now in a song and yall going to dog the shit out of them but yet yalls favorite artist were saying gay shit in they songs and yall thank they are more lyrical then most of this generations artist get out of here

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