1. 7thEmerson says:

    I mean its cool, but the “tropical under the sea” instrumental kind of takes away from the rawness.

  2. Daee says:

    Greatest Rappper Out Right Now.

  3. Cz says:

    Hahahah this fuckin beat is retarded, action Bronson is dope though

  4. V.Zed says:

    He is not a better Ghostface then Ghostface. Period…

  5. GTFO says:

    STFU V.Zed… Bet you haven’t copped a Ghost album in years. Fake ass Stan.

  6. L says:

    Anyone that mentions Ghostface when hearing Bronson shows how little they know about him

    The more you hear Action rhyme the less he sounds like ghostface

  7. .... says:

    cant stand concerts with the whole entourage standing on stage. Nobody paid to have these no name off brand niggaz staring at them

  8. 7thEmerson says:


    An interview of Ghostface was recently released, and in it, Ghost says the two talk on different things, but that Bronson DOES sound like him. Killah says that he feels it’s coincidence though.

  9. Ghost says:

    Their voices just happen to be a similar pitch, otherwise there are no similarities. Both Ghost and Action confirm this.

  10. pienman says:

    yo, this dude is mad talented! that bird on a wire joint was crazy fresh

  11. V.Zed says:

    GTFO , Apologize to me , Now ! For you to use the term “Stan” you not my age or from my cloth.

  12. ^ says:

    I’m sorry you were born such a faggot, faggot.

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