1. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Who in the world OK’d this pic? Wiz they got you looking crazy my dude.

  2. David says:

    It honestly isn’t that bad. Im sure he laughed at it once he saw the final cover to. but I think he did it on purpose to get the people interested & talking about the album. so touche nigga.

  3. truu says:

    Ehhh try again, them pants look so wrong

  4. Donn says:

    They used to wear those pants in the 80s.

  5. London says:

    so fuckin’ wrong.what’s that?frank ocean tribute?smh

  6. nocharge says:

    Cruella Deville lookin ass nigga.

  7. PEEP says:

    Gay people are loyal fans that buy shit so this makes sense.

  8. Obama says:

    ^^^ yeah well gay people also let dudes fuck them in the ass… so there’s that…

  9. onenutned says:

    this look like some 1970 shaft era rick james lookin shit…don’t know if I don’t like it cuz I don’t know what it is…0-o.

  10. brandonpitts says:

    Wait… WTF!

    Wait What Theeeeeeeee Fuck?

    Noooo Hol up What the Fuck

  11. Carlito says:

    the way he’s sitting makes this picture look awkward. overall this is a very lazy cover. amber was playing dress up with him and decided to snap some photos..

  12. broski says:

    It honestly isn

  13. Commenting Carl says:

    This nigga look like Morgan Freeman with Evel Knievel pants on…. artistic expression is one thing but lookin like a damn fool is another…. c’mon son you lookin crazy right now.

  14. Kali says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen,this is what happens when u smoke too much kush

  15. Lg says:

    haters gon hate. still can’t wait for the project tho

  16. tricstaz says:

    all these rappers wanna be hendrix so bad but hendrix had more talent in his little pinky than these fuck boys…fuck outta here khalifa smfh

  17. j/y h/h says:

    Commenting Carl says:
    Wednesday, August 08 2012 at 9:12 AM EST
    This nigga look like Morgan Freeman with Evel Knievel pants on

  18. H2FD says:

    He actually look like Jimmy Hendrix

  19. King Chandler says:

    Wiz has severe identity issues, he said he changed his style because everyone was copying him so what does he do, starts dressing like Jimi Hendrix, he even ties a linen scarf around the mic stand now like he’s Aerosmith or some rockstar, real original, what can you expect from a one dimentional artist though, surprised this clown didn’t name his album Weed, Champagne & Catching Flights.

  20. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:


    How have none of you thought that??? – Young Dudes dont know shit man……

    Regardless, if hes nothing CLOSE to the man – thats who hes channeling.

  21. 7figures says:

    dude is a fucking cornball…fuck his bank acct…cover is wack…who is buying this shit?this is hip-hop?

  22. Musikal says:

    Wiz my nigga but what the hell do he got on. He looks like he should be in the circus or some shit.

  23. Regular Guy says:

    lol gotta love wiz. Nigga look like Hindrix ahahah.

  24. mac DIESEL says:

    @ Wiz Kalifa



  25. How Wonderful... says:

    That cover looks crazy. It looks like an old Rick James album cover.

  26. Aggie Pride says:

    Dis nigga got his hand in his pants. Oh so that’s what they do in first class masturbate. I’m good I stay my ass in coach.

  27. The Truth says:

    Jimi Hendrix my ass, the fuck this nigga got on, he look like Sweet Daddy from good times!!!

  28. Clint says:

    lol @ the dalmation fur. c’mon son.

  29. Ten Macaroni Necklaces says:


  30. All Things Real says:

    This look is over my head.

  31. Comedy Special says:

    Lol Hell Naw

  32. @Artise1 says:

    He is an ARTIST. Plus I f*cks with Jimmy Hendrix. It reminds me of that.

  33. Jack Bahlzak says:

    Illuminati still tryna push da gay agenda on us wit this bullshyt

  34. sunn says:

    yall are some homos

  35. CR8ZzY says:

    Is this nigga even sitting down

  36. Anonymous says:

    Wiz went Hollyweird. This dude is not Andre 3000 or Jimi Hendrix. His visuals of late have been challenged. And the music is a HOT mess. This dude needs to come back down to earth and improve the MUSIC.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Wiz went Hollyweird. This dude is not Andre 3000 or Jimi Hendrix. His visuals of late have been challenged. And the music is a HOT mess. This dude needs to come back down to earth and improve the MUSIC.

  38. the void says:

    lol wiz is on that kanye swagg.

  39. PPrrootteesstt says:

    He looks mad homo, whatever tho

  40. These Niggas Gettin Weirder By The Minute says:

    “Is this nigga even sitting down”

    how can he in those T.A.P’S (Tight Ass Pants) he gonna get a yeast infection
    his pants are so tight he can’t sit all the down lol.

  41. G.O.O.D.BoySwag says:

    lmao @obama

  42. @Craig_itsFriday says:

    Thought this would be Frank Oceans cover. Wtf is wiz smoking? Ill be embarrassed to pick this up

  43. buking says:

    bout the only thing i like about wiz is that he takes risks with fashion, but this naw. he looks scared in the face. and fuck fur!!! killing hella animals to flex on a record cover? karma see’s it.

  44. mac DIESEL says:




  45. DAT WHITE NIGGA says:


  46. CTE says:

    LOL I gurantee Atlantic records makes him change the cover, cause nobody gonna pick up an album with that shit on the cover. SMH Looks like we got a new YPY! Put him right beside this nigga here
    <- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – .

  47. chilleymost says:

    damn!!!! son damn!!!! what s it ,,,,,,jimi could play an instrument can this dude?,,,and niggas was smoking hella crazy in the sixties,,,unlike now ,,,niggas is fucking blazing their brains,,out,,,when talent fails,,,,do something drastic,,,for attention,,,,well he has done it,,,,hope the music is banging

  48. chilleymost says:

    @CTE,,,,you a wild boy!!!,,lolololol

  49. @ITZJAYKELLY says:

    LOL @ CTE
    check out my song I be nuttin in these bitches


  50. Your Life Is A Lie says:

    When your music ain’t making the noise you expect, go for the shock value as usual.

  51. thatloud says:

    “Is this nigga even sitting down” lmao
    wiz looking like a fool and is about to do something stupid like change his game like snoop

  52. @ITZJAYKELLY says:

    Biggest posers in rap Wayne, Ross, Nikki, Shawty Lo pretending to smoke weed by not inhaling and Wiz

  53. @ITZJAYKELLY says:

    I forgot Snoop Dogg I mean Snoop Lion

  54. robb maxx says:

    thats what the purple haze do to u

  55. Guare456 says:

    i bet u would think its great u fucking homo

  56. close-minded sumbitch says:

    You played yourself

  57. . says:

    oh man… I like wiz’s music sometimes, but damn. he took an L with this cover lmao. It literally looks like a parody.

  58. Ay Bitch im on it says:

    The thing to me is WTF do his label mates say bout this??
    And If i saw wiz id try to shoot his leg

  59. close-minded sumbitch says:

    Wiz should change his album name to I.L.L.A.D.F (I Look Like A Damn Fool)

  60. Taylor says:

    watch this “gay” album outsell every other album this year

  61. Brown Shady says:

    He makes gay music so its only right that he has a gay cover right?

  62. realfan says:

    if kanye did this not one of yall would hate. Nigga is doin his thang so far on this album at least it isnt his face with some smoke coming out his mouth

  63. man_g says:

    why people hatin on wiz take a example from that nigga you lauchin at him but that nigga is sittin
    on his bankaccount lauchin in all ya hataz faces wiz is bringing a time back why he haves da guts
    for it you hataz call him gay i call him a legend you people are really full of shit that nigga keeps it real you bastards hatin on his styl all you hataz are freaking zombies stop dissin that nigga and listen to da music he makes andt take a example instead talking that bullshitt WIZ YOU FORREALL fuck them yeah FUCK THEM HATAZ they lauchin but infact they lauching about them self how stupid they are WIZ KEEP GOING !!!!!!!!!!and you hataz have a life!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. Oz says:

    if i was a millionaire and could get away with doing whatever id probably stunt that hard aswell just to get on peoples nerves walk down the street with mongolian snow tiger fur coat in the middle of the summer with pants made out of elephant skin and shoes made out of solid gold

  65. PEEP says:

    The weed back then wasn’t even close to being as strong as what we smoke today. They were MUSICIANS back then people. Not blunt smoking opportunists like the lot of these “artists” today. Jimi would soak his headband in LSD, so when he’d sweat on stage it would drip in his eyes. This kid is a joke n just another dick contributing to the fall.

  66. swaglord says:

    Wiz too is a swaglord.

  67. jtm says:

    Wiz lookin like he worth about 11 million.. Only… N word… In… First… Class

  68. sway-z says:

    Look like he got a wrestler outfit on, the fuck is up with niggas nowadays?

  69. CJF says:

    regardless of the cover art, its still gunna be wack, no flow, nothing rhymes, only content is weed, why is he soooooo overated?! not hating cus occasional i enjoy his guest verses ie. on big seans album ..

  70. urrrr says:

    i really hope he has a second cover

  71. deez says:

    whoever works for this guy, and gives this guy advice or w.e is a real fucking comedian, this one had me crying yest. morning, i was laughing so hard like this dude look like evil knievel with those pants mixed with cruella deville..

  72. ReVolveR says:


    @CROMER BEATS Your beats are nice bruh gonna hit you up soon for one. Droppin a mixtape soon. A nigga gotta get paid first tho 😛

  73. youngtex says:

    What is it with young black rappers with money all of a sudden??? Niggas get a lil bread and turn str8 fuckin gay, then got the nerve to call it “being creative, or different. I’m sorry but if Nas or Scarface or Jay Z ever did some shit like this hip hop wouldn’t forgive it! This worm as nigga done fried his last fuckin brain cell! Shame on the ENTIRE taylor gang for not keeping it real with their boy…..SMMFH U BYTCH U!!!!

  74. j. says:

    why does everyone care what the cover looks like? you were probably just gonna download it illegally anyways. make your own cover or keep it blank. just enjoy the music.

  75. gstedmano says:

    this nigga on his rick james shyt

  76. […] Khalifa sat with Karen Civil to weigh in on the backlash he received from his O.N.F.I.C. cover,

  77. Rajon chrondo says:

    Only one juicy j feature?!!? im mad

  78. Ten Macaroni Necklaces says:

    Aint those the pants Nicki was wearing on the view earlier

  79. BillyBlunted says:

    @big homie FFS fix the release date at least Dec 4.

  80. Fire Marshall D.O.O.B says:

    It’s funny how you fuck niglets talk bout how he looks gay meanwhile he’s fucking more bitches than all you haters! And if ya’ll so str8 why yall give a fuck what another man wears anyway.. I’m pretty sure this post is to showcase the tracklist, which looks dope as fuck I might add..
    SMH @ u fuck niglets..

  81. cheddar bob, bitch says:

    jimi hendrix? are u bitches serious?

    this dude more like PRINCE than jimi hendrix, also learn to spell his name right.

  82. MOneybags says:

    @cr8zzzy lmfao hahahaha

  83. Evil says:

    Cocaine can really make you do some dumb shit.That cover has fag written all over it,he looks stupid

  84. […] AudioPlayer.setup("http://associatedfresh.net/wp-content/plugins/audio-player/assets/player.swf?ver=;, {width:"290",animation:"yes",encode:"yes",initialvolume:"60",remaining:"yes",noinfo:"no",buffer:"5",checkpolicy:"no",rtl:"no",bg:"ffffff",text:"ff3435",leftbg:"ffffff",lefticon:"ff3435",volslider:"ff3435",voltrack:"606755",rightbg:"ffffff",rightbghover:"b5b5b5",righticon:"e30000",righticonhover:"FFFFFF",track:"FFFFFF",loader:"b5b5b5",border:"ffffff",tracker:"fcfcfc",skip:"606755",pagebg:"FFFFFF",transparentpagebg:"yes"}); Wiz Khalifa – O.N.I.F.C. (Album Tracklist)Wiz Khalifa (Wiz Khalifa feat. The Weeknd – Remember You (Cloud, MP3)NEW MUSIC: Wiz Khalifa Featuring The Weeknd – Remember YouWiz Khalifa Being Investigated In Hit-And-Run CaseRap Radar […]

  85. Wiz Khalifa - O.N.I.F.C. says:

    1. Intro
    2. Paperbond (Produced by SpaceGhostPurrp)
    3. Bluffin (Produced by Benny Blanco)
    4. Let It Go (Produced by Drumma Boy)
    5. The Bluff feat. Camron (Produced by Jake One)
    6. Work Hard, Play Hard (Produced by Benny Blanco, co. Stargate)
    7. Got Everything feat. Courtney Noelle (Produced by Jim Jonsin)
    8. Fall Asleep (Produced by Stargate)
    9. Time (Produced by 1500 or Nothin’)
    10. Its Nothin feat. 2 Chainz (Produced by Drumma Boy)
    11. Rise Above feat. Pharrell (Produced by The Neptunes)
    12. Initiation (Produced by WillPower)
    13. Up In It (Produced by Stargate)
    14. No Limit feat. Planet VI & Ariez Onasis (Produced by J.Cardim)
    15. The Plan feat. Juicy J (Produced by Drumma Boy)
    16. Remember You feat. The Weeknd (Produced by Illangelo)
    17. Medicated (Produced by Andrew “Pop” Wansel, co. Oak)

  86. floridaboy says:

    tracklist pretty good.. look out for my nigga purrp!

  87. quese says:

    what’s the point of pre ordering a downloadable album 2 months before it comes out????

  88. Chi312 says:

    *In my charlie murphy voice* That boy got on stretch pants that boy got on stretch pants!

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