1. mikey c says:

    no comments on the song? pusha t cant release a good single by himself….

  2. poetic assasin says:

    diff. not ur usual radio vibe – shit is ill though. YUHH!

  3. yesssir says:

    Man, I would’ve loved to hear angry/intense New God Flow type of Pusha over this beat.

  4. JustMyOpinion says:

    I want to say; Future SPOILED this song. But, instead, i’ll just say; this is nice.

    Although, I do believe if it was B.Dot who posted this song, he would have pointed out: Future failing this song terribly. I mean this in a good way.

  5. M.T says:

    song was cool. not feeling future on the hook though.

  6. Duplex says:

    This is super duty heavy tough work.

  7. b56h says:

    smh. Future sounds like a new revamp T-Wayne

  8. dashmatic says:

    its so meaan

  9. Wind Sock says:

    Ye went hard on this beat.

  10. ECU says:

    They’re still doing that cover thing with only the song title and their name? dope song. future was okay i guess

  11. Cruel Thing says:

    Push went in on his verse. Ye went in on the beat. And Future… well, he’s Future, what do you expect?

  12. Greezy says:

    pusha goes innnnn

  13. The Co-Signer says:

    @Cruel Thing.


  14. Midsize Jerm says:

    I don’t normally like anything from Future, but the hook on this was OK. Not great by any means, but it’s chill and doesn’t ruin the track. It doesn’t really help, but it’s bearable and chill, which allows Pusha to just snap on the verses. The beat is insanity though, just brutal and exactly the kind of thing Pusha shines on. I must say his lyricism runs out of steam somewhere in the middle of track, but overall it’s a hot song that will get plenty of listens from me in the future. It felt similar to Exodus, excpet with Future instead of The-Dream, and not quite as lyrical. The beat here is better though. This and Exodus are the king os shit I wanna hear from Pusha, and I look forward to hearing more from him soon.


  15. poetic assasin says:

    this is like new god flow alternate version lol

  16. rucker says:

    Pusha t another overrated nigga that jumps from crew to crew.

  17. Trent says:

    Everybody is killin future on this but he really isn’t that bad on this , it adds to the track more than hurts it and I don’t even really like Future, anyways this is meannn

  18. deshawncoy says:

    thank god isn’t another trap beat lol and poetic assain thats exactly wat I thought

    the chords and synth sound alot similar with new god flow,

    but it’s not bad, I think they should add a lit more bass and brass on it to give it a tiny bit more power and clean up future’s vocals

  19. ultrakid says:

    sounds unfinished, like kanye needs to add more drums, and heavy bassline, this could sound awesome as an intro or somethin

  20. nosamyrag says:

    This was tough. This isn’t for the radio. I actually like Future’s hook.

  21. nosamyrag says:

    Reblogged this on NoFreeInFront. and commented:

  22. Pusha Blows says:

    Guy gives above average verses on features but can never hold his own on a song. Not good at all

  23. nijea says:

    Ye should have kept this for himself yo. Shit would have been way doper.

  24. Black Shady says:

    Beat good
    verses good

    FUTURE??? fuck outta here!!!!!!!!!! he just ruined the song or me -____-

  25. the brain trust says:

    Goddamit future!

    Kanye came through HEAVY on the beat, Push on the verses and then you decided to fuck shit up.

    Song is still crack but it’s not making a dent on billboard.

  26. prime dawg says:

    pusha is on fire!

  27. Trillionaire says:

    I will never listen to this song in its entirety again

  28. theworldfamousbp says:

    If this was an average rapper and average producer it would be acceptable but with talent like Pusha and Ye, I have to say this is trash. To whom much is given, much is expected. No words for including Future. How long we gonna pretend?

  29. Angelo says:

    Honestly…Pusha T has yet to put out a Solo song that has impressed me

  30. Jerome says:

    ya’ll some hatin ass niggas. this shit is a dope single. better than what most are putting out. Pusha had dope bars and ye did his thing on the beat. Future is Future ya’ll but the hook fit the song. ya’ll really do love to hate.

  31. Jerome says:

    but kid cudi on the hook with a darker sound.. coulda been near flawless.

  32. ZIPLOCK P says:


  33. sway-z says:

    Push (well the Clipse in general) always been good at finding those abstract, weird, region-less beats producers keep on the low. He never goes for that obvious track or sound, so even though its Kanye, or The Neptunes, it hardly ever sounds typical

  34. mac DIESEL says:



  35. SADSAD says:


  36. Rell says:

    Stop hating for NO reason. Future is a hook type of guy. His hooks are simple and catchy? OMG what does that equal? A perfect hook. And listen to his Pluto Album. Very catchy songs. He’s not meant to be a lyrical artist. But what he brings to the table even if he is using auto tune is different. Grow up nerds and enjoy life and music.

  37. Ya Boy G says:

    Ill say I dont like future and all the autotune but he wasnt bad on the hook. Pusha went in and ye came with another window shaking head knodding beat. Future did what he was asked to. But what I dont like is the break down ye always does. Let it ride man. Cudi would be nice for a 3rd bar tho. all in all Yuuuuugh!

  38. haseeb says:

    stop hating on future you faggots

  39. DJ Semtex's Prothsetic says:

    T PAIN?

  40. @Bindlo says:

    Pusha T, Do your thang ma “G”, loving the track “make em haters feel tha pain.” Hope you gonn be here when yeezy lands in S-Africa.

  41. Kevin says:

    TAKE THE FUCKING AUTO-TUNE OFF DOUCHE, it would make it sound so much better…

  42. svschv says:

    Did anyone consider that maybe that’s how Ye asked Future to do the hook? Some heads don’t realize that the producer usually has a lot to say about a hook or how an artist will affect the beat. The whole concept of the record is pretty simple, I can only assume Ye wanted it that way.

    1. Extra Domus says:

      I think you giving Ye way too much credit, the beat was co-produced by NO I.D. who basically mentored Ye. Concept-wise it just oozes of Pusha T’s ability to write about a simple topic. And you can’t deny Future’s ability to make catchy hooks…give credit where it’s due bro

  43. […] dude firs' London show. Above, dude gave Da Garage a live rendishun uv dude new single, “Pain“. Lucki fo'them, it wasn’t too painful az dude did it […]

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