The Breakfast Club Interviews Loaded Lux

Loaded Lux gave The Breakfast Club that work on Power 105.1. He spoke on the attention he’s received from his battle, songwriting, and revenue streams. In the middle of his interview, he spars against Breakfast Club ringer, ChiuLLi.

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  1. Rozay says:

    My dentist told Loaded Lux, you gonna get this work.

  2. Juicy says:

    loaded lux is GOAT

  3. Devante says:

    He been on his grind for 10 years, glad to see he’s getting mainstream recognition now

  4. Black Shady says:

    LOL @ first comment

  5. Trillionaire says:

    Luuux…y’all gon get this

  6. Nickey Negrito says:

    Loaded is the man and i truly hopes his career takes off. After watching that corney ass BET awards we or well i need a dude like Lux to murder the game.

  7. Digital millionaire says:

    Yal gonna get this work …hahaha he destroyed that nivgs calico or what rver his name was..lux needs to br signed

  8. vurbz says:

    can’t believe they let chiulii rap for that long…damn near took over lux’s interview time..smh…lux..somebody sign this dude..give him some dope beats and fresh clothes and get him out there…

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