1. Batman says:

    hahaha i like this shit

  2. dragon says:

    dope. real unique

  3. caliburnin says:

    weak af… how tf so many lames get record deals i dont get it

  4. youngpledge says:

    @caliburnin he aint even got a deal hes that sick

  5. JB says:

    I dont normally comment but now that Mac Miller has made himself comfortable in the rap game, he thinks its ok to start putting out some pure shit. Sad fucking shit

  6. JB says:

    This is the rap equivalent to Radio Country “Red Solo Cup”
    Pure fucking garbage

  7. floridaboy says:

    tryin to hard to b trippy..

  8. jose says:

    This sucks ass . Who ever co -signs this is dumb ass also .

  9. Nathaniel says:

    white rappers and their random song titles…

  10. Uncle Ray Ray says:


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