1. Gambino says:

    B.o.B is solid, hate if you want but he puts out good music

  2. Scott says:

    Ohhhh shitttttt, bout to be a hottttttttt tape!!!!

  3. deez says:

    fuck is up with this “ball” bullshit they got going on, first the wack as fuck single, and now this mixtape thats going to b more ignored than his actual album strange clouds if ANYONE actually remembers that it came out..lmao

  4. pifflightyy says:

    Yo Mama Gone! naawww Baby Curtis!….

  5. mike says:

    @deez … he had gold singles on strange clouds, what r talking about?

  6. HollyWood says:

    B.o.B. always puts out great quality music. Yall don’t know shit! You just ride every other artists bandwagon till it falls off! Find your own Lane dumb fucks!

  7. Black Shady says:

    aint gon lie…B.o.B makes some good music.

    BUT…I totally forgot about Strange Clouds LOL

  8. Slim Baller says:

    He can rap when he wants to and he’s damn good. His mixtapes>albums mostly because of his labels restrictions.

  9. DIGGSY!!! says:

    Fuck a mixtape
    Fuck da city up
    Fuck em we ball

    Why tha fuck do they keep doin that

  10. HateBrothaNumbaDuce says:

    Who Cares? (Prodigy Voice)

  11. Michael says:

    Fuckem We Ball is in reference to the movie Snow On Tha Bluff in which curtis snow says ” The cake been baked, fuck em we ball”

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