1. Trillionaire says:

    Salute a Real Artist when you hear em. Lauryn is a Legend!

  2. this is 50 says:

    h ttp://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhy803AXVe3IOiCF75 gdz get at ross lol

  3. Gilly says:

    I was at this concert last night, and she’s definitely not the L-Boogie we are use too, she performed her songs but not in its original renditions, fans came to hear her classics in the form we all love and remebered! Many fans left or just sat around bored because it wasnt what anyone expected to be, it just wasnt good, and this was my first time ever seeing her in concert! But on a Good note, NAS rock the show, gave us the old and the new!!! And brought the house down!!!

  4. Mooch300 says:

    I was also at that concert last night and even though Lauryn may have not started some of the songs like a lot fans remember how they started off, when they began the people that stayed was rocking with her. Lauryn is a Legend and one of kind, and her message and truth in her songs just like how it was shown in “Black Rage” is undeniable and it was a special night regardless to see two legends in one night on the same bill was worth my money and even opening up Jhene Aiko killed it also much respect to her and Nas should have his name next to hip-hop in the dictionary period. Great night, great music. #honoredtobeinthepresenceofLEGENDS.

  5. ans says:

    Lauryn is a living legend. Word to that whole song.

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