Rush Limbaugh Decodes Jay-Z

Rush Limbaugh’s back on Jay-Z’s balls. Following Hov’s performance at Barack Obama’s Ohio pep rally yesterday, Rush criticized “Mr. Z” for his lyrical content. He then goes on to recite the opening verse from “99 Problems”. Hilarious—even if Jigga doesn’t give a shit.


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  1. Hes fuckin right though…….Jay-Z should not have done 99 Problems at a fucking event for the President of the United States. It makes him look like a joke. Hes using Jay-Z as a pawn for votes and Jay-Z just wants publicity and power in return. Rush is right, its nonsensical.

  2. xtrajordinary says:

    listen to the second verse or read his book…he’s talking about a dog when he says bitch

  3. jake$ nigga says:

    rush is right man,it not a good look for the president of the united state.what the fuck was j thinking.

  4. B.Dot says:

    when obama calls, u answer.

  5. mike says:

    @timleevastandup shut up you fucking idiot. The people had no problem so shut up. Uncle tom nigga

  6. yesterday says:

    lol bitch that was funny.blame mister z if obama doesn´t make it.puppets

  7. the brain trust says:

    I’ve noticed that a lot of you niggas are ashamed of the culture.

    What’s wrong with 99 problems? And why can’t such a song be performed at a presidential rally?

    Rush Limbaugh is a complete numbskull. An obese, bigoted drug addict with worthless opinions.

  8. floridaboy says:

    ^ i saw him rapping at d show… looked more like a concert then a rally.. obama reaching for dem votes

  9. Kenny's Dominos says:

    “…I’m from the hood stoopid what type of facts are those” (Fat white guy voice)

    LMAO! I’m dyin

  10. B.Dot says:

    I’ve noticed that a lot of you niggas are ashamed of the culture

    I agree. I see that a lot these days in hip-hop.

  11. Kenny's Dominos says:

    This song WAS kinda inappropriate though. I’m sure jay could have performed a different song.

    …Maybe “I Just Wanna Luv Ya (Give It To Me)”

    That woulda got the bitches out to the poles. <- see what i did there

  12. M.T says:

    I’ve noticed that a lot of you niggas are ashamed of the culture.

    What’s wrong with 99 problems? And why can’t such a song be performed at a presidential rally?
    cosign. Also its already known that Obama is a big fan of Jay-Z so i dont see the problem with Jay-z performing for him especially with a good song like “99 problems”.

  13. The_Dynasty says:

    Fuck these posers for acting like they down with Hip-Hop and then feel ashamed of Jay-Z performing at a Presidential rally. Isn’t that what we been fighting for? I thought we defended rap to have the same poetic license as other forms of art? We got a “street cat” spitting his true thoughts and feelings with the Presidents approval and we’re ashamed? GTFOH

  14. The_Dynasty says:

    I would’ve proudly cry in public if Jay would’ve performed “Where I’m From” at that rally. I’m proud Jay got the President’s respect to not conform or act white-washed for his performance. Jay did enough by censoring some choice words. Y’all fake ass niggas feeling ashame or wishing he did another “white america” friendly song piss me the hell off. Type of niggas when y’all reach 35 yrs old yall denounce rap and only listen to fusion jazz!!

  15. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    He kills me everytime he calls Jay-Z “Mr. Z” Rush Limbaugh is a joke like Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly. Hey Rush you still abuse prescription drugs?

  16. rahrahrah says:

    A lot of hip hop culture is diseased. We should be ashamed of the diseased part. Jay wouldn’t have gone out there and done big pimpin, would he? Some things work somethings don’t. Its unfortunate that obama is a jay fan. Shows a lack of taste in my opinion. And for him to say beyonce is the perfect role model is also idiotic. Obama got my vote but his blanket embrace of some of the lowest expressions of black culture are ugly.

  17. Lulu says:

    I loooooove Our culture and its spontaneity Decode that!

  18. michelle michelle says:

    A black man with money is ok. A black man with money and influence, that’s when the problems start. That’s why old rich white men spend time trying to delegitimize them.

    Donald Trump loves Dennis Rodman. Obama, he has a problem with.

  19. Cz says:

    I think Obama just wanted to sublimanly call out Romney on the bitch he is….nothing wrong with that

  20. Carlito R says:

    Wow. I guess the real meaning behind the song “99 Problems” went way over a lot of people heads.

  21. Right Rush, Kennedys grandfather was a bootlegger and the George Bush, sr. father was a convicted traitor working with Hitler. So you tell me. GTFOH

  22. thebullfrog24 says:

    LOLOL hahaha he took all the context out of that song.

  23. mike says:

    B-Dot, get this shit off the blog. Please? Fuck Rush

  24. Reason says:

    Hypocrite trying to rally his racist base at the last minute. Pointing the finger at Jay when this guy was just in the headlines for calling a women a slut hore because she wanted access to birth control.

  25. St810 says:

    Honestly, we have to stop calling women bitches.

  26. Mark says:

    T.I. #troubleman 12/18/2012

  27. County of Kings says:

    Can we get get the lyrics to “victory” from last presidential election. After we get those lyrics decipher them and its one of the deepest realest jayz songs I’ve ever heard in my life.
    Obama used jay this yr like he used jay last election and jay reaped the benefits of Obama last election the same way he gonna reap benefits of this election

    It’s called the reverse crab in a bucket mentality u dumb fucks instead of shittin on your brother, u help him, he helps u and so on and so forth

  28. PAPI MORENITO says:


  29. sizwe-nation says:

    jay-z and obama just kept it real, some of you niggas should stop being ashamed of your culture because white people like mitt don’t give a shit about you. this is the last american president who will speak your language for some time to come.

  30. REAL HIP HOP says:


  31. Darrell says:

    Rush said it with the flow. #DEAD

    Honestly, he could have used a more uplifting song but I don’t care. The President sure as hell didn’t so back to the days of our lives.

  32. Altair says:

    I’m pretty sure jay z and obama werent focusing on the “war on women” when they performed this song lol. They were simply just trying to have fun with one of Jay’s most popular songs he has made in his career. This is definitely being over looked and Limbaugh is just looking for something to bitch about, or should i say “mitt” about.

  33. Altair says:

    “If you don’t like my lyrics you can press fast forward.” Did you decode that one Limbaugh?

  34. CONCEPTS?!? says:

    he’s really just mad because Jay said “99 problems but Mitt aint one”, hes using the *bitch* thing as a defense…

  35. Digital Millionaire says:

    The_Dynasty i agree …..

    1. Sorry fuck em ……his been re elected
    2. Jay-z can perform the hell he wants to who he wants his earned that right
    3. Undercover faggots on here ashamed of this culture KMT !
    4. Millions of white songs are about drugs or fuckery … 99 problems has an actual meaning to it
    5. ( Havent read decoded ) But to me Hos and Faggotts are fuckery niggas that dont want progress
    6. Tunes tight …

    Fuck off trying to hold us down..

  36. Digital Millionaire says:

    Plus Obama now has 99 problems and Mitt Romney aint one of them now…… go kill urself


  37. trex says:

    It’s hilarious and ironic that Rush Limbaugh chose to pick apart that song.

  38. Check out Rappin’ Rush spit hot fire

  39. […] Limbaugh has it out for the Carters. After taking aim at Jay-Z, the conservative radio host recently weighed in on Beyonce’s new track. Bow down, bee-yotch-es. […]

  40. […] Limbaugh has it out for the Carters. After taking aim at Jay-Z, the conservative radio host recently weighed in on Beyonce’s new track. Bow down, […]

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