New Music: Paris Hilton x Lil Wayne “Last Night”

What’s the going rate for a Lil Wayne verse these days? Paris Hilton’s trying her hand at music and for her single leaked by TMZ, she recruits Cash Money’s franchise player. Surprisingly, Weezy’s verse isn’t bad. As for Paris, well, she’s sucked before.

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  1. wale says:

    oh god i cant believe i actully clicked the play button what was i thinking

  2. JL says:

    Wow…. Is YMCMB the gayest rap group in history? Surely no competition

  3. HDTV says:

    If you clicked play your banned from hip hop just leave

  4. p. dom says:

    Rap Radar can officially put itself in it’s own “You Played Yourself” column for posting this waste. Fuck outta here! LOL!!!

  5. Kemosabi says:

    “Sometimes you don’t have to see the shit in the bathroom to know somone just took a SHIT” with that said I didn’t click the link. I know the popular saying is ” yo who cares he’s getting money” but an artist with his accomplishments should have more standards as far as collaborating goes.

  6. this is 50 says:

    this is how they sell 500 mill copies

  7. ROZAYS LEFT TIT says:

    first off why post this shit ? 2nd why that BET player gotta autoplay when i refresh the homepage i aint tryna watch the nicki minaj BET

  8. Cane says:

    Wow this wat wayne came to

  9. maad city says:

    rap? rap? what r u doing? stahp

  10. Black Shady says:

    Wayne’s been a sellout for a minute now….so im not surprised smh

  11. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Its a Wack Weezy sighting.

  12. Detox?no one cares says:

    Yall use to call him the best rapper alive hahah wat this world comin 2…sheep

  13. Cemal says:

    the scary thing is…. i aint even surprised

  14. HDTV says:

    Hip hop is officially dead grandmaster flash is officiating

  15. AYE says:

    Its easy to say i wont work with you until they pull out that check book with 7 figures on that sh*t

  16. realwickwickwack says:

    wayne is one hell of a whore

  17. the One says:

    Kanye is going to be pissed… He better get on that Kim k remix! ! Ha! Bitch ass

  18. Lenny says:

    LMAO I’m so weak at the comments.

  19. ROZAYS LEFT TIT says:

    top 5 posts too B dot? smh lol

  20. themindofdre says:

    Doesn’t anyone remember this bitch is racist as fuck? I couldn’t support this even if it wasn’t wack

  21. Gaz says:

    Ughhh im done wayne, your credibility or artistic integrity is well and truly gone,

  22. haha says:

    wayne for president.

  23. Lu says:

    For love of God Dwayne… Stop this foolery. Stick to what you know.

  24. Hovering says:

    Hip Hop is dead / If You Click play you’re banned from hip hop (Mufukaz already played the shit BTW but warning you -_- / Weezy is a sellout…”

    ^ owwwww owwww (Katt Williams Voice)….Yall Shut The Fuck up and figure out ways to beat the system too !!

  25. Collossal says:

    R.I.P lil wayne 1999 – 2008

  26. […] Birdman welcomed the heiress to the family via Twitter.

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