1. Sky says:

    Nah. Ya’ll fans of Trinidad James.

  2. the brain trust says:

    Absolutely. Rapradar can’t even pretend to have standards with that giggling school girl (YN) co-signing everything under the sun.

    ‘Heyyyyy i’m Elliott Wilson from Rapradar. And this is the troofff’

  3. Black Shady says:

    LMAO @ SKY. word uppppp

    and shit I’d be mad too if my partner/brother would fuck up my money too lol. but its all love at the end of the day

  4. Rockwithit says:

    They gotta be fans of the dude now since he signed with def jam.

  5. Rockwithit says:

    Gonna be funny when we start seeing trinidad james ad’s on this site just yall wait it will happen. But very dope Big Boi

  6. Mike says:

    3000 said no, to a million dollars a night money

  7. fh says:

    3000 is the realest nigga alive

  8. marypatricia375 says:

    upto I looked at the bank draft that said $9835, I accept that…my… cousin had been realy erning money parttime from there pretty old laptop.. there sisters neighbour haz done this for less than seventeen months and just now paid for the morgage on there appartment and bought themselves a Renault 4. I went here, DOMAIN.COM

  9. wajdicm says:

    If you want to download his album, then check out the rap release calendar for 2012: http://thestateofrap.com/calendar/

  10. Anonymous says:

    […] Visit link: Big Boi On Andre 3000

  11. Anonymous says:

    […] Visit link: Big Boi On Andre 3000

  12. Anonymous says:

    […] Visit link: Big Boi On Andre 3000

  13. Will Blax says:

    everyone always so worried about Big Boi and Andre relationship. They grown ass men, they probably done changed, but they friendship is they friendship


  14. JE5US PIECE says:

    They need eachother

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