1. Dog The Bounty Hunter says:

    Game stays giving these YMCMB guys hood passes

  2. 100hunnit says:

    ^ Yup he does, is there something wrong with that?

  3. Dog The Bounty Hunter says:

    ^ Ye he should charge them more

  4. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Wannbe Gangters Tyga & The Lame.

  5. King Chandler says:

    Thought it was dope, never listened to much Tyga besides on oldschool Schoolboy Q tapes but I thought this was a dope record. With Game and anybody reppin’ YMCMB this shit is probably gonna get a good amount of negative criticism too though.

  6. JAGUAR says:

    lets get this clear, game is a booty popping ex stripper, and a fugazy, who should’nt be giving other booty popping niggas a so called hood pass. games brother ”BIG FACE”, is the real blood and hood nigga, and he gave gayme his hood pass. just cause you could spit rhymes on a hot beat. dont make you certified. gayme you will always be a dick riding nigga. now go sign to young ”gay” money records , put on your thong and leggings and be the true character that you really are..

  7. what?! says:

    ^Someone likes the word gay
    @zoomzoom are you from la? If you’re not, then you can’t say who is or who isn’t a gangster in la. Come to Compton and say game isn’t a gangster your dumbass would get a beat down.

  8. hannibal lecture says:

    2013 And ZoomZoom and Faguar are still bitches (but that will never change)

  9. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    @what?! & hannibal lecture. Both you chicks need to relax. Tyga’s groupies arent playing i see Haha.

  10. hannibal lecture says:

    ZoomZoom calm your cyberthug ass down you not talking to an internet groupie your talking to a real dude. Ill come to Florida personally and knock your bitch ass out fuck the computer. Stop hating on real niggas getting money. Ill spit on your mama and piss on your grandmothers grave homeboy got so calm the fuck down!

  11. deez says:

    does young money and justin beiber share that white ferrari or somethinn??

  12. deez says:

    I have to share my moms Camry

  13. NYkidd says:

    Zoomzoom <–dumb name bitch

  14. BlAzEENsane says:

    is it me or did this behind the scenes basically just premiere the video women in a street with nice cars game and tyga rapping game has on a mask a lil bit then takes it off end of the video am i right? or wrong?

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