New Video: Rick Ross “Pirates”
January 20, 2013 @ 5:31 PM EST

Captain Rozay gasses up the speed boat and takes care of business out in sea in his new video directed by Dre Films. Off his album God Forgives, I Don’t, which can be picked up here.
ROZAY!!!! This song is so amazing one of the best of his album & year #MMG
Dreamer music that appeals to dreamer listeners.
fairy tales he should work for Disney
Cosign the two above ^^
Sick Beats with a Fever Flow….. N other words a nigga ill ……….
Damn, good song, nice flow and beautiful video!!! That’s how you do it. Rick Ross, MMG 2013 Takeover.
One of the hardest beats last year
Love this song,
Just imagined the video to be in a darker tone. But still good.
Love this song.. This beat is Just Crazy Retarded. Dope video too!
No more hating on fat boi for 2013 its gross. Made men Shouldn’t be touched
Should have called the album Comic Book Music for Grown Ass Men. Let me try to write an MMG song:
I got 20 billion – roll the weed
Maybach music’s – what you need
Got yachts and wips – all In my house
Everyone’s flossed, even my mouse
Coke and weed, coke and weed
Roll it up – coke and weed
Did I tell you – I sell coke
So much cash – I can’t go broke
I worked in a jail and delivered the mail
Flossed out the inmates – till they made bale
(Sound drop – may back music 20 times)
Call me the snowman – tap dance on coke
100 bands a show – we won’t go broke
Cash and weed – cash and weed
So much cash – got what u need
Cash and coke – cash and coke
So much coke – I can’t go broke
Maybach music – Maybach music
Cash and coke – I won’t lose it
^^^lmfao but so on point
U got to much time on your hands.
Lls @Celtic hit the nail right on the head. Left out his grunts
@beaming bet you had time to scroll all the way down and read it tho ha
Dope af Ross starting of 2013 killing shit again u haters gonna be real busy again this year typing hate because this nigga aint stoping
Why would anyone stop when people are paying you millions to put out materialistic recycled garbage…
Yea, I admit that I have too much time on my hands.. Been a boring ass week.
This nigga Thick Ross (martin paynes voice) has been telling talltales, fairytales , black and white lies, boogyman raps, for what 6yrs smh this nigga and Lance Armstrong need to be burried next to each other. . mmg aka cb4 ass niggas
This joint is hard body.
Rozay puts in work like he’s a new artists and every time he makes a moves ppl react good or bad. I don’t see ppl caring about other artists like they care about Rozay. Honestly if u guys never clicked his videos, never comment, don’t listen to him he would go away but it’s obvious the HIPHOP community cares about everything he does
Ain’t Nothing Hard body bout That Flabby Body…
^^Cosign.. Sometimes Dude Got Bars.. And He Has Created A lane….. Just Not A Fan.. Real Talk…
^ “Thick Ross”
Lmao. Do y’all just sit around and think of this shit? Not sure which name is the funniest that I’ve seen.
Feminim (Em)
Filthy Scent (50 cent)
Chief Queef (Keef)
A. Hole (J.Cole)
The MMG blog squad is unparalleled. They defnly hire dudes to make comments. Lol.
Another great comedy video from William
I wonder if this will get it’s usual spot at no 1 on your list
rozay is promoting his new album and still takes time off to keep pushing the rest of his hustle.
great work ethic
[…] Continue reading here: New Video: Rick Ross
Another Rick Ross video, thank god
At least he chose a different type beat, I guess that’s something…..right?
One of us should become a video director because there are no more directors, just hood guys with a good digi cam that knows how to use the Vegas Pro software.
Same old tired concepts aped from the BIG “Hypnotize” video & Scarface/Miami Vice clips
@p0is0nedkoola on Twitter
Lester Bangs of hip hop
New year, same tired videos
dope track, dope video, and it dont stop!
Az used that sample years back on the nine lives album & killed it as usual.
Shout out to Rozay at least his music is bearable can tend to sound the same at times but hey everyone can’t be great some have to settle for good and I could care less about his autobiography … If you kids think your favorite rapper_____ is really a drug kingpin or serial killer your probably delusional and should seek help.