Alicia Keys Named Blackberry Global Creative Director


The Deans are on their dean. During the launch of the Blackberry 10 today, Alicia Keys was named as the phone makers’ Global Creative Director. It’s unclear as to what the job entails, but she said returning to the Blackberry was like reuniting with an ex-boyfriend. Break ups to make ups.


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  1. rahrahrah says:

    I know you can’t hold Swizz responsible for Behar over at Lotus, but let’s hope that she has a dissimilar effect on their product. Now I just need them to revolutionize their Playbook.

  2. They told her to creatively sit there… and sing.

  3. Your mother's "friend" says:

    Interesting, but why not just make a great product ??

  4. Prophet says:

    Blackberry trying to be hip and relevant with the Keys addition is a huge fail.

  5. rahrahrah says:

    It is a good product. Did you look at the Z10? It’s not available in the States at launch. That’s the big FAIL of this product announcement. I have to wait til the end of March.

  6. yaboy says:

    i’ll be grabbing a bb10 phone at the US launch myself

  7. sean says:

    blackberry is try it best but at the end it Canadian any we all no Canadian are not know for there coolness
    i just don’t see keys do anything boost the phone i mean there still 10 step behind apple and Samsung

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