LL Cool J, Chuck D, Travis Barker, Tom Morello & DJ Z-Trip Grammy Performance

The Grammys host, LL was joined by Chuck D, Travis Barker, Tom Morello and DJ Z-Trip to close out the ceremony by premiering his new track “Whaddup“. They also gave a special tribute to Beastie Boys’ Adam “MCA” Yauch. Never forget.


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  1. Old ass niggas says:

    Who gives a fuck.

  2. ... says:

    I dont think even jay z cares and hes almost there age lol

  3. Coroner says:

    Damn! Where’s the full version? LL Cool J is hard as hell! Momma said knock you h8ers out!

  4. K says:

    get it together you little faggots. those are legends!

  5. Curtis75Black says:

    The energy was crazy !! That was a sick performance. Nice shout out to MCA

  6. Ill Street says:

    Y’all youngin’s really need to knock that disrespect off. Lil ignorant mufuckas. You will get older one day, God-willing. And why show up to just deride the guys’ performance if its not your preference? Show some class man.

  7. Johnny Ryall says:

    MCA addressed you young punks in 94 before you we’re even born when ya moms was still shaking her rumpah.

    If Others Disrespect Me Or Give Me Flack
    I’ll Stop And Think Before I React
    Knowing That They’re Going Through Insecure Stages
    I’ll Take The Opportunity To Exercise Patience
    I’ll See It As A Chance To Help The Other Person
    Nip It In The Bud Before It Can Worsen
    A Change For Me To Be Strong And Sure
    As I Think On The Buddhas Who Have Come Before
    As I Praise And Respect The Good They’ve Done
    Knowing Only Love Can Conquer In Every Situation
    We Need Other People In Order To Create
    The Circumstances For The Learning That We’re Here To Generate
    Situations That Bring Up Our Deepest Fears
    So We Can Work To Release Them Until They’re Cleared
    Therefore, It Only Makes Sense
    To Thank Our Enemies Despite Their Intent

    RIP MCA, Namaste.

  8. Del says:

    LL was owning that stage

  9. 9th Wonder says:

    incredible performance. you youngings should learn you some lol not saying im form that era but i respect it

  10. sean says:

    no one cares about that The grammy should use the time do better tribute to bob are close with artist that is still relevant that time could use to maybe show rap grammy been giving out

    with al due respect to ll that was not need

  11. Curtis75Black says:

    @Sean, like who ? Chuck D & LL will forever be relevant to Hip Hop. It’s becaause of them, your favorite artist is doing music now. I’d rather see artists perform to a crowd Live, than perform for their boys and the camera lip syncing or better yet having every other word blocked because of cursing. Don’t get upset because these vets can out perform rappers 20 years younger than them !! What they did was emcee. Never heard the song but had the place rocking. That’s Hip Hop which will always be relevant.

  12. Brutally honest says:

    That’s LL’s subliminal diss to Jigga #genius , right at the biggest stage in music too … Expect a rebuttal

  13. brooklynA says:


  14. MplsFresh says:

    For those of U that diss these RAPPERS, THEY R what’s real…not that same old boring, talentless, every song EXACTLY the same (doesn’t matter who is “rappin”) CRAP that they r putting out these days!! If it weren’t for these guys, ya’ll wouldn’t even get the chance u’ve gotten. Ya’ll need to RESPECT them, bcuz they’re what’s up!! They will always be around and most of todays CRAP will be “blowin’ in the wind” Bet u can’t even tell me who wrote that song…

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