1. Balla says:

    What the fuck is this?

  2. IM730 says:

    Clearly yall didnt take any notes from the single mom from Atlanta in the google hangout and still went ahead and posted this garbage.

  3. WindyCityG72 says:

    straight GARBAGE !

  4. mashout says:

    This is awful!!

  5. Sizzle says:

    Who likes this guy? Turrible “Barkley voice”

  6. epinz says:

    This ngga think using new york samples to make dirty south records still makrs it new york…this shit is basura!!!!!

  7. mac DIESEL says:

    Question: This song sounds good if you are?

    A) On crack
    B) On meth
    C) On a molly
    D) On dust
    E) All of the above

    Answer: E) All of the above


  8. mac DIESEL says:




  9. Boom says:

    Ay, for real…this record is straight ass.

  10. Mufasa says:

    Big fat Pussy…. Mufasa?? get taht bitch outta here.. nigga ruin samples and return wit this garbage!! Pop That wus saved by otherz.. but this is goin to be a hit, cuz of the beat… but the fact is.. GARBAGE!
    Fuck You French Montana, You Arse! , Excuse My French but……… album in stores May 21st.

  11. The Nigga You Love To Hate says:

    This Is Solid Horse Shit!!

  12. Gambino says:

    kinda like a male version of stupid hoe

  13. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    French your done !

  14. Zombie Rick says:

    3 minutes of my life I’ll never see again thanks Nicki/Montana

  15. Joe lake says:

    Lawd lawd, I didn’t listen, but the words ‘french montana’ make my teeth hurt!

  16. @E7ienne says:

    I dig it
    Club banger

  17. TUV says:

    I can’t believe Montana butchered the sample like this. This song is a reggae classic “Murder She Wrote” so it still might get some spins in the Jamaican clubs for no more than 1 month cause they are major artists and the labels pay the djs to service the record as a “priority”. I’m Jamaican and this song is ass.

    Can’t front Nicki’s verse wasn’t bad and she still makes me wanna smash when I hear her lol, but her verse can’t save this and she needs saving right now herself.

    ***Montana’s Album dropping the same week as the Detox***

  18. DAVE says:


  19. Ortis says:

    Why did they even sign this lame fuck? Why make songs with this lame fuck? If you made it to the game then we all could…damn. Smh.

  20. Ortis says:

    Just for pussy Dave. Don’t get it twisted.

  21. Ea$y Bread says:

    This is a HIT! Song going to hear he clubs up.

  22. koO says:

    u know the track has problems if u have to fast forward to check out nicki’s verse. HAAH.

  23. onenutned says:

    i smell a flop.

  24. Fuck a Fuck nigga says:

    Why wouldnt he get Harry fraud on the beat for his single that’s the shit.that gave him any lime light

  25. rus says:

    damn does this dude have one song that is purely his? every single he drops either has a popular sample that he fucks up, or he has about 5 artist featured on it. idk how he has any money after paying for the sample to get cleared and paying all his features off. hes no better than dj khaled…least khaled can spit 16 bars

  26. Ten Macaroni Necklaces says:

    so what you guys are saying is that this song is bad? LMAO.

    I won’t bother pressing play then. I’ve learned a long time ago to read the comments first.

  27. Ten Macaroni Necklaces says:

    @ rus
    I was with you until you said “khaled can spit 16 bars”

  28. hah says:

    lmao niggas dont have a mind of there own anymore huh? this is hilarious. you weak minded fuckers. so just because the comments says a song is trash that makes it trash? you cant listen to a song and decide if the song is for u or not? mann you niggas is weak. it’s sad at this point.

  29. hah says:

    nicki and the dancehall sample saved this song by the way. that’s my opinion.

  30. M.T says:

    love the sample and i liked nicki on this. french was meh


    what is this fuckery this nigga french can go fuck an ostrich bitch ass nigga

  32. PassDaGrinderPLZ says:

    Smart move from Montana & Interscope Records. This track is gonna knock in night clubs & strip clubs everywhere. Plus he got nicki on da track shouting out the JA??? Another hit like Pop Dat!!!

  33. Slaughterhouse says:

    What the fuck is this? lmaoooooo.

    Montana said this would be the best album of the decade (we all know he’s stupid) but this shit’s gonna be the worst album of the decade.

  34. rus says:

    @Ten Macaroni Necklaces lol nah I mean khaled CAN…didnt mean its a good verse lmao cuz he sucks ballz

  35. Brick says:

    Wow! It’s only February, and yet we already have the WORST song of the year! Congrats to French for having a back-to-back win for worst song of the year; last year with Pop That, and this year with Freaks. I look forward to Excuse My French being the worst fucking piece of garbage I hear this year!!

  36. jackripper says:

    this shit is hot garbage. Nicki’s verse was tolerable. Who cleared this sample? this idiot did it no justice. 1st 2 singles off his album got built in hooks from 90s records. Get this jackass the fuck outta here with this weak shit. He making NYC look bad. (and im from NY)

  37. Devante says:

    He was right this shit has hit written all over it..

  38. Devante says:

    All this hate but this song is gonna get mad spins regardless.. Catchy Hook, dance hall beat, Nicki Feature that’s all that’s needed.

  39. King_Cole says:

    This is fucking awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This shit is burning my fucking ears!!

  40. poetic assasin says:

    Mad spins? Where? This was poorly put together.

  41. The Kord says:

    I shouldn’t like this song, but for some reason I do. French is mooching money off singles with a high number of features and I have yet to see the smallest amount of talent emit from him. Nicki’s verse was good.

    This song will blow clubs up..

  42. Real says:

    I hope this doesn’t move more than Diggy’s UA, and that’s saying something.. Guy has 0 talent

  43. Yeezus Christ says:

    lol music just isnt the same, it keeps getting worse and worse every year

  44. IIG says:

    I like the beat. I won’t play it again, but it’s better than a good 95% of the shit that usually gets posted here. And I can definitely see chicks popping their ass to this in the club.

  45. the brain trust says:

    French Montana is finished. This was the nail in the proverbial coffin.

    Not one redeemable quality in this smorgasbord of audio pollution.

  46. matrix says:

    Its Not Terrible like how yall saying but…its not really good either lmao..yall niggz be goin in on my nigg french tho…

  47. Kane says:

    Its had 9 plays on Hot97 and 13 from Power106.1 since last night. This is going to be PLAYED. I enjoyed the sample and Nicki’s verse, but Montana is a MESS.

  48. 9th Wonder says:

    mehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. im so biased frnch a cool cat but mehhhhh Nicki did her thing but the single ima have to give it a few more listens right now its mehhhhhh

  49. INSITE says:

    cant stand this arab yells the word nigga more than he raps how you gonna let him say the word nigga cant understand

  50. CHIraq,DRILLinois says:

    we may not like it, but the cluns will play it when they play their reggae mix prolly. ah well…

  51. 85 says:

    stop saying this shit is better than whatever % of that other shit .. naaw man, it’s all shit and RR is the toilet !

    ~~flush !

  52. kayandgee says:

    interesting..could work, could fall flat on the floor

  53. rosav says:

    Bury THis SHIT…#A$AP

  54. Siy@ says:


  55. Ten Macaroni Necklaces says:

    decided to listen. damn, i actually think its an ok song

  56. the ripper says:

    French Montana is done…Pure trash

  57. ZzzzzZzzz says:


  58. Ruined lil vicious biggest hit for this garbage?

    Bad Boy still sampling other people’s hits to try to make a hit
    in 2013


    Lester Bangs of hip hop
    Hope Max B can’t hear this garbage

  59. […] at night. And in L.A. yesterday, they all joined French and Nicki to shoot the video for their new single. Looks like visually, we’re in for a treat. More photos […]

  60. […] those who were disturbed with the audio, maybe a half-naked Nicki in pastries will make up for it. Directed by Eif Rivera, here’s the […]

  61. […] those who were disturbed with the audio, maybe a half-naked Nicki in pastries will make up for it. Here’s the latest video from […]

  62. […] 7. Gifted 8. Ballin Out 9. I Told Em 10. Pop That (Ft. Drake, Lil Wayne & Rick Ross) 11. Freaks (Ft. Nicki Minaj) 12. We Go Where Ever We Want 13. Bust It Open 14. Drink Freely 15. Throw It in the Bag 16. Marble […]

  63. […] 7. Gifted 8. Ballin Out 9. I Told Em 10. Pop That (Ft. Drake, Lil Wayne & Rick Ross) 11. Freaks (Ft. Nicki Minaj) 12. We Go Where Ever We Want 13. Bust It Open 14. Drink Freely 15. Throw It in the Bag 16. Marble […]

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