R.I.P. Tim Dog

Tim Dog lost his bout with diabetes today and passed away from a seizure. He was 46. The Bronx native is best known for his N.W.A. diss track, “Fuck Compton” off his debut, Penicillin On Wax.

In 2011, he plead guilty to grand larceny for conning a woman in an online dating scam. Last year, the case was profiled on NBC

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  1. p. dom says:

    “Muthafuckaz step to the rear and cheer, cause Tim Dog is here!”

  2. How Wonderful... says:

    Damn! I used to listen to Penicillin on Wax constantly when i was a freshman in high school. Bronx Nigga was my shit!!

  3. How Wonderful... says:

    Fuck Compton was before the west coast east coast beef. If Fuck Compton came out today, it would definately start a war.

  4. brollya says:

    cube and dem should of came at him lik they did common…. tim dog jus disrespected the whole coast lol…

  5. Rozay says:

    Play with my bone would you Timmy seems like you’re for makin jokes about you Jimmy, But here’s a jimmy joke about your mama that you might not like I heard she was the Frisco dyke But fuck your mama, I’m talking about you and me toe to toe, Tim M-U-T

  6. Curtis75Black says:

    RIP to the original Shit Starter !! The father of the East/West Beef.

  7. tucq says:

    RIP to Tim Dog, but what I remember the most is Dre, The D.O.C. and Snoop roastin the SHIT out that dude on The Chronic!

    Remember the skit “$20 SACK PYRAMID”???



  8. Follow Me On Twitter @iCardsFan502 says:

    Most underrated diss track of all time! RIP!

  9. NotoriousRambo. says:


  10. phillyway 215 says:

    i swear i was 14 ridin around to this track… this was my shit rip tim dog, the only nigga wit nuts enuff to diss a whole city back then..

  11. County of Kings says:

    I never knew who those lyrics were for. Salute

  12. naaah says:

    Shout out to @Rozay thats all I remember about tim dog, minus his scam shit

    Never listened to the music. But RIP

    Diabetes is still killing niggas young….

  13. king says:

    Dre Day…. is all i have to say… ?R.I.P

  14. “Fuck Diabetes”?

    Diabetes is a serious problem that is self-inflicted in the “minority” community !!!

    Bad eating habits, stress & a lack of health/nutrition knowledge is what’s causing African-American /Latino Men to have Diabetes which leads to other complications from loss of limbs to strokes/heart attacks and ultimately death

    Let’s not act like Diabetes is similar to Cancer which can strike you even if you eat fruits & veggies everyday

    RIP Tim Dog
    Wasn’t the best rapper, but def made his mark

    Talk to me if you remember “THE BOX” and you could pay 99 cents for any video you wanted to see on your TV

    Only way you could see this video

    @p0is0nedkoola on Twitter
    Lester Bangs of hip hop
    Fuck Dateline

  15. prai$e says:

    his claim to fame was for being a hater. peace nigga.

  16. dmfslimm says:

    i remember having this tape as a youngsta and i wore it out, but my loyalty was with the west coast. thanks tim dog for my hip hop memories. i aint taking no shorts was my jawn.

  17. Chris Pac says:

    Ayo fuck Tim Dog! lol

  18. Leon Sandcastle says:

    Damn. I just learned a lot from reading these comments.


  19. FTW says:

    Fightin over colors? All that gang shit’s for dumb motherfuckas ! (c) RIP TIM DOG

  20. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Hip hop pioneer in his own right.
    Condolences to his family.

    Far as his music etc… Duke died without never squashing the Compton beef. Lol.
    I assume it was F Compton to the grave. Lol
    The west coast won though.

  21. ralph rotten says:

    Ice t cool Ice cube kool DJ QUIK CAN SUCK MY DICK!!!!..r.i.P

  22. damotts says:

    A lot of people are missing the point to the fuck Compton Diss track. He wasn’t dissing them so much as to say hey don’t forget where this shit started. BX NYC – hip hop started here shit gonna die here. hip hop is our thing, that we started, and influenced the whole world. So don’t forget about us for the West Coast or the South.

    “What about co-op, co-op city where the niggas is hard and the bitches are looking pretty”

    RIP Tim Dogg

  23. AUHSOJ says:

    As a Compton native I respect this song, a lot of niggas were spoiled living in Compton. I never liked any nigga that rocked a Jheri curl, and believe me there was A LOT at the time.

  24. Odela says:

    TIM DOG could eat a big fat DiiiICK

  25. Collar Cali says:

    Daymn. R.I.P.

  26. kareem says:


  27. […] is a dog gone shame. Three months ago, it was reported that Tim Dog passed away from diabetes. But now, it’s been said that the rapper faked his […]

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