1. Beaming says:

    lil snupe can rhyme his ass off. check out his freestyles the kid is nice.

  2. Rookie says:

    that lil nigga can rap foreal!

  3. Carlosthe5TH says:

    Meek Mill is not talented. Lil Snupe is not talented. Cassidy is way better than meek mill. I never heard a meek mill verse in which i was impressed by his delivery or lyrics. I do not think that meek has ever made a song i liked. Except that beat to “im a boss.” The beat was great but meek has no substance.

  4. Carlosthe5TH says:

    Beanie Sigel, Jakk Frost, Peedi Crakk, Young Chris, Spade (from major figgaz) are gifted and have talent. Meeek Mil is a disgrace to philly rappers. Meek has never said anything that was witty and his delivery is garbage. Switch up your flow your shit is garbage…Ha

  5. Throne says:


    Go home Cassidy, you’re drunk.

  6. Beaming says:

    These outa town niggas wish they was from Philly. Your opinion irrelevant. Everyone in the city know the deal. Meek that dude.

  7. pptheTruth. says:

    Meek is weak as shit. Cornball rapper made in the millionth floor of a record company.. His style is not his own.. His style was bestowed upon him by shameless corporations trying to get money off kids.. Same for Tyga.. Seriously these dudes key demographics is 12-18.. They are sadly going to be the future for rap for the next ten or so years until those kids somewhat grow up and realize how corny this shit is.

  8. Slim Baller says:

    I live in Philly and Meeks got here so yall outta towners need to stfu

  9. Truth. says:

    all this hate. y’all gotta realize that meek put philly back on the map. no matter where you are in Philly, south, southwest, uptown, center city, etc. you are guaranteed to hear someone bumping his music. i’m 22 and have been fucking with meek since his bloodhound days. nappy headed battling old head rappers on the corner at 13 years old. to see how far he’s come is a blessing.

  10. bloodhound says:

    ima blood priority/
    nicer than majority

  11. Anonymous says:

    […] seen Meek take a crack at Drake’s single on film. But in

  12. damontaylor06 says:

    Sway has listen to countless rappers freestyle, and he is sitting there smiling and trying to look like he feels there rap… when in fact I cant see how he could possibly be. Meek sounds amatuer at best. Sorry Meek you need some practice. #swayisnotimpressed

  13. Anonymous says:

    […] seen Meek take a crack at Drake

  14. Anonymous says:

    […] seen Meek take a crack at Drake

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