Drake On “Started From The Bottom”

Drake’s single “Started From The Bottom” is currently at the top of hip-hop’s food chain. And during All-Star Weekend in Houston, Drizzy spoke on the motivation behind the track and accompanying video. In related news, it appears that he and Jas Prince have made amends.


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  1. Mariami says:

    His records always fuel me, something about his grind is so honest. Fan to the grave 🙂 real recognize real

  2. MR.LINO says:

    @mariami……..couldnt hv said it better!!!!!

  3. MikeWillMadeIt says:

    An r&b singer who can out rap some of your favorite rappers.

  4. NOVA says:

    I will say Drake’s “Started From The Bottom” video IS his best video of all time….

    did ya’ll see it yet?


  5. ayyeee says:

    @NOVA That video do go hard.

  6. Nein6x says:

    ^ all dick-riders

  7. mac DIESELS BITCH ASS MOM says:


  8. Witts Nicholas says:

    Drakes had degrassi money since he was a child, he didnt start from the bottom. Bet he never witnessed his folks open the fridge to just a half gallon of milk tim after time. Same goes for wayne, how can one claim blood and gangster and act as if you struggled through your life to get where you are now. Dude has had a million by 15 or 16, he has spent almost half his life with riches. give these dudes credit for makin money and havin work ethic but theyre story is not real. anyone is hollywood has no rag to riches story anymore cuz its just all about who you know. Trinidad James hpye was all staged by the industry just like Frank Ocean helped stage OFWGKTA come. NOTHING IS REAL. YALL LIVE IN THE MATRIX.

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