New Video: Fat Joe “Ceilings To The Sky”

Fat Joe takes it from the streets to the suites in his new video directed by

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  1. Anonymous says:

    […] Watch the new Fat Joe ‘Ceilings To The Sky’ music video RR […]

  2. Your Father says:

    Cool but that hook is horrid!

  3. iDSGB says:

    Rick Ross inspired.

  4. Safe Dwade says:

    Fat this nigga the fuck up

  5. static says:

    whoever sings that hook is horrible.

  6. Foreign luccini says:

    Yo I was watching that movie wit Mack 10 and fat joe where they was brothers and they didn’t know?? Fat joe lost hella weight

  7. bumpy johnson says:

    dope record

  8. onenutned says:

    ross took yo Don lane jo-jo tell wayne to get back to writing for you.

  9. MrSkeezyMak says:

    That hook is laughable

  10. verbalvirgo1 says:

    aint no T.S with out the hit makers think he should of kept tony sunshine on his hooks and kept cuban linx

  11. brza says:

    Couldn’t take him seriously with that outfit on.

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