1. Loaded says:

    this is what Kim K’s pussy does to men.

  2. Blunted on Reality says:

    Man i cant wait to go to one of his concerts and see this shit in person

  3. Balla says:

    Elliot’s next truth segment is about to be on Ye

  4. Gary Paulson says:

    Steve Jobs ?

    Your just a rapper GTFO

  5. MikeWillMadeIt says:

    The truth-Is Kim Kardashians pussy responsible for Kanyes behavior?

  6. MikeWillMadeIt says:

    Elliots answer- Maybe…

  7. Brick says:

    Oh good, Kanye has more to say!!

  8. JOHNYblaze says:

    Yes premium celebrity brunette pussy could definitely do this to you. Especially Kanye, and his issues with woman. I fucks with the dude, but as stated he should just transfer his anger thru the mic, itd work better for his whole point.

  9. diamonds on my blocka says:

    kanye a real nigga and i think deep down a super good person, but try being that in the industry so he going balls out and not givvin a fuck

  10. It's the roc says:

    Kanye is a fuckin genius. This shit is legendary. The transitions into the next songs after these rants has been flawless, it’s so cinematic. I feel you @Blunted on Reality, I gotta get to one of these shows once he touches down ASAP

  11. mac DIESEL says:



  12. Jaymalls says:

    Kanye a fool… Gotta go 2 1 of his new “5-8 screen shows!” I need that art for some new 2013 inspiration!

  13. Killuminati says:

    Kanye illuminati ass motherfucker

  14. Fuck Your Opinion says:

    “I say no.”

  15. Yeezus Christ says:


    yeezy the goat

  16. Goldeneye007 says:

    Still the most entertaining figure in hip hop

  17. ... says:

    Kanye is just another rapper..not better then jay nas pac em big
    Hes also another producer not better then dre,timbaland pharrell
    Hes also not the hottest raper out drake is
    So why does everything this guy does he acts like hea a genius..he makea stupid album covers and 7 min songs and calls it art! Smh

  18. stuart scotts eye says:

    Kanye is a little weirdo but his passion energy and enertaining rants will keep everyone intrigued with his next move..he knows what hes doin and he also spits some real shit and got a bad bitch….huhhh

  19. King E says:

    Ye Keeps Winning #Legendary

  20. MegaMind says:

    Damn, I couldn’t have said it better….I don’t really like too many new school rappers, I respect them getting their bread but their music is interchangeable and mostly desposable (sp)…Ye actually started out making good, no GREAT music. His first 4 albums are solid staples in the genre…but he has gone astray. Dude annoys the shit outta me now, someone said it best earlier…he’s too intoxicated on FAME, nothing more, nothing less. He didn’t pull this ish on the WTT tour, now all of a sudden he wants to rant against the very thing that made him rich and he WANTED to be a part of???!

    The simplest things in life are NO DOUBT the truest…Be careful what you ask for. Everyone is not built mentally like Jay (and I’m not saying he’s perfect bc no one is and who know what goes on behind the doors) but Jay, Puff, Cube, LL, Snoop, Kast, Luda…these dudes are to be heralded! Some people can’t handle the trappings of fame. All the aforementioned has had trials and tribulations but they grow from them. But look at Nas, Em, Wayne…all are great in their own way…YES even Wayne (a lot to be said for 15+ in the game and still relevant)…but Nas hasn’t had the best biz acumen, Em and Wayne were/are functioning addicts.

    After Ye’s moms passed, he said Fk it…and i get that to a degree but you have to care about SOMETHING…you can’t have that attitude with everything…and we can’t say its in his music because the music has become more self-centered than whimsical and introspective like CDO, LR, Grad and 808…look at songs like Family Business, Jesus Walks, Heard Em’ Say, All Falls Down…to know Mercy, Runaway, So Appalled, Monster , Hell Of A Life “i’m a levitate and make the dvl wait” – not say they aren’t good song bc they are melodic but LISTEN to them and the content.

    Dude needs someone to talk to…for real…and Kim K AIN’T IT.
    May sound funny, etc…but if you are a fan of dukes…PRAY for him…he’s lost.

  21. Honestly says:

    Dope. Don’t care what y’all think… Cuz y’all don’t think

  22. Teejay says:

    Kanye is the black Axl rose…

  23. MrWest says:

    I had tickets 2 go and see him in ’07 Glow in the dark & ’08, i missed both, but hey i see him 2morrow!!! can’t fucking wait!!!

  24. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    hahahahaha@”he compared himself to everyone from Picasso to Steve Jobs to even Walt Disney.”…Stephen A. Smith voice: Kanye needs to be drug tested !!!

  25. Q says:

    He the new Game lol next he gonna say fuck Jay Z

  26. PistolPistol says:

    you could lock him in a room by himself and he would do the same shit….So blinded by unrealistic materialistic shit.
    fuck off Kanye West your a musician. get over yourself

  27. KANYE IS A GENIUS says:



  28. Foreign luccini says:

    Kanye getting niggas ready. He gonna haft to go on Maury when that baby born!!

  29. nino says:

    I’ve made 3 shows ans this one was the baddest… I can’t forget the Glow in the dark and Watch the throne.
    It was just an expansive fucking ego trip.

  30. Ridalen says:

    Even though he isn’t on a Walt disney Picasso level I think it’s dope he knows it’s possible. So many ppl look at these ppl with such reverence we don’t try to change the world as much as they did

  31. See(sic) says:

    I love the people trying to dissect these rants… It’s Kanye man, he’s giving you a snapshot of what his life is like, I don’t think we can ever know fully what it’s like in the belly of the beast. And he’s telling the truth

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